ITT: genuinely untrue stereotypes about your cunt/people

ITT: genuinely untrue stereotypes about your cunt/people

>The French don't shower

Attached: showersperday.png (691x658, 72K)

that france is gay, but that one isn't untrue

reply to this post if you agree

we're nice people
we may ACT nice and friendly and courteous, but behind their back we shit talk absolutely everyone
it's never genuine

don't know where the dumb belgian meme came from, it's not even funny

the americlaps thing is probably the most baffling one.

Sounds like the midwest senpai.

lol tru

>Sounds like the midwest senpai.
canada is essentially an extension of minnesota
or minnesota is just an extension of canada
that's still in debate

>not bathing everyday twice like kuruminha does

Attached: 1543100652508.jpg (611x605, 72K)

I think that's just Edmonton culture. Everybody around me is genuinely really nice.
You gotta escape that place.

I shower and shampoo every morning. Weekends included of course.
Didn't know I was weird.

Attached: core_dump_0.png (289x289, 41K)

I shower at the very least every 2 days. Normally every day and weekends I don't unless I leave my home for anything.


why the fuck every single person i've met in my life that went to france complained about stinky people then?

also, how can someone unironically take less than 7 showers/week unless living in Antartica or some shit like that?

>americlaps isn't true
Nearly every time I'm on a plane or at a theater a person claps at the end.

I have never once in my whole life experienced this.

French, Irish and British people smell like crap


That's the best example of an untrue stereotype. I thought it came from the fact that Belgian / Dutch accent sounds a bit retartded until I learned that the Dutch too mock the Belgians for being stupid

>that france is gay, but that one isn't untrue
You would know.

Only people that don't have a normal job do this.
If you have a lunch break in a modern job you don't have time for siesta.
If you work part time or during the morning and then you have a massive gap after lunch, you take a siesta which is just a 20min to 1h max nap.
Siesta used to be a thing because until the 40s basically most of the population specially in the south worked as Jornaleros, day workers. You hung out at the local bar until the local rich person "Amo" or whatever asked for people for a task like working the field, you didn't have a job, you found a job to do every day and got paid for it. Until the 40s or so spain's agriculture didn't mechanize, so people that also owned their own land and worked it themselves had free time all day and worked whenever they pleased. Keep in mind that the spanish diet consists of a weak breakfast at 5-7am, a massive lunch at 12am - 4pm consisting of 2 courses, a "merienda" in the afternoon, specially for children which is usually a white bread sandwich with toppings like ham, cheese or chorizo and then a light dinner which can range from soup to salad. In ye olde days it was the same, with less nutritive meals and more watered down soup with a lot of fat. It's hard to digest and if you have time you'd take your siesta.
Nowadays people who nap after lunch are old people, jobless people or southrons who can't hold a permanent job.
Okay thanks for the read.

That we like to work.
We don't. We hate it, we just happen to be the best at basically everything we do though and work stupidly hard.

every data that I found about soap consumption / shower per day per country proves it untrue. Sometimes people are just cunts

That's not an stereotype about you. Your stereotypes are kangaroos, potty mouths, spoiders, meth, crack cocaine and zooming around in cheap beat up vehicles.

pretty sure the stereotype is the opposite of that, the concept of throwing a sickie is pretty australian.

Oh, those are all pretty true.

I shower twice a day, at morning and after the daily fap

Yes I know.
Yes, I know. UwO

I cried a while ago since I want to shower at the ideal rate for good but the plumbing isn't working.

It's only gotten worse since then.


It's definitely real
At family events, especially with small children involved, there's clapping every few minutes "yay you know 2+2! Good job!"

all the bad stereotypes you hear about australians are true, i am not australian but have lived in australia most of my life, and i simply refuse to assimilate into their shitty culture.

t. Southern US
I see it claimed that if you aren’t religious people will hate you a lot (specifically reddit), but this isn’t even remotely true. Similar to this, people think everyone is evangelical and constantly talks about religion, but in reality they are a minority and the rest of people find them incredibly annoying.
The racism however, is on point. I went up North, and the main thing that surprised me is that people don’t have conversations about how how they dislike black people, and they were surprised that I’ve said “nigger” an uncountable amount of times. If you go to a high school for a day, you would probably here the word nigger at least 3 times from white people, and that’s not counting the black people or “nigga”. Conversations ussually go like “I really hate niggers”, “All the niggers are clogging up the hall way” or “Laquesha was acting more ghetto than usual today”

>t. Bhao Zu

Compared to Europe, but Latinos clap more than Americans

Really sounds like american southrons act like fucking niggers.

>t. never went to a majority black school

Well of course not my country is not full of niggers.

Meet me at the valley train station in 20 minutes, cunt. I'll bottle you.

That french women are supposed to be good on the eyes or good lovers. Believe me, they aren't.

Talking about niggers, can anyone find a good source on the ethnographic distribution of spain?

Indeed, french boys are outright better.

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