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7 > 3 > 6 > 5 > 9 > 8 > 4 > 2 > 1


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>implying you shouldnt be counting in 12's instead of 10's


Final Fantasy

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In France weed is 80 lmao.


I am guessing
Huit ---> Weed
Anglos are retarded don't worry

Eighty is "four twenty" in French, "quatre vingt"

It sounds like French are the retards with a counting system like that

Yes, but englishmen are almost as stupid as mexicans

24 in Dutch is "four and twenty".



How much is 354182 in Dutch?

3 100 4 and 50 1000 100 2 and 80.
Three hundred four and fifthy thousand hundred two and eighty.

So when you write along you cant instantly write a number down when someone says it. Because something might come after. I dont know how often I screwed that up. My phone number is 2... and 80.

why the sour face my puss?

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Beethoven's symphonies?
