I want a boyfriend

i want a boyfriend

Attached: 4d4.png (640x640, 36K)

I want you to stop LARPing as a femanon

I want quality threads

I only date women who have bigger dick than me.

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and i want you~

Make them.

i want int gf

i want to pretend to have affection for an italian chick when in reality im just using her for sex because i wanna fuck an arab chick

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tutti gli italiani sono carini

I also want one.


zitto animale

Mi dispiace


I want to be a player but my wheels aren’t fly

pls stop making fun of me :(

Are they fly for a white guy?

italian/arab same thing
also based

Are you the "virgin" 24 year old who only does anal?

Here she is

Attached: 85D8CC28-1661-4479-A7E0-3FB04D706079.jpg (399x398, 35K)

hell no

Attached: pp,550x550.u3.jpg (406x550, 32K)

extremely based

why does she look like fever nightmare
is this a fashion or subculture

I-is it y-you?

Attached: Italfu.webm (640x1136, 592K)

no she is chaste

Attached: beady eyes are CUTE.jpg (210x240, 8K)

I know ;-; I just want to hold her man. Why must we desire what we can't have?

Attached: ItalianIntGirl.jpg (640x852, 184K)

And I want a Japanese gf, but I know that's never gonna happen.

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You are all a bunch of retards.

Purge this board already.


Mega based.

I don't want to hold someone that doesn't feel love. I would like her to give me advice and things though.

you are very shallow if you want someone just based on pictures

Attached: B0uJSGnIMAEzbxy.jpg (584x292, 33K)


everyone except me.

i can single handedly make this board cool.

>is this a fashion or subculture
Neither. It's a mental illness.