>one chance at life
>born a Serb
Why live?
One chance at life
Other urls found in this thread:
For dutch boys like pic related
giv turk gf
>once chance at life
>not born as chisa yomoda
what's wrong with being a serb
Why did this threat attract so many sandapes
Could be worst, you could had been born in venezuela or syra.
Not all hungarians in serbia are bad
there is one that fought bravely for Serbia and shot down a NATO plane
One of the rare heroes that will surely be remembered by all Serbs
then there are others that deserve to be crippled from beatings
We have good options to fuck off from our country at least. Improving your life as a Serb isn't all that hard
from your perspective, nothing
at least you're not a c*oat
Your soul wanted to suck up to russians.
Croats are superior to Serbs in every conceivable way.
I'm a Serb.
>Croats are superior to Serbs in every conceivable way.
>I'm a Serb.
deluje legitimno
>Tfw will never have a dutch boy to speak silly dutch to me.
Ja sam samo objektivan, anone.
>Divljaci i seljaci
>Izgledaju kao Turci
Jebem ti majku magyar
Because big butt
Live to troll.
flag was the greatest thing ever brought to this board
t.fyro on vacation
Nice proxy, faggot.
>Why live?
I'm a middle class American and I don't even know the answer to this.
>Croats are superior to Serbs in every conceivable way.
Aren't you pretty much the same people? I'm aware of the history, but aside from that?
At least you are not a monkey
Sisati kurac
what her ig?
You exist to butcher moslem filth, and there is no nobler purpose in this world.
Whats so bad about serbia. I liked it when I visted
she doesn't have one anymore unfortunately
Serbs are great people
Nothing is bad about Serbia, the OP is a Hungar faggot
Settle down Varg.
You could be a ukr*nian.
oh no, please god no
Nigga just embrace it and enjoy it.
Problem sa Srbijom su degenerici ka ti.
Generalno govoreći, problem sa Srbijom su pre svega Srbi.
and also being a roach
Why does Serbo-Croatian look like it's missing so many vowels? And how do you pronounce that shit?
>izgledaju kao turci
LMAOOO zato sto su hi jebali
>one chance at life
>born in to a manlet family with half italian mom half slovene dad in soon to be the poorest eu state
You literally can't make this shit up
lmfao,,,,,,,,odakle si iz mk?
Go back to your shithole serbshit. Swiss people don't want you and don't view as human.
č is like ch as in channel, ć is similar but soft, dž is kind of a combo and it's like j in just, đ is like dž too except softer
regarding the wovels, i think there are much more than in english, however since we don't make any letter combos (with the exception of dž) and therefore every letter is an individual sound (an "a" will always be an "a", and it is pronounced like an "ah")
sorry if i sperged some info
Serbian dogs
>one chance at life
>born into a family with macedonian dad who has mentality of an Arab
>have a weird last name while living in a racist country
im not serb so idfc
source please
Apologies carry on lad
A mos je ti ai ortodoksi karit
makar nisi srbin iz republike srpske
>Ja sam samo objektivan, anone
>Ja sam samo objektivan
Tu si crni cigani
sto zburuvas be ti
Istina, uvek može gore.
semberac lol
Die proxy
it's private anyway
better than being mexican of course
>One chance at life
>born a fucking Canadian
Two pints of maple syrup later...
I was born a Muslim Serb in discount Serbia, I'm literally worse off than anything between Russia and Greece, and cry less about it.
Cry more.
Good Serbs are subhuman and NOT ILLYRIAN.
That was actually quite pretentious coming from a potato monkey whose country got significantly more terrorists freely walking it than all Muslim groups in the Balkans combined, I pray to Allah 5 times a day that anglos stomp your little island into the ground
>Muslim Serb
also, Bosnia is better than Serbia nature-wise, so it's by no means "disount Serbia"
Slovenians maybe
That actually cheered me up despite probably coming from a Moroccan
That actually cheered me up as well despite probably coming from blue-eyed 2m handsome Dinaric giant
...I actually meant this in the sense that Muslims always morally encourage each other
Yeah I'm tall and quite fair and look forward to ruin it by breeding with beautiful Med angels from Africa, you can have a sister of mine in exchange