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Its more real than fiat

People are this clueless about crypto and the monetary system, sheesh

>walk into gas station
>I'd like 100 sats on pump #3
>police get called

aaah the good old cup of coffee argument. Please DO sell crypto

Oh I sold around $15000. Keep hodling friendo

Good job m8! Easy, now I know your agenda. If you have a brain you will be averaging down. This isn't going anywhere

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I cashed out when it hit 9700. No regrets, no lambos, but I made 4x my investment. Feels good.

Cant wait to see that $15000 be worth a 1/10 of its value thanks to inflation. Ya blew it friendo.

We doubled down like 10 times as it crashed to nothing


>look moom i made gainss

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>people are this retarded giving into worthless trinkets

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>mine imaginary internet money
>cash out

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Now redo this graph with the price of bitcoin since January.

Zoom out

Hey I could be wrong, maybe it'll go to $100k some day. Stranger things have happened.

I personally bought at the blue circles and sold at the red circles, my net worth is now 10 million usd, ama

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Boxers or briefs?

You can tell anyone what you want, but your agenda is pretty clear. Or you are really butthurt because you lost money and you are larping to feel better OR, (and I hope this is the real reason) you want to buy cheap. You wouldn't lose your time going on here doing shitty arguments if you really didn't care about it

Good answer, user. Exactly why Bitcoin was created in the first place

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How does it feel to lie on the internet to people you've never met?

You did

I'm just here to collect memes

Why give attention to people who seek only attention?

shit is dropping as I sip my covfefe

If you realized that the interest rates and the value of the U.S. dollar are completely made up out of thin air you'd be laughing at how indifferent Fiat is from internet money. Look historically, we're bordering levels over the last 100 years of the Wiemar republic in terms of inflation. 50 years ago a nice car was $1,000.

Crypto will never go away as long as inept governments keep fucking up their economies.

valid, but U.S. dollars actually matter right now in the world.

Name 10 necessary things you can buy with crypto

I'm just holding a mirror to OP

Yeah because random shitposting on a Sunday morning represents a huge investment of time on my part.

it won’t matter in 50 years and by that time I’d have moved out of USA

USA will get rekt economically in the years to come, amd Chyna will take its place unless it wars Chyna

The number of places you can purchase with crypto is rising a LOT, it's a matter o patience and waiting for adoption, I could live with 80% Crypto and 20% FIAT right now.

keep dreaming commie