I wish we were colonized by a less insecure country. You never see Brits and Spaniards going on about muh butchering of English and Spanish all the time.
I wish we were colonized by a less insecure country...
bom posto
Why are you people such horrible posters. Jesus fucking Christ.
But British people complain we don't speak like fairies and cartoons.
You usually see it backwards with the former colonies shitting on the English and Spanish from UK and Spain.
Yanks think they speak better English than brits. Hispanics butcher castillan Spanish.
You're no different.
Apart from Burgers are wholly responsible for butchering our language and dragging it through the filth
I'm English BTW ignore the finn flag
Yeah but it's actually true that we butchered British English. Brazilian Portuguese is unarguably the superior Portuguese
English was already filth'd long ago. England no longer owns English.
Yeah but just the language. Brazil will never match the contributions Portugal made to this world and even if you do it'll be thanks to Portugal since they created your country :)
>You never see Brits and Spaniards going on about muh butchering of English and Spanish all the time.
I don't know about spain but that's all we do here in the UK, we have an unheathly o b b e s s i o n with bitching about American English
>Brazil will never match the contributions Portugal made to this world
The sole relevant one is the creation of Brazil.
European Portuguese is superior
You haven't seen the british whining about american accent.
we are that relative that everybody is ashamed of
desu both your versions sound terrible
t. joão da silva
t. joão da silva (slave)
You butcher your own language enough already
English is one butchered language
Nethersaxon is the only Saxon tung with right to call itself as such.
get the fuck out
Mutt likes mutt, such is the way of life.
>You never see Brits and Spaniards going on about muh butchering of English and Spanish all the time.
I see spaniards do that every single day
Can't be unhealthy if it's right.
But we use both?
EP is really nice to listen to
low median age + huge population = lots of 14 year old shitposters
>You never see Brits and Spaniards going on about muh butchering of English and Spanish all the time.
That's literally all they do.
>it's another episode of Huezilian is obsessed with Portugal
>I wish we were colonized by a less insecure country.
>I wish we were colonized
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