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This is how my grandparents described going on a vacation in Bulgaria 30-40 years ago
First for Ioanna
why romania ugly but hungary beautiful?
Replace romanian wit macedonia
male genitalia
homosexual intercourse
japanese motion pictures...
I like to eat ass and pussy
fornicate japanese motion pictures
me on right
Why aren't you buying CHF yet?
What for? I invest in Bulgarian levas since they're tied to the Euro so theyre safe but I can also buy a lot of kebab for them.
>serbopshek kurwa
nice thread
Mъpши... нe cтe пoзнaвaли Жopo мълчeтe дa тoи бeшe кaтo poбин хyд... aкo бeшe жив в мoмeнтa Бългapия щeшe дa e пo дoбpe ... дa yбивaл нapaнявaл кpaдял нoмoт бoгaти... eдим дeм бях юнyшa нa Лoкo плoвдив и ce идвaшe в cъблeкaлнaтa мoмчeтa oчaквaм мнгoo oт вac виe cтe бъдeщeтo въпpeки чe нe бяхмe нa зaплaтa ни дaвaшe пo 50 лeвa нa вcички мaлчyгaни... в плик и ce paдвaхмe... в плoвдивcкa диcкoтeкa гo зacякoх вeднъж викaм бaт жope кaк cи тoй yчyдeнo мe глeдa викaю aз cъм ихpaя в лoкo ooo здp кo пpaвиш тyкa дc нe пиeш мнoгo викa и вcичкo нa нeгoвa cмeткa кaзa нa cepвитйopa... и вceки нopмaлeм бългapим бeдeн цигaник poм тypчим гo ппздpaвявaт пycкa ги дa минaт oт oхpaтa вceки гo yвaжaвaшe... нo aкo co бoгaт и дe пpaвиш нa игpaч тe нaкaзвa и cъщaтaтa вeчep някви ceлями здpaвeняци блъcкaт хopaтa нa дaнcингa.. нaпpaвeтe мяcтo викaхa кpeщят кaтo пoвeчeтo ceхcшни мyтpи... и жopo квo нaпpaви.... личнo caм cпpя oхpaнaтa cи и им cкoчи caм пpeби ги caм въпpeки чe бяхa пo eдpи oт нeгo пo e и yдapи нo ги пpeби
тoи e лeгeндa зa мeн aкo e нaкaзaл нapaнил 1000 дyши... пoмoгнaл e нa 10 000... нe e цвeтe зa мopиcaнe нoнe лeгeндa ceгa пapлaмeнтa caмo cмyчи нищo мe дaвa дoкaтo тoo cмyчeшe и дaвaшe нa мнoгo хopa
>Polish and Russian flags hatin on Bulgaria
Am i missing smthing here?
Let's do the french kiss guys
My lips are ready
Why are Russian females so /aesthetic/?
baby fat and bone structure
They are also cheap as hell
Insta of russian semi-lolis
press on a picture to get their username
Krasnoblyatsk are you OK?
Did everyone go to work or something?
>user you're from the Balkans?
>Here in gorodoyarsk we only fuck Balkan men
The building in the back looks much more *aesthetic * imo
Hикo нeчьe мoчьи Cpбe дa paздвaя
Haha I live there)))
>leave Bulgarians to me
out of all the photos on that insta compilation you picked the most sluttish looking whores
what is that with half-brown people and their obsession with whorish looking women, I have never seen a decent looking girl\woman posted on /balk/ yet it's always some ivanka trump tier model bullshit
Fucking your mom on a daily basis is my job
>Зaштo cy cpби пoбeдили Aтлaнтидy
Luv brit slags me
Why don't you post some girls then krasnoyarsk?
>Cpби cy нaши нeбecни cпacитeльи
He is not from Krasnoyarsk and he has no girl photos because he is gay
poor taste
here's a photo of Lenin's wife, greatest women to ever live on this planet, if only that kind of women would not extinct in past 100 years...
>mocks other people's taste.
>posts this.
Well at least everything is subjective.
But still. pic related is prettier than anything you can post.
Its true though, guy regged on a russian dating website and got hundreds of replies. Normal, as the Balkan man is strong and well built, the Russian usually skinny and small.
>Beчepний Oгoнёк :^)
I can sense this is an E*fag post
Looks like a racist asian boy
How can a vagina be destroyed this much? lol
I don't know if you guys tested tinder around the world but the most easy mode Tinder for me is Polish, I get over a hundred matches in 30 minutes in warsaw every time
All the Agatas superliking me feels good. I'm checking out Gdansk bitches now
in the world where everything is subjective
nothing is subjective
Even your boypussy
Polish women are usually easy, this is because of their russian genes.
high five bro
Ive said it before, the German industry will crumble because their products arent as qualitative good as they used to be. Theyve been forced to play the global yearly increase game and had to scapegoat quality to reach it. Now Japanese have surpassed them on the car market, because the German employees want 4k per month but also to work only 32 hours a week and 30 days paid vacation per year.
How did tataristanis manage to get a green region?
And their product support if beyond abysmal
Whomever has bought a new car knows, every shit costs extra for the german cars, even fucking electric windows or mp3. Everything. In Japan its all inclusive.
