I'm currently trying to learn the best ways to invest...

I'm currently trying to learn the best ways to invest. I'm currently 14 years old and have been doing summer jobs mowing peoples lawns. I've been saving up for the past 4 years working after school doing things like mowing lawns and in the winters I shovel driveways. I've been able to save up $21,000 doing this.

I really don't want to work past the age of 35. I plan on going into the trades and hopefully being able to make some good money. A journeyman HVAC technician in my area makes $65 an hour so I'm just waiting to graduate school to go that route most likely since college is a joke with no prospects after you finish.

Can some wise people from here help me out with advice? I really am willing to listen and follow some advice. With this $21,000 should I just put it into bitcoin and buy 3 bitcoins now? I'm sorry for the new questions this is my first time ever posting on here.

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research the market and lurk more for around 2-3 months. In the next posts you will be assaulted by shillers and you will not know what anything means.

>21k at 14
Your already doing better than half this board user. Dont buy bitcoin though. its has shit governance that cant even agree on a block size limit. buy eos if you want safe investment or buy dero if you want high risk but super high reward

>buy eos if you want safe investment or buy dero if you want high risk but super high reward

like clockwork

Buy TKC on Nasdaq/Nyse, its my biggest hold, can only go up.
Also advise Newell

Are we LARPing as little kids now in the hopes that Jow Forums might not be so vicious and give some decent advice?

Everyone around me at school wants to waste their money on a fucking car or stupid iphones. They're just do weird they want to waste all of the money their parents give them. I don't have that luxury my parents are poor and we don't live luxuriously. I save everything I own and work for.

I figure I need to start to have my money work for me since I am still young. I hope I'm not wasting time by trying to learn all of this stuff about money at a young age instead of trying to pursue a relationship.

I find most women at my age to be fucking retarded and I can not relate to any of the kids my age. They are all caught up in the latest shitty rap music and garbage.

>can only go up.
This is what people buying bitcoin at $20k said faggot. also, he's just a kid... he cant buy your boomer stocks.

Learn how to analyze financial statements Q1-4 and annual

Saves you a lot of heardache and proper investment without it is impossible

1) never put all your money into one investment. NEVER.

2) be patient, never FOMO. If everyone is rushing into some kind of investment, it is probably too late to catch that train. As an investor/trader, you should be a bit of a contrarian and look what people are disregarding. Watch that and when positive fundamentals come, pounce.

3) don't day trade

And above all: If something is too good to be true, it most likely is. 1% interest per day doesn't sound too bad? Well, guess what, it is unsustainable because it becomes an exponentially increasing amount of money. So, learn basic math on how to gauge the viability of investments.

Except stocks have underlying fundamentals, the one I am talking about is overdumped due to exposure to the Turkish Lira, your move...

invest in index fund biannually

Step 1: Never take advice from a Jow Forumstard felling you something “can only go up”

no fren. i am 18. i started in crypto when i was 16. trust me. once you /makeit/ the rest will come. desu $21k isnt that much and it is definately not enough for you to make it with just investments.

My advice is:
>learn programming basics
>go to webdev bootcamp for like $2k
Now you have a skill that companies will already hire you for $40k a year. so you have guaranteed backup plan. This will only take a month or two.

do outsourced webdev work, you will earn far more than lawnmowing. Then invest 90% of what you make into crypto. The other 10% saved for emergency funds.

Idk about u but I been on here since 14

also, if you invest in just bitcoin you will have to put like $1 million in to make it. Buy smaller caps instead.

only real post ITT
everyone else is trying to sell you something (scam you), OP
the sad truth is, saving 21k at 14 through your own work would make you part of the top 0.01% of the population when it comes to agency and wisdom. which means most of the advice you'll get, no matter how old and respectable the person, is likely going to be dumber than what you could have thought yourself
the best investment you can make is your pattern recognition and research skills. in any financial venture, determine the money you're willing to lose beforehand, then slash the amount you invest to half of that

Better buy WYS token, this is mobile shopping app atm for android, will come soon for apple. This will make your money 10X in some weeks. You can get now very cheap at IDEX. This is easy money making. Just give it a try. This is a German company with only German developers, no pajeets...
Check out their website: wystoken.org

Guys, what I am ‘shilling’ is a blue chip stock, it wont go up from 21k. I have no vested interest.

