Post pictures of world leaders in country's local dresses

post pictures of world leaders in country's local dresses

lmao @ all europeans inevitably posting suits

Attached: Imran-Khan2,medium.2x.1387212856.jpg (960x599, 87K)

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why are you so obsessed about that man?
you make like 20 threads about him every day

lmao cope fin-irrelevant-land

>inevitably posting suits
Literaly only England. Not even "UK", just England.

Attached: 3990663_XBqSi8.jpg (420x630, 63K)

Attached: 23434242.jpg (750x500, 45K)

you didn't answer to my question

Attached: Presidentti Halonen.jpg (330x420, 27K)

> that grip
He must be too used to gripping goat cock cause that's not how you hold a gun

post a picture of your leaders in frocks, sissy

hell seger

Attached: 1493472328.jpg (650x366, 34K)

Attached: LoekkeCykler.jpg (646x524, 369K)

The suit is England's national dress, it's not our fault the world chooses to use it as formal/business attire.

Attached: DarlingPlease.png (1200x649, 258K)

Also lmao @ Americans for doing the same thing? All new worlders will surely wear suits

>helmet on a suit

k den.

Attached: DtVZDm4XoAAjpXo.jpg (1200x915, 114K)

Attached: macrontunisie.jpg (853x600, 44K)

Berets are such weird hats

Diaspora inferiority complex

You should read the filename

Attached: macrontunisie1.jpg (605x350, 36K)

Shhh, I bet Muttmutt Gonzales thought an American invented it

Oh I thought he was just putting one on wrongly

Previous presidents had even goofier outfits thought

Attached: chichinicoflamby.jpg (1024x721, 481K)

Well Canada, here is your time.

Attached: 01modi-east2.jpg (670x1009, 108K)

delet right now or face consequences

Attached: erna-solberg.jpg (1164x693, 220K)

is the kameez supposed to be worn under it?

No. But he didn't wanted to keep his upper body nude.


Attached: fidel-guayabera.jpg (800x500, 54K)