Accuracy varies across demographic groups. In general...

>Accuracy varies across demographic groups. In general, younger Americans tended to provide more accurate responses than their older counterparts: 27 percent of 18-24 year olds correctly identified Ukraine, compared with 14 percent of 65+ year-olds. Men tended to do better than women, with 20 percent of men correctly identifying Ukraine and 13 percent of women. Interestingly, members of military households were no more likely to correctly locate Ukraine (16.1 percent correct) than members of non-military households (16 percent correct), but self-identified independents (29 percent correct) outperformed both Democrats (14 percent correct) and Republicans (15 percent correct). Unsurprisingly, college graduates (21 percent correct) were more likely to know where Ukraine was than non-college graduates (13 percent correct), but even 77 percent of college graduates failed to correctly place Ukraine on a map; the proportion of college grads who could correctly identify Ukraine is only slightly higher than the proportion of Americans who told Pew that President Obama was Muslim in August 2010.
you can't make this shit up

Attached: 1543863245297.jpg (1024x862, 124K)

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Save me from this hellhole.

americans not being able to locate ukraine on a map is not a sign of shitty american education but ukraine's shitty excuse of existence

It's worst than you think

Attached: Americans.png (1044x799, 305K)

My friend asked me who is Gaddafi and Saddam once, and some guy told him they are Muslim Trump.

Looking at this map makes me want to die.

>"where is Ukraine?"
>place a dot on the United States
This must have some deep story.

How do people not recognize Japan? It's got a very memorable shape, even your're normie should be able to recognize it

Fuck Australia is an extremely recognizable shape as well, even if you don't really know where it is

I refuse to believe that people would put NK on Austarlia or Japan.

can we talk about that fucking graphic? why is the color used to show distance from ukraine? it's a fucking map, we can already see the distance from ukraine. why not have the color represent opinion on intervention? what the fuck?

>we can already see the distance from ukraine.
That's assuming you know where it is

>several americans thought north korea was a tiny tiny island somewhere in the sea
oh no no no

>multiple Americans thought North Korea was the Caspian Sea

Attached: 100pc sweetie.jpg (225x225, 16K)

>Americans are still mad at vietnam

>Central Australia

>Mexico: 0
>USA: 5

I bet you could ask random fucking Euros on the streets of London, Madrid, Berlin, or Stockholm and you'd get a very similar graphic

Most underrated post of the current year.


Perhaps they're pointing to diaspora?

>your country is so irrelevant Americans don't even know where it is

Good thing they aren't people, but Americans.

>go to best korea
>it ain't me starts playing

During geography here had to memorize all the capital cities on the planet. All major rivers etc.

2/3rd of the people would still remember Korea. Plus its super easy to guess as well as recognize.

I'm pretty sure they're just choosing anything because they don't care. Everything else aside how could you mistake South Korea for North Korea when it's to the south of North Korea.

I like your optimism but you are underestimating American stupidity.
Go to 7:50 and watch a grown man fail at cardinal directions and then try to blame a 20 year old girl for it.
For a fun bonus go to 10:15 and watch a fat American batman fail at telling the difference between a Polish flag and his own.