And kid, always do your own research. Try to buy Assets-Liabilities=Marketcap.
Buy companies you believe will have a usecase now and 10 years from now.
Constantly question why you have a company and clarify it to yourself, if you can’t, sell it.
There is no such thing as sunken costs, if a company halves in MC and is going for bankruptcy, sell! Don’t hold on for longer than you should. Finally, try to predict the market, are we going to expand retract. Should I hedge with gold or oil? Which commodity will be useful?

That will be all

>I'm currently 14 years old
make sure you fuck as many chicks as you can now

It may save you from a lifetime subscription to Jow Forums

DYOR. Don't buy anything that is shilled here. Look into a value average strategy. Don't fall for the day trading meme. Just make sure you pick quality projects, even if you are taking more risk as an early adopter. Have a target up front and plan to exit when your target is reached, no exceptions.

Here is some real advice:

• Don't buy any cryptocurrencies. They are all trash
• Read up on diversification and compound interest
• Most importantly, invest in an index fund. Its basically a collection of stocks from across the market so its value moves with the market index. Historically the market gains about 7% per year. One of the best things you can do when investing money is invest EARLY. This is because the power of compound interest (look this up too). Index funds have low fees because they are not managed (managed means someone is paid to choose the stocks in the fund).

Low fees, solid, compounded returns means you will make bank long term. If you invested 21K at 14 you would on average have 21K * (1.07 ^ 4) or 27,526 by the time you are 18.

Follow the calls in our discord, learn and slowly build your stack.


that being said. Dont invest all at once, google "dollar averaging" to know how to scale into bitcoin for example. Good luck user.

>its has shit governance that cant even agree on a block size limit
They did agree on a blocksize limit, that's why most of the hashrate is on BTC and not on BCH.
Consensus declared that we want to learn to use the available blockspace in a smarter and more efficient way before we go onto expand it and start losing decentralization and increase orphan blocks.
Certainly having all your eggs in BTC is not a good idea, but if you invest $1k in BTC, and the other $20k in S&P500 or whatever index funds, you'll do fine.
OP can retire at 35, and he's on a good path already. He's still young so risky investments are ok, and putting $1k in BTC is certainly risky, but not a lot of money.
OP, go check out Jow Forumspersonalfinance and Jow Forumsfinancialindependence on reddit, just check the sidebar for interesting links about what you actually need. What you're looking for is called FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early). Basically when you have enough investments, you can withdraw around 4% every year, and the investments will still keep growing, and you don't need to work anymore.
And good work on saving so much. Don't waste it.

Also what this guy said, but don't just trust us, keep doing research

BUY WYS token, instant cash creation by trading on IDEX, buy cheap now and sell high in two weeks.

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OP, to give you a couple of examples of what to avoid:

> buy eos if you want safe investment or buy dero if you want high risk but super high reward
Someone who FOMOs into the hype coin of the day and wants to pull you down to his level. As I wrote above, disregard the shilled investment vehicles and look for the things that are overlooked. EOS is already in the top of the crypto market and has hardly room to grow in the short term. And DERO gets shilled here every other week, even though they have zero traction with their product.

>Buy TKC on Nasdaq/Nyse, its my biggest hold, can only go up.
Those bags are heavy? Red flag, OP, if someone tells you things can only go up. That's a lie and it means this person is dishonest.

>Better buy WYS token, this is mobile shopping app atm for android, will come soon for apple. This will make your money 10X in some weeks
Another one trying to steal your money. No one knows if it is 10x or -30% in some weeks.

>invest in index fund biannually
This should be part of your investment portfolio and if you dollar cost average into a fund, you will be less exposed to price fluctuations.

Jesus Christ, actual boomers lurking got their fatherly instinct triggered and are recommending stocks to this kid. Fucking lol.

Millenials are given the golden opportunity of unregulated altcoins.

in the grand scheme of things, no shill seriously believes an anonymous post will net him any financial gain. shilling is more often about psychological comfort: through telling someone else about their personal investment, they convince themselves their own choices are sound
the fiverr pajeet you can mentally filter easily. it's the man who genuinely wants to give you a hand (and believes it too) you should be wary of

And the chance to lose it all.
Altcoins, lol.
No altcoin is worth more than it was worth 3 years ago, in terms of BTC value.