What was the first video game you played on your own first pc/game console Jow Forums ?

What was the first video game you played on your own first pc/game console Jow Forums ?
Mine was Tarzan as far as i can remember in 2004, and back then my favorite video game became dungeon keeper II.

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>on your own
Chess Titans :¬|
if you hadn't add that condition i'd say Summer Olympics on a friend's Commodore 64 or Doom II on sister's clone PC

need for speed underground

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Ultimate Doom back in 1995

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Ah need for speed. Now that was a good video game series.

quake 2 unironically
my pops was a massive fan of quake, one day I asked him to let me play and he did despite the fact I was scared shitless of it.

they had a quarrel over it with my mom

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First combat station: Atari 2600

first game..Pac-Motherfucking-Man, it was magic!

powerpills, eat em up yumm yumm , devour souls.

This jewel.
I think it had another name in the anglo version.

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Kings Quest IV

I think it was Mario or The Lion King game

Sudden Strike 1
the poor man's Hearts of Iron if I remember it well


Same pretty much

Hercules for PS1 after me and my sister got a PS1 for christmas back in the 90's. I didn't get my own PC until I was old (we were poor), so on my own computer was probably Half-Life 2 or something.

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some shit on amiga where you shoot planes

It was a game about rats on a flying carpet trying to collevt cheese doodles while dodging obstacles. It was the shit.

1999 representing.

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age of empires 2

I dont know. I was born in 94 and my father had computers since the 80s. Probably Doom, Wolfenstein 3D or Grand Prix.

jumpman on an apple

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Jazz Jackrabbit

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Mi negro