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wtf I hate freedom and responsibility now

freedom ain't free

What the fuck are you talking about

Yes, we're the best at everything, I know. No need to obsess over it every day.

its cause our autism rates are increasing



The second amendment and our lack of a nanny state


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>freedom to get shot and responsibility to pay back 200.000 $ to the hospital



This, but unironically.

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>if less than 36 acid attacks happened in your area it won't make the top 10 in the country
what the FUCK

Don’t drive cars dude you could get into a car crash

me at the bottom

And with a straight face, you're gonna tell me that America is so star-spangled awesome that you're the only ones in the world who have freedom? Canada has freedom. Japan has freedom. The UK. France. Italy. Germany. Spain. Australia... Belgium! has freedom... 207 sovereign states in the world, like 180 of 'em have freedom.

yeah that's because they sell sulfuric acid in stores over there

If you can't carry(!) a gun you are not free.

nothing says freedom like putting 2% of the population in jail for smoking weed

But not eggs?

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I know it must feel great paying about 30% taxes to your overlord jewish corporations while having infrastructure on african levels

I love everything about this picture

Holy fuck what is this mandela effect type shit.
I clearly remember that Italy had a massive school shooting in 2012. They had one, R-right?

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They don't in other places?

I’m not saying America is perfect. It isn’t. I am saying that I still have the fundamental freedom to defend myself. Do you?

What on Earth are you talking about?

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i don't even remember the 2 in France

i dont recall hearing about it at all
did you hear it in Jow Forums

fake news

>corporate taxes
obviously the overlords cut their own taxes while taxing you

No I remember it as clear as the day. It happened when I was still in school, and we even had a small meeting because it happened so close to the swiss border in Milano. Holy shit my mind is getting fucked.

288 ;50 (states are like euro countries) = 5.76

its all so tiresome bros........

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>We need to ban the people's mean of defense insted of looking into what our society pushes people to this
You know I hate jews for their hypocrisie OP, you don't need to show me how much they deserve to be exterminated.

Which state has a population of 80 million?

they are not free to get disgustingly obese! our evil governments stop us and they try to send us into rehabilitation centres, literally PRISON!
but AMERICANS are free, you see freed obese people everywhere there, beautiful fatties riding their scooters, token of liberty, you see the joy in their faces when they get a bullet right in the gutter, because they know that that bullet was shot from a barrel belonging to a free man, a free fat man that was free to shoot and to eat whatever he wanted to, was free to defend himself because the thought that his personal space was violated, and so he draw a gun in the middle of the street and shot: THAT, my friend, is the most beautiful act of freedom, it's the emblem of liberty, forget about that french painting "Liberty Leading the People", forget that europoor poor taste stuff. From now one, Liberty carries a happy, balding, broke, obese murrican man on her wings, and he carries him to the nearest burger shop, because he is BURGER KING

kid was half american half italian so it doesnt count

>American education

>all this euro asspain

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I am of jewish religion, please don't be xenophobic or I may have to report you and your posts

>Canada have freedom
I bet you're retarded enough to believe this shit

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Canada, France, and Germany should be ashamed of themselves



>euro this
>euro that


lmao, the population can't defend itself cause no guns
the country can't defend itself cause no nukes



That's still more than everyone else combined on that list, also consider population.
They have 8.2 times our population but 144 times the school shootings since 2009. Also consider that our's are at universities or maybe a high school, they had 27 kids aged 6-10 shot in an elementary school.

good. Most people who do drugs show their intent to violate any law

>shootings that happen in high risk neighborhoods within 1 mile also counts as school shootings


Now tally up the mass truckings

>America's population
325.7 million
>Canada's population
36.71 million
>France's population
67.12 million
>Germany's population
82.79 million

>he didn't live through at least 3 school shootings and plot 1 of his own

Canada outscores America on every freedom metric. Your problem is that you just want some of their gun and anime laws which is why you can be found in every thread praising a 3rd world shithole and shitting on objectively one of the best countries.

>Now tally up the mass truckings

2 is still quite a bit smaller than 288.

so I have a bit of a trouble understanding school shooting

you just buy a few guns, enter the school, shoot and that's it?

No months of plan, sewing your costume, music choice on the loudspeaker, etc.

Did you hear about the hospital shooting in Chicago. It’s getting out of hand here.



Weird shit.

>8.2 times our population
>144 times as many school shootings since 2009
>373 times our rate of police killings so far this year
>over 5 times our per capita incarceration rate
>over 3 times our per capita homicide rate

MKUltra. Everyone time you talk with a american, remember: It's not a human being, it's a meat robot druged by the government to be a slave.

>Canada outscores America on every freedom metric
Yeah and communism look good on paper ...


(Canada + France + Germany) x 2 = 10 school shootings.

Quintessentially Canadian post.

>muh loli
>muh open carry

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Wait until you have similar demographics as America Nigel.

hmmm it's almost like there's a certain statistic you're forgetting about. a certain demographic feature that is unique to the united states

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>be Canadian
>don't get shot
>wish you did

yet I live a better life than 90% of the nonamericans here


We aren't free exclusively because of dr*mpf

The problem is that we don't have enough guns
Fuckin Libruls

you are the president's son

part and parcel ;)


You suffer delusions and are uneducated. Even if by some chance you are a mega-rich trust fund baby, you still don't have some of the things our average person has and you are not representative of an average American.

Why do you value more the “freedom” to have guns over more beneficial things like better healthcare and good infrastructure. How do they brainwash you guys that bad?

Canada has neither of those.

>you still don't have some of the things our average person has
such as...

lol bootlicker

>t. welfare leech

That's what happens when you unpopularly elect a man that attacks the press, undermines investigations, threatens and fires political opponents, etc.
Even before Trump though America was behind Canada in freedom of the press index, democracy index, world liberty index, corruption perceptions index, and the economic freedom index.

>lol bootlicker
I bet you support lower taxes for the rich

>lack of nanny state being a good thing = bootlicker
its starting to get ridiculous how people are using words in the exact opposite manner that they should be used

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>Muh assumptions
>Muh meme that I do not know the origine of
are you lost little girl?

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now show stabbings

adjusted for population

We certainly have better healthcare

How is our healthcare not better than the States?

Better social healthcare, which is arguably a function of government rather than medicine. America still has the most advanced healthcare facilities and medical colleges in the world

last time I went to the hospital I was threated worst then a dog and they tryed to get me to test meds.

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I've never experienced this better healthcare

Are you another self-hating Canadian? The usual one I see here literally just wants looser gun and anime laws.

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>France talking about drastic weed laws

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wasn't there a school shooting in Ukraine?
in Crimea?

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Time for the kinderguardians youtube.com/watch?v=QkXeMoBPSDk