How do Americans create these water filled suburbs? Are they unique to southern Florida? Don’t think I’ve seen them anywhere else.
What’s it like living in them?
How do Americans create these water filled suburbs? Are they unique to southern Florida? Don’t think I’ve seen them anywhere else.
What’s it like living in them?
Extremely cheap land. You can buy a pretty nice house for like $100k. The downside is that you live in literal swamps, and there are fucking bugs everywhere. Just take a drive at night through some most rural areas, and your car will be covered in bugs
How's the water quality? Is it as filthy as the canals of Venice?
My old neighborhood is in that pic. Fucking pembroke pines.
What is like driving through the Everglades?
imagine all those mosquitoes
Reply to this part of my question
>What’s it like living in them?
And to What do you do with that much water in your backyard? Can you swim in it for example? Where does it come from?
Florida is a massive fucking swamp. Those fuckers are doomed and flooded in a big hurricane. But, it's an American thing. Like it happens in fucking Arizona as well
Where do they get the water for that in Arizona?
Not true, houses on the intracoastal and finger canals are absurdly expensive, even by south Florida standards t. broward county Florida man.
The quality is fucking disgusting, when boats go by you can see the true color of the water when the motor splashes it up, it's a yellowish color and it smells like piss and smegma.
I did some electrical at a restiraint that was on the intracostal and they wanted those stupid floating lights, I had to come back 6 months later to replace the lights and I wanted to fucking shoot myself.
What do you mean by intracoastal and finger canals?
loooool i literally live there. are you moving here or something?
The colorado river never reaches the ocean. Arizona is bleeding it dry
"The Intracoastal Waterway (ICW) is a 3,000-mile (4,800 km) inland waterway along the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coasts of the United States, running from Boston, Massachusetts, southward along the Atlantic Seaboard and around the southern tip of Florida, then following the Gulf Coast to Brownsville, Texas. Some sections of the waterway consist of natural inlets, saltwater rivers, bays, and sounds, while others are artificial canals. It provides a navigable route along its length without many of the hazards of travel on the open sea. "
Finger canals branch off from the Intracoastal
Houses are built around them.
I didn't see that your picture was of a area around I-75, I thought it was I-95 to A1A, which is the beach area. South Florida just has a bunch of canals, no they're not beautiful like Venetian canals. they're quite gross and full of gators, probably.
I drive that way frequently, takes me a couple hours to cross to the other side of the state. Go on google maps so you can see it. You can always see alligators from your car. There's a large fence dividing the rode and the water/gators. I took this picture of a classic highway weirdo driver.
No. I was just surfing through Google Maps, zoomed in on Florida and noticed everywhere it was filled with lakes and water. Thought it was kinda cool.
Wow, I didn't know this existed
Pretty impressive desu
It's really gross and inconvenient. The stupid fucking bridge has to go up every hour or if there's an emergency and as stated previously, the water is disgusting.
Arizona is one of the assholes of the United States
You really notice it flying over the state, there are just endless bodies of water
You're literally browner than arizona
>How do Americans create these water filled suburbs?
Florida is a swamp, you dig forming a lake and fill the surroundings with the dirt you dug creating the land where you will build the house.
Palm Beach here, I have to drive to downtown Miami tomorrow and I'm already depressed.
What's wrong?
Does the water just filter out of the earth? Why don't they dry out?
How is Naples? Too small for a week long vacation?
this is like the poor peoples version of a waterfront property
it must smell so rancid during the summer as the water starts evaporating
Traffic to downtown is a nightmare
>Does the water just filter out of the earth? Why don't they dry out?
It rains most of the time keeping the levels of water steady, also many of the lakes are connected underground, this helps prevent flooding (except when there is a hurricane) but also it means that alligators can appear on your yard
>What do you do with that much water in your backyard?
It's just for boats.
>Can you swim in it for example?
It's illegal and very unsanitary.
>Where does it come from?
The canals have always been there, Venice was built around them.
we have our own third world version of this.
Interesting. What kind of people live there?
wealthy people, but not very rich.
there live the families that became rich in the last few decades. all those neighbourhoods are quite news.
Was it a swamp before like Southern Florida?
oh fuck i live in florida and this is the most south florida civil planning i've ever seen
my uncle lives somewhere just like this, alligators EVERYWHERE in those canals. at least they aren't that aggressive i guess
it was part of the delta. yes, it was kind of a swamp. but the wather is cooler here.
