>Been on Jow Forums for 11 years
>Only just got my first private message
>It's a German calling me a faggot
A-am I the loneliest poster on Jow Forums?
>Been on Jow Forums for 11 years
>Only just got my first private message
>It's a German calling me a faggot
A-am I the loneliest poster on Jow Forums?
Been here since 2007. Didn't know you could get private messages.
m8 surely you have received spam messages during that HTS spam?
you need Jow Forums Gold to use it
Same here, since 2010 tho
that's... kinda sad
>Been here since 2007
More like since 2017
How does private messages even work? Not like you log in or anything.
I was just about to say that.
Also, because I know we're in the absolute minority on this website let alone this diarrhea infested board, and even what older users are left are often the cancerous ones as the intelligent ones all left instead of allowing themselves to be backstabbed, I should let you know I've also been here since then.
Do you use frames?
>Been on 4channel for 7 days
>Only just goy my first private message
>It's a Finn boi [This message is restricted to non-Jow Forums Gold users. Please activate your Jow Forums Gold account to view this message. Click here to buy Jow Forums Gold if you don't have one!]
>How does private messages even work? Not like you log in or anything.
Exactly the same as Wikipedia
Dumb Swede, you need to activate the feature.
>tfw I got a bunch of lewds yesterday from a qt french anoness I've been messaging
looks like I'm finally getting baguette'd you guys
>Check my PMs
>It's the same Belgian telling me that my country is shit
>He's been sending the same message for the last 3 years
fuck that guy
Based waffler
He does this to a lot of users just ignore him
I just wish the fucking mods would add the ability to report PMs
Yeah like when they promised they would make an ignore function? Won't fucking happen m8
Just got the same message.
Im not even french, what the fuck is this guy's problem?!?
kek same here
[This post requires a 4channel GOLD Pass™. If you have not purchased a GOLD Pass™, you may not view this post]
Reminder that gook moot sends you a picture of his dick if you buy a platinum account
How the fuck do you PM?
you need Jow Forums pass
Ignore the trolls. To Pm you need to either have a mod contact you from a ban repeal or have somebody with the ability to send you a message
In 2012 I LARPED as a female and this fucking vietnamese has been sending me dozens of dick pictures.
Thumbnails, right?