>Currently writing an essay on the significance of Carl Jung in the modern world. Not for a university assignment either, just doing it for the pleasure of the activity
does browsing Jow Forums make you mentally ill (eventually) ?
Sing oak and ash and thorn, my love
All on a midsummer's morn!
Surely we sing of no little thing
With oak and ash and thorn!
The UK should've taken all of central america and murdered all the natives
Marcus Hausen
hello i was sent here to shit up the thread
why not? without it the usa wouldn't have existed today
feel sympathy for mark. i want mark to do well
never liked tim though, always hated that repulsive little cunt, he brought it on himself and deserves worse than he's getting
ill do the work for you:
Title: Carl Jung: Still a relevant thinker?
Thesis: Carl Jung is still a relevant thinker today.
Argument: He actually isn't.
Post-Scriptum: This nigga believed in mindreading
finnish women? big fan
yeah, can tell you were always mentally ill though
Only Sicily and the good yank are allowed
>"user did you just take a photo of my brapf, you fucking creep!???!!"
Mark has his whole life ahead of him. Tim is just a sad little 60 year old man living alone.
it made me mentally ill but i grew up on /b/ from ages roughly 13 to 17
did you like my post /brit/?
vintage choon
got soooooooooooo many screenplay ideas
i thoroughly enjoyed it
we couldn't because snidey yank cunts would have turned on us if we went too far
almost suez all over again
you're only our ally when it benefits you, as soon as push comes to shove, america will not hesitate to push britain under the bus
brown hands typed this post
group of munters
Honoured to have made it into the /brit/ title desu.
What's the story with this pic?
Bio oil smeared hands tapped out this post
how old is mark?
wouldn't be shocked if he was surprisingly young but looks old from a cretinous lifestyle
nice insult
do you know if there is a way out of this shithole?
toil from 8-4 tomorrow haha
Usually picking up parcels from other companies and dropping them off with our guys at other warehouses who then ship them, a lot of it is express shipping for women's clothes that are ordered online.
Sometimes I have to work in our warehouse scanning parcels and packing them into units that we send, it's pretty shit but still better than where I was 4 months ago (NEET)
*strolls into the thread*
My life has improved since i started browsing Jow Forums in 2006
better vintage choon
according to the wiki, this was supposed to be a british take on early rap
*calls you a nigger, sending you scampering back to africa*
entertain me, I'm bored
hold up a minute
this cannot be, seeing all these explicit content will eventually mess around with your head
>do you know if there is a way out of this shithole?
wait for it to get shut down by the government. then 15 years after that we can all get interviewed for a documentary about how wild the internet used to be back when it wasn't all restricted
in a utopian society she would be imprisoned along with all her kind
He has NO chin, but it doesn't matter because he's impregnated a fat Jewess billionaire-ess and he's onto a win.
Mad when you think about it
oi peng mutt girl
bored got ages of toil tomorrow want to watch bottom but i can recite all the episodes with my eyes closed
good for you man. must get lonely though yeah? driving around all day with no outside contact?
can i come to australia and kip on your sofa until i get settled and my own place sorted?
He's playing the Crusader Kings 2 strategy. Have killer genetics and just marry up.
>new anti-4channel sponsor meme it's created tho
Any examples??
happy st andrews day everyone
Want them slobbering on my nob
i wasnt really trying but can you tell im french?
He's 48 or 49, forget which. It's actually a shame he deleted all his old videos as there was an awful lot of pathos in some of them, which was being brought on by his soon-to-be-50 mindset.
thought that song was about satanism and depression (sadness) back in the days cause of the creepy choir chants
wasn't till years later I learned it was about that Marquis De Sade (sadEness) guy and it was even much darker than I'd previously thought
so funny when you see foreigners say things like peng
i want to hear them say it on vocaroo in their silly accents
No chin but really good check bones
If he had a stinger chin he would look much older as opposed to younger
scottish lad at toil was seething he had to work today haha
toil? on a saturday???
He has killer aesthetic genetics, but I doubt he's high IQ. Still, I'm glad for him really because I know that Philip Green is raging inside at his daughter marrying a Goy
No it just stops being a shock to you. Still find gays to be revolting subhumans and stuff like that.
I could tell you're probably not an anglo
I couldn't have nailed it down to French though, I believe
>He's playing the Crusader Kings 2 strategy
At toil waiting to start
despise toil people
In all fairness you can't get no worse than the majority of british accents.
Don't h@ me
I just realized you all are monolingual
>The title is a combination of the words "Sade" and "sadness." "Sade" refers to Marquis de Sade, a French novelist whose sexual activities gave us the word "sadism." He believed sex had to be painful in order to be pleasurable.
wew, never cared to look it up before
i am thankful it is the weekend for i have not toil until monday
fucks sake clean bandit are based as fuck
he's a good man at heart, i love him tbf
i know he's gone for pints with viewers before, would ironically travel down to devon and buy him a few pints
looks like a weimaraner
Trilingual. Check yourself fag
not me :)
I actually only speak half a languafe: butchered Engrish
LOL believe we're just as bad. but that was nice tbf, smiled the entire time
He's said before he's fine if people just knock on his door to say hello or whatever, what he really means though is if they also bring presents
ich habe your dick mum
i speak dutch also
Business idea: The Dorito Tax, a tax on the import of Doritos to protect our youth from its corrupting influence
hahahaha you guys are awful, I love it
so do you foreigners learn english from school or just by consuming american/british culture?
>qt girl from work followed me on twitter now she doesn't have a bf
>Don't talk to her a lot but the girl im friends with does
she wants the d right lads
What about dorito sauce?
you can mock us but you will never be able to understand what it feels like to rock up in pretty much ANY country in the world and simply speak your local language and the strange foreign people understand you
a finn can't even being to imagine such a concept
I learned it from being born and educated in England for 24 years.
yeah lmao
can't remember the last time I sang out loud
might have a sad cum (bb)
en fait non mon cherry
Is Google translate broken
*departs the thread*