Does your country take care of its poor elderly people?

Does your country take care of its poor elderly people?

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Were the cops called?

They threatened to call the police, but they did not call the police. She was not shot.

In the video video, a male restaurant employee approaches the unwelcome diner sitting at a corner table and tells her to go.

The woman argues with the worker and remains seated.

‘I just don’t want to have to call the police and have them escort you out,’ the employee said.

A brief back-and-forth follows. The worker tells the woman she could call the corporate number printed on her coffee cup. The woman grabbed her bag and walked out without finishing her meal.

the prospect of me having to take care of my parents is fucking dreadful
I need to find a manual for dysfunctional families or sth

make your siblings take care of mom and dad

>An elderly couple amassed 80 000 rubles ($1200) of debt for the gas over 2 years
>The husband suffered operations and can't move very well, his wife has cancer
>Paying for their deceased son's credit
>The gas service cuts the supply this November when temperature outside is -10'C
>Man takes a new credit, pays 3/4 of the debt, but the gas service refuses to resume supply and demand full payment
>Temperature inside drops to +5'C and on 14 November the woman dies

Shart in mar- wait.

the elderly deserve our respect. We all grow old like them

doodoo in macdoo

>the elderly deserve our respect.
>We all grow old like them
How are these statements connected?

Right now most people will try to live as long as possible because they're afraid to die.
Takeshi, when you and me are old there will most likely be a law which makes killing old geezers who can't even think straight mandatory.

Meh, let them rot, lucky fucks that didn't die

he means that you should treat old people well because one day, you'll be old too.

If you don't like freezing to death in your house, you should not cut gas to poor old people's houses. One day you may be the old person freezing in house

Pood in fast food.

He thinks that if we treat old people with respect our generation won't get shot when turning 80.

Every dumbass can live up to an old age now if he isn't actively trying to kill himself. There's zero reason to treat people venerably simply because of their age.

I can only tell you how the situation is in Austria, nearly every person over the age of 65 is overweight or obese, pharma industries are generating billions each year milking healthcare systems paid by people who will probably never see a cent because old people are voting away national healthcare in favor of reforming our dead pension system. Every fourth taxed euro goes directly into supplementing that pension system while almost all old people who didn't earn €2500 or upwards per month can barely afford life because half of the pension budget is blown on government clerks.

>be american
>pee in macdee

You must be the edgiest kid in your school

Yes, the issue is that the elderly don't know how to be the elderly and let the youth be the youth. They quite literally take away the future to deny their mortality.

what are elderly supposed to do? Die from lack of healthcare? Go to a McDonalds for 2 hours and poop in their pants?

Stop letting them in politics so much. We kick our senators out when they turn 75 for example.

you stupid piece of shit

of course they were fooled around by bad politicians. Here too when the communist party was strong the Christian Democracy was in charge and permitted to retire after 19 years and 6 months of working, allowing people to retire at 45.
And we keep paying pensions for everyone, the ones who got to retire and take up to 80% of their last salary, with two o three promotions given in the last year of work.
No relations with how much you saved, it's up to taxpayers to pay for pensions here.

Of course the system, together with Public Healthcare, is collapsing because of corruption and bad politicians, breeding mass bad behaviour

>without finishing her meal.
>2.5 hours

Fucking old people

Fuck the elderly, this collectivism shit isn't working. I'm taking care of my parents, other old fucks can die.

who will take care of you when you're old?

Sounds like he did it very professionaly.

Here in Germany we hear that we dont pay enough pensions and that Austria treats their eldery much better

His wife's son

My future kids or I'll have to save up.

I'll fucking blow my brains out before I have to wear adult diapers
the exact moment when I can't take care of myself anymore is when I'll end it, I don't want to have my kids, if I'll have any, take care of me

>soiled herself
What doest that mean. Non english speaker here.

Kind of afraid of the awnser t.b.h.

soil = to dirty (also as a noun soil is just dirt, but typically used to mean fertile dirt for growing plants)

soil yourself = shit yourself (in a nice way)

and shit yourself means to poop in your underwear

exactly what did he do wrong here? mcdonalds isn't public space. you don't have a "right" to loiter there.

no wonder retards are so pro-privatisation when they don't understand the concept of a private space.

Its the human side that it was fucked up.

The title said "kicked out" what may imply the use of force over an old lady.

If he just helped her out, I see no problem but the title may be misleading to the reader that dont have much attention to details.

Technically, unless he hurt her, he didnt do anything ilegal, though some ppl may find immoral and the repercution cause ppl to boycot the place.