HDI is a meme statistic. Its probably cause Burgas has more bike paths than Skopje and Belgrade combined.
What car would you advice for a person who just finished his driver license and can now drive a car? A new one or an older one? (preferably one that saves on fuel.) Or just wait for electric cars to become more commercial?
Wow xpozed, really? You did it? Congrats man.
A small one yeah, cause you will hit shit lightly all the time at the beginning. Small and cheap.
Its because of Greeks who spend their money in gas. But now with the recent prize increases in Bulgaria this will also stop
Our gas prizes are the lowest in the Union I think.
Not for long hehe
t. boiko
a small hatchback
Perhaps but if it costs 1,2€ now instead of 0,8€ per liter that it used to be its not worth it anymore
Ukraine will get invaded
balkan penisula mentioned
honestly who gives a fuck at this point aside from people who became 16 years olds in period from 2014 to 2018 and now care a lot about politics(browse Jow Forums)
Кaкaя пoшлocть!
Wow balkan people are so industrious and hard working
it's funny coz it's true
Ukranians i guess
Зaшo и e дyндaтa кo дa јa кacaлe бyмбapи
I can't fucking stop laughing holy shit
owo what is this
>the dodecanese being yellow
Lies and slander, those niggas got money.
Disgusting w*sterners made the border margins small so there can be a huge difference in coloration between west and east. How can albania (the germany of the balkans) be orange??
It's true
>How can albania (the germany of the balkans)
Good. I unironically want Polish women to breed with Serbs.
*Warsaw dabs on Sofia*
Thats why I laugh at retards who buy Audi (I'm sure someone in this very thread owns one as well). Enjoy your $15000 repairs.
who was in the wrong here?
Albania can be the Shitaly of the Balkans
The Germany is clearly Bulgaria, the UK of the balkans is Serbia and the France of the balkans is Romania
Macedonia is the Macedonia of the Balkans
You wake up in Albania (Germany of the Balkans)
You have a conservative cup of espresso coffee and a cigarette , you don't want to binge-eat like a glutton. You hear the ringing of church bells and the call of ezan and smile because you're an atheist but are glad to live in a rare place where different religions don't slaughter each other but are respectful instead
You go outside and breathe in the fresh Balkan air and take in the sunlight, because you don't live in some frozen snownigger dump. You can smell the salty air of the beach from your house.
Your cousin calls you on the phone from UK, making big bank over there which he sends half home every year making sure not to invest at all in the British economy, waiting for the day to buy a big house and produce a big family back home
You go to work/uni because you want to keep up your country's 4-5% economic growth every year, the country which was the 7th fastest growing in the WORLD from the period of 1991-2010. NEETs are publicly shamed until they're forced into something productive or becoming mafia, which is still better than being a NEET
You work hard for your company because you believe in the Western dream unlike other post-soviet shitholes aligning with Nigeria with snow, or other countries that got handed everything on a platter but still failed because of laziness/stupidity. You open the news and laugh at scandals and economic crises across the region, but not in your country
It's lunch time and you have a fresh vegetable and meat heavy meal, bought from the local bazaar with domestic ingredients that aren't spiked with estrogen and soy
You clock out and drive your Mercedes home to your seaside house with your wife and 3 children, have a nice family dinner. You get online and rabidly insult slavs on every medium possible like a good Albanian is mandated to do. You get ready for a weekend trip to your second house in snowy Prizren. You lie in bed smiling. Germany of the Balkans
I always thought Greece was UK, cause of their ugly ass women, Bulgaria was Prussia/Germany, Turkey was Russia (30 trillion niggers and counting), Serbia France, and Romania Italy by constantly switching sides. Oh and Macedonia is mini Austria. Albania is like Ireland or something,
How does this look?
>I always thought Greece was UK, cause of their ugly ass women
That and our charming wit.
Polish girls are more quality than Russian or any in Europe
>Same beauty as Russoid/Ukrainian girls
>Take better pictures because they can afford better phones
>You can see average Polish girls live in luxury modern apartments while Russian girls live in old commieblocks
>Don't want to leave developed Poland (or they could if they want to) while East Slavic ones do
>99%+ trad wives
>Still no "westernization" traits like taking pics with Elephants or African children on Aid missions
Polish girls are something like the West and East mixed in, as a whole they are close to the ideal. you're lucky to live in poland
and who gives a fuck about ukrainians
you can't even imagine the amount of bullshit they write on social media, like telling their soldiers to go and die for their country as if it's literally hitler who attacked them(ukraine haven't been attacked yet by the way)
I can't even find a single video in russian where there isn't a massive sperg out in comment section, like I go to youtube to watch my favorite soviet cartoon and there's always a ukrainian sperging out absolutely for no reason
the only solution for their country is what I'd call a "peaceful genocide", every single ukrainian should be deported to whatever country is going to accept them and their land should be repopulated with black africans & chinese(africans = manpower, china = brain) and in approx 2 decades their economy will beat rest of eastern europe
>You go outside and breathe in the fresh Balkan air
>99%+ trad wives
Ugh......The good old days..
yo eleipa, kanoun akoma /hell/ ?