>socal and not norcal
nigga wut
I've always wondered how they get gas, potable water, electricity, sewage,etc with all those fucking swamps.
by pipes.
What do you if an alligator turns up in your backyard? Call animal control?
What if you have a qt chihuahua? Could they get eaten if you're not careful?
they also have them in the midwest, rent is cheap for other reasons, like shitty winters and tornados
Post one
>tfw people keep moving to Nevada for some reason when we get barely 5% of the Colorado River's lower basin allotage
>tfw we'll probably get even less than that in the coming years
Does anyone move to Washoe county or western Nevada in general or only to Las Vegas area?
Did that twice. Saw a few alligators once, but the second time nothing, so it depends. Also a bug spray is a must, mosquitos there are fucking deadly. Once we stepped on one of those boardwalks like the one in the pic, we got literally attacked by a swarm of really vicious mosquitoes. Had to turn back and fucking run back to the parking lot to get some spray.
This actually happens quite often. You do need to call animal control. And yes unfortunately, pets do get eaten.
that's where the alligators are
It's a beach town. All there is to do is go to the beach, bars and restaurants.
a tornado?
shitty winters
>What do you if an alligator turns up in your backyard? Call animal control?
jump on its back and wrestle its mouth closed and then throw it back into the canal
not kidding
had boardwalk trails like this all around my university, identical really, snakes and gators everywhere around and beneath you
The only people in the sticks are the ones born there. Reno's a nice place, but obviously gets overshadowed by Vegas. I have no idea why people keep coming here to stay.
Naples is awesome. Old rich people retire there. Very clean, quiet and comfy. Nice beaches.
Its water filled because its built on swamp land retard
Florida wetland
Watery suburbs in the Midwest
Is that real?
Walked through one of those down in the keys it was completely filled with spiders
Why do so many old people move to Florida?
>in the sticks
What do you mean
Old people like warm weather and beaches
do you know him?
Kill you are selfs and take the shitty canal neighborhoods with you. Those suck too.
Do you get them from all over the country? Or only old white people from the Northeast?
Old people from the North, French Canadians, and lots of old Euros
>French Canadians and lots of old Euros
Well, that was unexpected
Mostly white , not just NE, from everywhere. Even C*nadians. Lots of Germans too. They buy land in the SW Florida, they have their own real estate agents there.
yeah gators are everywhere on golf courses because of the lakes and ponds
We also have a pretty big eastern euro population but they are mostly young
there are fuck tons of bosnians and albanians in my city and idk where they came from? i don't think they were here when i was young
I had never heard of old people outside American moving to Florida before
I mean if they are that big
Yeah where i live theres tons of russians they even have their own radio station.
i was told that those albanians are macedonians from tetovo
i don't know if they are necessarily old, like those germans, they just buy real estate there. some (most?) of them rent their houses out to other germans as vacation houses.
i know there are a bunch of russians around miami/fl
>What if you have a qt chihuahua?
>i was told that those albanians are macedonians from tetovo
you in jacksonville or something?
Delete this please :(
No I am in the Tampa/St Pete area but I am not sure where exactly they are, I just heard somewhere in the North Florida so may very well be some shithole like Jacksonville or Tallahassee.
In North Florida, it's common to see giant man made puddles because state law requires them to be built in conjunction with an development in property. The reason for this is so that the underground water level doesn't decrease and cause sinkholes
some of it might just be natural, my friend lives on a lake and it is comfy for summer swimming and ice hockey in the winter
well my city seems to have more and more bosniak/albanian muslims every day. at least they're fairly secular i guess, but for example if you go to ikea like half of the people you see will be swarthy white hijabis, it's weird
the bakeries are good though
Florida is a shithole and a top 10 worst state
t. king of the flyovers
that guy is confused we do not have any canals in the midwest. We do have a shitload of lakes in michigan, wisconsin and minnesota
>swarthy white
That’s like the opposite
t. goblino with dip in his lip right now and billy bob on the way with the daily meth IV
t. literally who i have no idea what happens in Minnesota, Minneapolis new gay?
Are they interconnected with canals or something? I'd be cool to like, go to work in a boat instead of by car.
let's just say we dont have crack zombies, alligators, mass shooters, goblinos, and country bumpkins roaming the streets 24/7
so you're boring?
ones in the picture aren't but that exists in many florida intercoastal areas