Gogeta edition
/Mashriq/ + /MENA/
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Good afternoon
2nd for Death to frog posters
>2 posters
you're OP, my friend
>dragon ball niggery
How do you reply?
Is it wrong to be first? Particularly for Africa...
>things that din't exist
there's no answer to give to a question that doesn't exist
It is don't not din't. Learn how to spell.
Can you tell me why Tunisians look at Algerians like gods?
or i just mistyped, look at where i and o are placed on your keyboard
Spaniards were so gay...
That sure is a shit cover up. I like how angry you are. Just lol at you to be honest! It is too late to save face at this point. Just accept your defeat.
I don't think that is from Andalucia. It's probably Ottoman.
>not part of MENA
ded like my chances of MeNa gf
i know your grandfather farouk he is my neighbour his other wife is a nice lady
is this guy serious ahahahaahhaha it's the other way around
no you owe explanation stop dodging the question
>inferiours to me
stop spamming this shit l'houbbino
cringe go back to /b/
chill a bit
f o c k o f f a g g o t
you say nothing to people who spamm everyday with whole threads , and you bully me here , fag
Sup lads
sup fags
hi Tunisia
mmmm i lik it babe
snd moare
go pray
No I'll go to sleep. Goodnight /MENA/
How slutty are Arab (particularly Khaleeji) girls? Are they DTF? What if they are pious muslimas?
unlimited kindness does one nothing good probably because most people are not worthy of it or pure enough
depends on the person
people don’t care about you no matter how "kind" or "considerate" you are to them, they care first about themselves and they might be right
why do some arabs get so butthurt when other arabs try to intergrate into soceity? a girl told me people will call her names for even speaking to me and ask her why she wants to be a swede instead of arab in a mean way.
its funny because its the same people that are whining about not being accepted by soceity that bullies other people to not be part of our soceity.
pride in their culture obviously
from where were they from?
sounds a little bit upset :( today, wanna talk about it friend??
How about you go to sleep instead of spending the next 8 hours bumping this shithole with your never ending complains and getting into fights with LARPin internet jihadis
you shouldn't speak to arab girls if there father or brother isn't present with them people are right shame on you both astaghfirullah
Yes but to be part of soceity does not mean to give up your culture. she tells them this but they don't listen because they have the IQ of a cum tissue
why do you behave like that towards me these days? You used to be kinder and more respectful.. I mean it's obvious. My heart hurts so I feel like venting a little and I will stop once people told me to stop like in the past. It's not even complaining. As for getting into fights, I shitposted with him to occupy myself. you're right that I need more sleep though.
you don't understand
there is difference between being a "arab swedish scientist , footballer , have good job , succesful in your life" and being a "arab swedish whore , gay , degenerate ...."
being civilized doesn't mean being a whore just because wearing half naked clothes are part of Western civilization
this is the problem , when you tell me arabs are thugs , lazy and doesn't work , yes this is true and they must be bullied to wake up , but don't tell me an arab girl must be a whore to be accepted in a society just because "we are in 2018 dude you must be degenerate"
You think most swedes dont look down upon wearing clothes like a whore?
no one wants them except other degenerates, in fact most people are not like this.
The thing is arabs seem to think the same way lots of retarded white trash think about arabs, that they are all terrorists as some arabs think we are all degenerates because of a few retards.
I don't want arab women to dress like whores, but to dress normal, or if they want to keep their hijab on thats fine too. but clothing is not the problem at all, wear what ever the fuck you want.
western soceity does not mean gay pride, homosexuality, dressing like a whore and degeneracy those are just unfortunate things like terrorism, extremism and war is in the middle east
Because western is haram and u are kafir.
why r u so sensitive online
no ..... you are mixing things
terrorism (arab) and degeneracy (west) aren't same in term of stats , none of this terrorism existed some decades ago before all the western policies in the region (just saying btw , i know you are talking about retards who talk in general)
in the other hand , degeneracy is a real thing , all of this relationships , divorce , illegal children and other things .. ffs those things are very high here can you imagine your countries ?
