USA or Canada what is better and why?

USA or Canada what is better and why?

Attached: Fk3DYsp1.orig_.jpg (900x675, 91K)

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of course america
yes Canada is a good place to live.
But America has strong military power and strong culture.
This soft power is not available in Canada.

which is better*

Canada is marginally better standard of living, quality of life, laws etc. Americans earn a lot more, especially if you are skilled. They are both pretty shit though. I'm working for 5-6 years then I'm immigrating to Europe ASAP. I just can't stand how people in America/Canada think. Truly NPC/savage

Fuck Koreans. They should disappear from the Earth.

>Canada is marginally better standard of living, quality of life, laws etc. Americans earn a lot more, especially if you are skilled
This is true. However I disagree that Europe is better than Canada (Or the US if you have money)


The US


>I just can't stand how people in America/Canada think. Truly NPC/savage

well you're in for a big surprise then if you think people are going to be different anywhere else in the world

The US is infinitely more relevant than Canada. Canada is like san francisco: The country. Technically a nice place to live but absolutely insufferable smug pussy people.

He probably takes the memes too seriously, which is honestly easy to do, with more than 3/4th of Jow Forums shitting on US/Canada for being fat and stupid

I'm not going to Europe to meet new people. I'm going to Europe to enjoy a higher quality of life and to retreat someone in the South of France or something. It's all so tiring. I want a nice comfy place and I'll just study maths all day and maybe learn the local language.

Canadians definitely has a better quality of life, but US culture is much more exciting. Cant really make up my mind on which one is better

why europe in my opinion if you're working (you're not neet) better to live in canada/usa i do not know which one is better, canada is more safe also has free healthcare(i'm not sure about that), but usa has more opportunities in job / career

Sorry to disappoint you but America doesn't have culture

just move to a comfy cabin in BC then, and grow your own pot

Canada has tons of Swiss like mountain towns

>Comfy Cabin in BC
as much as I like the cold, darkness and rainfall makes people depressed. Honestly, there is nothing wrong with living in Canada but I need a change of scenery too.

Go outside faggot

Canada, obviously.
It has the benefits of trade with the USA but without being socially undeveloped.
Canadians are also better people.

That's an American military brat, not a Korean.

it's not going to rain during the winter (it snows), and it's not not going to rain in france

I went outside bu the culture was nowhere to be found.

You're lying

This. People are essentially NPCs everywhere you go, with a player-character minority.

It depends what you're looking for. If youre big into 'muh freedoms' like I am, I would say the US without a doubt. Further, if you want to create some wealth for yourself and your family, you can do it here, provided you have the acumen. Its a double-edged sword though; you can do nearly anything here, but money is god and everything has a price.

But if you're looking for a more comfortable life, by which I mean a larger social safety net, Canada without a doubt. Yeah, its not quite as easy to buy an arsenal of weapons, and you'll (legally) have to refer to someone by their preferred pronouns, but its a small price to pay for less crime, socialized healthcare, etc. It's also mostly white, excluding some places on the west coast that are defacto colonies of China.

I've only ever visited Canada, so bear that in mind. It's probably even better than im giving it credit for. On a side note, if you're into backpacking and camping, British Columbia is beautiful and not very populated, as a whole, so their wilderness is usually in tact.

I think Canada is a better country for overall living.
The problem would be that it has too high real estate cost and too many pajeets

To live Canada seems better, but US is stronger and more relevant

have you ever heard of 4th of July? Presidents day?

Propaganda isn't culture.

Who cares about relevancy really?
What does it give you in particular as an inhabitant?

Canada. It's like America but better by every metric. And you don't have to worry about having an accident or getting sick and having to pay 250,000$ plus tip to doctor shekrlberg.

>muh no culture

Attached: 1200px-Chicago_Federal_Court,_1961.jpg (1200x953, 304K)

why don't americans leave for Canada then?

They don't make as much money and things are more expensive. Also they're taxed quite a bit more than us.

Aztlan in best.

Attached: aztlan_map.jpg (350x277, 38K)

Canada has better quality of life for the average person, as does pretty much every European country
But the USA is better for the overly ambitious

*blocks your path*

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Canada is safer but America is better to make money in and actually is a global force. Having said that most of Canada lives on the border and your have a hard time distinguishing your average Canadian from an American (minorities being the obvious exception).

It's not easy to migrate unless you have good qualifications, and if you have good qualifications then you make more money in the US, and if you make good money then US is better than Canada.

Everybody here acts like it's hard to make good money in the US, it's not.

>And you don't have to worry about having an accident or getting sick and having to pay 250,000$ plus tip to doctor shekrlberg.
Do you not have health insurance?

>Dude just go to school for 8 years on your own dollar and then work for basically free for 10, once you're 40 you can make good money!

I have never see a pajeet in real life and I can count on one hand the amount of non-whites I see in a year where I live.

>descendants of irish criminals and thieves
>their english is so fucked even Chinks refuse to speak it

Exaggeration: the post
I got an associates degree for working on freightliners, I make 73k/yr

Why am I nostalgic for a Chicago that I've never known

Attached: chicago world fair.jpg (960x708, 127K)

Canada is better in absolutely every way.
I could imagine living in Canada, I could never imagine living in the dystopia called USA

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atleast the US has guns and free speech.
Canada is just a shitty no-culture nation that tries to be europe and america at the same time.

Just a normal day in Leafville.

Canada is getting more crime infested than USA

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That woman scares me. Those eyes.

Taxes aren't much higher, it's just that our government spend the money on public health care instead of bank bailouts and desert oil wars.

which big city is most safest in canada?


New York is a relatively safe place to live. It hasn't been known for crime since the 80s.


Both soulless (even more than a normal post colonial countries) but canada is somewhat better

All of our big cities are safe, except maybe Winnipeg. The most dangerous places in the country are the smaller cities in Western Canada. There is no need to worry in our 3 main cities (Toronto, Montreal, Hong Couver)

Canada of course

and my favorite place in Canada is Nunavut

I'd avoid those cities like the plague. Too many minorities and homos.

Canada because they're environmentalists.

it's better to be working class in Canada, it's better to be a professional worker or owner/shareholder of industry in the US


You really think toronto is safe?

Attached: torontocrime.jpg (666x853, 426K)

i have lived in the GTHA, and yes, it's remarkably safe
the vast majority of violent crime is among participants in organized crime and domestic disputes

You will probably prefer Canada because more familiar climate. :^)

Canada to live, by miles
America just because of NASA if we count everything else

>Stronk currency valued by everyone
>Modern day Roman Empire
>strongest military
>Currency is literally monopoly money
>No empire former british colony
>no military to speak of

why would we need a military, we haven't faced a sincere threat since ww2, which we exited with the 4th largest navy in the world

this is true, it is 100% in the cities. once T*ronto and v*ncover have been purged in hellfire, we will be 90% anglo-french.