New Mexico is the only Hispanic majority state in America

What happens there?

Attached: 2000px-New_Mexico_in_United_States.svg.png (2000x1238, 553K)

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new mexico is just a bunch of weirdos in the desert

""""""""""""""""""""""""""Native"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Americans


They are native

absolutely redpilled


They immigrated from Asia.

They are the New Mexico

Gangs, gangs and white trash gangs


You're Spanish blood is showing friend

Not as much as it is showing in """""""""""""Native""""""""""""""" Americans lmao

Do you look more Native than congresswoman-elect Deb Haaland from the Laguna Pueblo people?

Attached: deb_haaland.jpg (386x546, 42K)

She looks like my aunt lol

One day Albuquerque will have a major sports team

It was majority Chicano until the 1900, then it was promoted to statehood. What a coincidence.

based and redpilled


I don't want to go to such a dangerous place.

Attached: MG_1100.jpg (1024x683, 630K)

Not a lot paricularly. For some reason a lot of hot white trash migrants come to California from there. A lot of hot latina women come from there too but they're all like 5 feet tall and have families that look like pic related. My extended family started a chile plantation there when they came from Mexico like 130 years ago and are still there.

Attached: 1543032976610.jpg (720x703, 33K)

It wasn't a cohencidence, it was the planned and accepted policy. Southwestern states could not join the union until their welfarenigger populations decreased

How do we bring that policy back?

We can't because too many spics live here now

are you talking about hot (male) white trash

We just have to go even further back in policy.

To where?

They're still awaiting that visit from Bugs Bunny but he never seems to come.


I have a friend from there

How did you meet him?

In uni