Anyone did the kyc?

Anyone did the kyc?
Can you explain what steps are required.

Also, fuck the Breitmans and fuck the stupid foundation for keeping us in the dark. I can understand how those idiots with shitlink feel. I'm dumping these bags for eth and some other crap. Stupid cunts.

Attached: tezos-blockchain.jpg (578x356, 176K)

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You need to mail in a copy of your ID and a hair sample. Pretty easy stuff.

they require proof you're potty trained, pajeet. don't bother wasting your time.

I probably own more tez than you, pajeet.

I seemed to have lucked out & don't need to verify anything. Apparently, FinCEN was able to get my fingerprints & DNA from the FBI when I applied for a job a couple years ago. Must be my lucky day!

Oh sweet. Good for you.

>thread theme:

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History will remember tezos' genesis block KYC/AML roadblock as the beginning of the end of blockchain technologies. The reason the big banks are interested in the blockchain is because they want total transaction surveillance.

By operation, the blockchain must remain publicly available to ensure its integrity. Integrity, availability, and confidentiality are the three pillars of information security. The blockchain is provably secure because it uses cryptography to limit the creation of new transactions and to verify the integrity of past transactions. This, in particular, is what makes blockchain tech truly transformational.

However, the integrity/availability/confidentiality balance is also the blockchain's Achilles heel: Smart contracts make it possible to require KYC/AML checks for every transaction. Since the blockchain has to be public to function, this means the entity performing the checks knows every transaction's participants. This also makes it possible for that entity to restrict access to transacting on the blockchain.

This is specifically why banks are so interested in blockchain tech: They realize that U.S. securities laws are favorable and enable them to retain complete control thanks to smart contracts.

Attached: all-your-tezzie-are-belong-to-me.jpg (610x407, 20K)

But is it going to moon? My dream is to fuck korean whores daily.

I registered my hash key and still did not recived another email and cant upload any docs. Its over 4hours now

the server is likely slammed. give it a couple days.

this is necessary to obtain control of my tokens?
this coin is so annoying...

this coin and ripple will be used for bank mass adoption.

Wait we really gotta KYC? What if we are Americans would we get cucked?

Burgers can do the kyc according to plebbit. But you never know if they're going to change their mind.

everyone can make kyc and yes we have to. Thanks to this it will be $100 in less than a year

not too worried. means that there will be no problems with big exchanges.

in the future we will get privacy tech to undo the damage.

It just made me scan my ID and then take a picture of my blood.

Transactions will get reported to the IRS if you give them your info.

you ico buyers got fucking raped. at this rate you'll be abel to buy at ico price +- 10% with no limit and no kyc once it hits exchanges

> uploading scans of your passport to third world servers

Gonna wait... or is there a due date? Fucking this! Didn't a centralized KYC get hacked a couple of months ago?! Fuuuuuuuccckkkkk!