I'm sick of you Irishmen telling us Irish-Americans what a real Irishman is. I've been to Cork and Dublin and you're nowhere near as Irish as us in Boston and New York. In your bars I've witnessed you watching soccer games and listening to British bands, with not a pint of Guinness or an Irish flag in sight. I think Ireland is too near to Britain, so come to Boston to be reminded what being Irish is all about. It seems you've forgotten tru Irish pride.
> It seems you've forgotten tru Irish pride. The only true part of this pasta
Hudson Gutierrez
How well received would an Irishman be in an irish pub in boston?
Ian Howard
I’m neither Irish nor Bostonian but I reckon they’d be treated like a prized guest
Aiden Parker
Well recieved. My friends old coworker is a bar manager from Ireland who runs a bar in Boston. t.New Englander whose been to Boston many times
Jace Nelson
No one would give a crap about it
Camden Edwards
You're replying to a gypsy
Noah Gonzalez
The most important part is, do you speak Irish? Not even the Irish speak Irish. More people speak Scottish (inc. in Nova Scotia) and Welsh than Irish. IRA has fallen. Also >soccer It's called football by the Irish.
Michael Hill
I'm not a gypsy you scruffy little chav. I'm a proud irish traveller.
David Bailey
Aye you're a gypsy stupid cunt. You'd know that if you went to school past the age of 11
Chase Phillips
Gypsies come from india you scotch monkey poofs bastard
Justin Fisher
>nit picking words cause they hurt your feelings Absolute woman. You're both nomadic crime waves.
Brandon Ross
I'm a tinker, a pavee, a traveller. Not a gypsy. Gypsies dcome from india, I don't.
Logan Long
96% or so Irish are competent in basic Irish language. The IRA wasn't fighting to popularise the Irish language. Irish people call soccer "soccer" what they call football is Gaelic football.
Congrats lad your entire post is wrong
Wyatt Johnson
kek. What the fuck is this bollox. Every Irish person I ever met and knew called it football and not one of them knew any irish outside of a few shitty phrases they learned in school
Nicholas Robinson
Don't care, you lot ruined my driveway
Josiah King
How? What happened to it?
Mason Walker
Different definitions of basic desu, not the main point. And most people I've met who call soccer football are northerners and dubliners. He trying to wind you up, have you not heard the stereotype of travellers tarmacing driveways and scamming people?
Jackson Ortiz
Would a purebred Englishman like Tyson Fury be welcome in a pub in Boston?