How is abortion seen in your country?

How is abortion seen in your country?

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a fun thing to do when you're feeling sporty

a form of birth control, condoms just don't feel good okay pull out at the last second chad.

I think it's a non-issue. There are too many people in the world as it is.

>a godless act of murder which should be met with the death penalty
>I don’t care about murder of an unborn child because I thought it was a good idea not to have sex with a condom because I was lazy

Lmao a fetus is not a person like wtf nigga.

just like animals have rights and are not persons

cant get THAT song out of my head now

when i was in switzerland i heard first hand stories of women who had everything made as complicated as can be for them to abort by medical institutions.
No as bad as Italy, but it was pretty surprising.

It's treated with the same gravitas as clipping your toenails.

>There are too many people in the world as it is
False and retarded.

it's so catchy

It is considered as a serious crime by law and government uses abortion as a scarecrow. That's why we have thousands of posters all over Poland put in public places that present dead bodies of aborted children shown along with face of Hitler and reminding that nazis were first ones who legalized abortion in Poland after 1939.

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Based Poland

It's true. We're already overpopulated and it's unsustainable. The less people the better if you as me.
Yeah, it's dumb.
We kill animals all the time

Poland is like a parody of itself. No offense.

As homicide

Its simply not legal here because if it were it would have to be 100% free

And we cant afford shit

>We're already overpopulated and it's unsustainable. The less people the better if you as me.
Most of the overpopulation consists of niggers, chinks and pajeets. Western countries, along with Japan and some latin american countries have below-replacement birthrates. Those countries can just hang in there and do nothing.

>We kill animals all the time
yes, we eat them, otherwise it's immoral. Do you eat your fetuses?

Evil and punishable by jail time

An unfortunate necessity in life sometimes.

>Western countries, along with Japan and some latin american countries have below-replacement birthrates.
That's what happens when societies get better, user. Birth rates naturally decline and it's a good thing.

>We're already overpopulated and it's unsustainable.
Between the beginning of the previous century and today the world's population rose from 1.6 billion to a bit over 7 billion, yet globally those living in "extreme poverty" declined from 40% to 10%. Explain how this can happen in an overpopulated world with growth that's unsustainable. What you'd expect in such a scenario is an increase in those living in povert, not a decrease. You're just mindlessly repeating whatever the left feeds you in order to justify the failures of their own system.

But let's presume that, through some miracle, the world is ACTUALLY overpopulated. That means you have two options:
1. Strengthen the position of your nation and acquire the resources neccessary to ensure it prospers, even if it means others decline
2. Roll over like a bitch and let others take your resources because defending the interests of your nation isn't "nice".

Whether the world is actually overpopulated or not (pro-tip: it's not), destroying your own fertility isn't the solution. That will only result in others taking your shit and not even bothering to thank you for your own stupidity.

You're a fucking idiot.

>Do you eat your fetuses?
No, we use them for stem cell research, which is even more important and can grow meat and treat disease.
I dont think we should waste the fetuses either.
How can it not be legal? That's so third world. Like what if your gf gets pregnant? Where do you go? To a coathanger woman?
Who cares what race they are? People are people

very good, all females in the south should perform abortion


This. Not even gonna bother.

everybody acknowledges its objectively murder and the left just doesnt care that its murder

Our cucked constitution says
>article 3: goverment adopts the Roman Apostolic Catholic cult

Thatd why

its a fundamental right of women

Yes, I didn't say it wasn't. Ideally, as long as you aren't importing foreigners to replace the natives, a low-ish birthrate is good, it'll lead to a stable population.

Race isn't the matter here user. You seem to be under the impression that the overpopulation meme comes from Europe and other developed societies, when in truth it comes from underdeveloped shitholes in Africa. Wanna curb the world population? DO SOMETHING ABOUT AFRICA. The populations of Europe and other developed societies are stable if not declining. Promoting anti-natalism does nothing there. Even China sorta has its birthrate under control now, I think.

It's viewed as a very normal and necessary procedure. People generally don't discuss it much, and there are only a few groups that directly protest outside clinics. The only people who have a problem are typically religious, and they don't cause a big fuss.

>No, we use them for stem cell research, which is even more important and can grow meat and treat disease.

we also use animals for that matter, yet you leftards complain

>I dont think we should waste the fetuses either.
spoken like a true mountain jew

Nobody gives a shit. I think it should be the extrema ratio though

i agree with you

>Explain how this can happen in an overpopulated world with growth that's unsustainable.
Because we got wealthier at the expense of the select few while the poor got poorer. This is a trend that has been getting worse since the 18th century and is well known. Moreover we are overpopulated NOW, not in the past.
It's a well known fact that if the ENTIRE world lived like the USA or Western Europe does now, consuming the same resources we would need at least 7 Earths to sustain ourselves. Increasing the population, ESPECIALLY in the first world only exacerbates the problem exponentially.
>muhh left
Dont care about the right or the left tbqh, just about what's right.
>the world is ACTUALLY overpopulated. That means you have two options:
Yeah let's just add to the problem lol. Also fuck off with your dumb ass zero-sum game assumption.

>Increasing the population, ESPECIALLY in the first world only exacerbates the problem exponentially.
Europe and North America have below-replacement level birthrates, so what's the point in promoting abortion and childfree lifestyles? The populations in those regions are not increasing (at least naturally - they should stop importing immigrants though).

>we also use animals for that matter,
What's your point? You were implying thay abortion is immoral because it is wasteful. Stem cell research is still putting fetuses to good use. Besides they're more valueable than animal ones and can actually help save established lives.
>when in truth it comes from underdeveloped shitholes in Africa
Their global footprint is insignificant compared to the first world.

shitskins arent people though

But the first world has low birth rates. It's population is on track to decrease.

I'm not saying it's only the developed world that should be mindful of fertility rates. We have to help developing countries with contraception too. Fertility is for the most part a function of economic development. The more developed, the lower the fertility rate. Sure there a outliers but we know that this is generally the global trend. However if the developing world suddenly became as developed as the west over night then the panet simply wouldnt handle it. So I do agree with you there.

It’s actually legal in case of rape or if it’s necessary. But leftists act as if it were completely illegal.
It’ll probably be completely legalised by next year though.

allowed in here but you'd be silently shamed or the guilt would be with you

That's racist

absolutely based

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