a brother and father have the right to stop his sister/daughter from going to a strange dude to play with her body for years and then leave her , and again those are real things and high stats and will always end up badly
but i'm pretty sure this is the only issue , plz don't tell me they are bullying them because they want to be "successful in their lives and giving them good image" , none of this happen , generally they will support them , the only problem is degeneracy ... and you can prove me wrong
I realize I might have overreacted but it's the third time that one is behaving a little bit aggressive on my subject and I'm not in the mood
marg bar iran
marg bar kham*nei
marg bar n*tanyahu
marg bar kh*mmies
false flag big nose jew here
kill shitskins
of course if they want to protect them from degenerates i can understand, no problem with that, if i had kids i wouldnt want them to hang around those kinds of people, if my daughter gets together with a man I'd kill him myself if he just wanted to fuck her and leave her.
no real western man would have a diffrent opinion.
problem is that they isolate themselves (not only their fault, partly our government too)
also a big problem as to why immigrants have a hard to succeed here is because they are bullied by other immigrants, the girl that i talked to for example, she told me she will not be able to succeed in sweden because she gets no interaction with swedish people, she has lived here for long but her swedish skills are really bad because she never gets the chance to speak swedish because she is being bullied for it. they cannot be successful if they have this mindset that the western world is out to get them and turn them all into faggots, because its not true.
if they want to succeed they have to be part of our soceity, we are not all gigantic homosexuals, never have been, when you come out into the real sweden you will realize it.
I cast all of you to the shadow realm
That's because araps are gay and hate women, can't you see the pattern?
They literally make their qt grills wear a fucking sheet in their faces, I'll say let's bring all them cute arap grills here and let them arap fags rape goats and chickens
They are gay
Ksmk bin 9999999 shrmou6a 3ltak 97ab manayik
i agree with you from the first post , i'm just a person in centre
i hate arabs you talked about in your last post , if any one like this he must go back to his country .. but in same time i hate people (generally from extreme right) who say "you must wear x and do y and drink w because this is how we do here"
sometimes you need to put yourself in their places , idk if you are native swed or another ethnicity , but a lot of those migrants have inferiourity complexe, they hear everyday "you are not swed , you are migrant , you will never be a swed" , how they wil act ? of course they will go back to their culture and doesn't want to integrate and hate people who do it
i always realize that thing in algerian migrants in france , when french politics are good "we are all french , algeria is only our country of origin we don't care" , when french politics are shit "vive algeria fuck france , we are algerians"
Politics play big role , and it's not only arabs , you just talk about this thing because we live in a period of "arab immigration" , but go back in history and you will find same thing happened with other people , and will happen to others in future
you said it yourself , they are bullied and they bully others , and this is the nature of bullies , you will never find a bully who isn't bullied by people stronger than him , but if politics were good , people will integrate with pleasure
I agree that bullying creates more bullies, but I think that these bullies are created by extremists because swedes are not bullies, just have a big fucking ubermensch mentality, swedes think even though they wont admit it that immigrants are weak and cant take care of themselves, that all immigrants have to be protected from other white people because they are too subhuman to do it temselves, i hate this view that all these ''humanitarians'' have. so i guess in a way its swedes fault for it being so, but politics are a big factor in this, sweden is an apartheid state created by the government, not that its illegal to talk to non swedes but they have been cut off from the rest of the population which has made it so its hard to contact each other. but people who point this out are ''nationalist racists'' or muslim hating syrian christians.
and to explain the ''you will never be swedish'' thing, most believe that yes you can become swedish, but as long as you dont behave swedish or speak swedish you wont be swedish.
those who say ''everyone is swedish'' just want to sweep all the problems under the rugs and act in their ubermensch way, thinking they saved the day.
the girl i talked to said herself that she will never be fully swedish because of how bad intergration is and this bullying because she talks with swedes not because of swedes themselves.
i just wish we could kick out the retards that create problems for the others.
any of you guys got any good nasheeds?
maybe you already know this one?
dunno desu
I never got the appeal of nasheed
goodnight everyone
These trials which are facing the ummah, from the unification of the nations of disbelief against it and the coalition of countries, are but a confirmation of the promise (of Allah swt), so we do not say except as the first generations of the pious companions of the prophet (pbuh) said: "And when the believers saw the coalitions, they said, "This is what Allah and His Messenger had promised us, and Allah and His Messenger spoke the truth." And it increased them only in faith and acceptance." 33:22
For it is only one killing and one death. Then it is the honor that sees no end ever. Beware that you leave a town except that you make it an inferno for these criminal infidels. Ambush them on every front and path, and prepare for them ied after ied and "kill them wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush" 9:5