
how many do you know?

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>37 people???

what means?

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Am I going mad or is that Enrique Peña Nieto in front on both the right and left sides?


>37 world leaders
>only 2 identify as women and 1 as a post-gender hero

Why is the G20 so sexist?




If something would happen, an attack, that will kill every single last one of those

What would happen? Wars, widespread chaos?

I can tell you what country 15 of them belong to but off the top of my head I only know the name of 11.5

Who was the Jannetty?

No, the stock markets would dip as a result of instability, then every country would follow the protocols in place for just such an occassion, the markets would bounce back, and things would continue as usual. For some countries it would be a significant improvement.

Doesn't include guests but you can check your answers here

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>MBS behind Temer

Run nigga, run!

Your face when you are the 14th economy in the world but you are not in the G20 because there is too many Europeans.

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Why does uncle dolan wear such garbage fitting suits ?


who's the german one?

Don't worry user, the EU, Argentina and Mexico represents you!

left top

based indonesian obama

Like we don't sneak Spain in every single meeting

Where's Merkel? Is that Steinmeier behind Putin's right shoulder?

Seconded. The other assholes need to leave.

We would destroy whoever did it but all of those leaders have a line of successors.

all of them

Why aren't we invited? :(

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You're the one who wanted to be a special snowflake.

Spain is permanently invited to every G20.

He's too fat, how would you make that look good?

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They are like a permanent guest for some reason. Same with the AU.

Another useless global organization

>Australia above Spain

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G20 is 19 plus the EU. Blame the EU.

Asia - China, India, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea
Oceania - Australia (not sure if I should count it as Asian or not)
European - France, Germany, Italy, Russia, UK
Middle East - Saudi Arabia, Turkey
Americas - Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, US
Africa - South Africa lol

>Airbus 340-313

Based France


Do you know which one is the Dutch leader?

Where is Finland? Finland is always top in these kind of lists. Finland!

Here I think.

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that is gdp. it does not count- it is bullshit statistic.
we have too small population and we focus our wealth on other things. dont worry about it brother. we are the best. never forget that we are the best. in the world. the best in the world.

is it the guy behind macron and may?

probably the tallest

Netherlands recognized

>putin is smaller than Xi and Abe

So much for the most powerful man in the world.

He's pretty cute tbqh


Merkel couldn't come

20 actually, didn't recognise Australia's PM at first

would alter the course for china,saudi arabia and russia in a huge way.
Most other leaders are elected, and therefor replaceable by design.

South Africa gets to go, eventhough they aren't in the top 20.
Even on a global level, africans need affirmative action.

literally who?

I major in International Studies and I get really mad at people here not realizing how much of an honor is to be part of that group.

each g20 president has the right to invite another president outside of the g20.

>EU represented

jesus, i guess Farage is right after all
all european """""countries"""" are just puppets of (((who knows who)))

It has to be evenly distributed geographically


For more 'autocratic' countries, it would be pretty big in regards to their internal politics. For most, it would be a minor economic and political blip, quickly overcome.

Economically, Australia definitely comes under 'Asia'.

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Pretty sure it's not useless to the powers that be, mate.

I recognize May, Trump, Jinping, Putin, and MbS

G20 is 85% of global GDP
WTF i hate wh*tes

Ah, yeah. fair enough. I wasn't looking at it from an economic standpoint. Should have.

at least they don't have the cognitive dissonance some gommies have, calling everyone imperialists but leaving China out

please nuke my country lmao

Mygod we r close to El Trumpo, maga

>french plane

Attached: french spurdo.jpg (320x320, 16K)

why isn't l'empereur waving

Being a manlet is almost a prerequisite for being Russia's head of state. Well, execpt for that Pete dude. He was a big guy

>Macron was greeted by a man in a yellow jacket upon landing in Buenos Aires
Based argies

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you're retarded if you think we're in the G20 for being relevant. we're there for crawling back to the USA and the IMF like a little bitch.

our leader changes on a yearly basis without any election so it would mean absolutely nothing to us

>Australia literally has half the population of Spain and a larger GDP
Is this the power of the Anglo?

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Lmao why are they all waving?


wtf no austria



You clearly know jackshit about history, economy and world politics.
Yes, we were IMF's top student in the 90s, but that doesn't mean we are not relevant.
You are taking only our gdp into account and not all the strategic resources the developed nations increasingly depend on, plus, in their eyes, we are a counterbalance to Brazil's hefemony in the region.
>inb4 other posters calling me out
The fact that you are from x contry doesn't make you an expert.

I recognize trump, erdogan, may, macron, abe, bolsanaro, jinpeng, putin, msb, modhi, trudeau, moon jae in, macri

Not sure who else

Theresa May

he's not there
he's not even the president yet

where are you guys seen him?
and why are you spelling his name wrong

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I didn't see him I just assumed he was there

fuck off with this meme retard

EPN, erdogan, may, macron, drumpf, abe, the argie guy, macri or smth, pooh, lee hsien loong, poutine, scomo, mark rutte, weedman, modi, moon jae-in, paul kagame, the journalist murdering king guy

Only the ones from relevant countries

Attached: the CHAD high five.webm (600x338, 1.92M)

I only know traitors

Erdogan, JVPITER, Dr*mpf, Abe, Macri, papi Xi, Piñera and Putin.

Black guy
Brown guy
Chinese brown guy
Russian guy
Obama guy
Black guy
Indian slave of British who is now a president of west indies?
Another Russian guy
Angela Merkel
Ron Paul
Prakash zavdekar
Wish I was at home watching links. How do I even pose?
Super chimese guy
Fuck it I'm tired typing

That's 20 yo.

G20 is a poor man's G7 centered around G7 + emerging economies, which means some of advanced yet middle sized economies are displaced by similar sized emerging economies.