i want a boyfriend
I want a boyfriend
I want you to stop LARPing as a femanon
I want quality threads
I only date women who have bigger dick than me.
and i want you~
Make them.
i want int gf
i want to pretend to have affection for an italian chick when in reality im just using her for sex because i wanna fuck an arab chick
tutti gli italiani sono carini
I also want one.
zitto animale
Mi dispiace
I want to be a player but my wheels aren’t fly
pls stop making fun of me :(
Are they fly for a white guy?
italian/arab same thing
also based
Are you the "virgin" 24 year old who only does anal?
Here she is
hell no
extremely based
why does she look like fever nightmare
is this a fashion or subculture
I-is it y-you?
no she is chaste
I know ;-; I just want to hold her man. Why must we desire what we can't have?
And I want a Japanese gf, but I know that's never gonna happen.
You are all a bunch of retards.
Purge this board already.
Mega based.
I don't want to hold someone that doesn't feel love. I would like her to give me advice and things though.
you are very shallow if you want someone just based on pictures
everyone except me.
i can single handedly make this board cool.
>is this a fashion or subculture
Neither. It's a mental illness.