I just nutted and Im hungry now
I just nutted and Im hungry now
yeah you have to eat those proteins back
I nutted in a cute boy's butt a few hours ago.
I'm contemplating nutting but I nutted twice yesterday
Snort some cement. I heard it closes intestinal tract and reduces appetite.
but where do I find a cement right now
I nut in my pants and sleep that way, then I wash them afterwards
go to nearby construction site. plenty there.
Doesn't it feel uncomfortable to sleep with a wet spot in your crotch?
used to do this in elementary school minus the washing part
it's a little uncomfy at first and depending on weather can even be cold but after all - nah, I feel too weak and relieved at that point to care.
How many loads can you pop in a day? 16 is my record.
well 1, maybe 2, longest must be something like 6-7: never counted or played that game.
the fuck I'd die
I personally try to nut once in a few days because fapping everyday is not that pleasurable
but even a single lewd anime pic can turn me on
>but even a single lewd anime pic can turn me on
>even a single lewd anime pic
>a single one
>can turn me on
but I already nutted so it is not gonna work for the next few hours
and also these pics are trash
Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know you were a faggot.
Why don't you post some good pictures then.
you just need lots of cocaine, weed and benzos. it keeps you going.
>he needs hours to reload it
welp, I mostly fap to get rid of depressed thoughts and be able to sleep, my mind literally can't relax and bring me into the sweet land of dreams in any other way.
this time it was exceptionally good
I dont have any
I haven't nutted yet today.
Thoroughly looking forward to it.