Is there any country that if it got invaded/attacked the whole world would be pissed off at the people who did it and...

is there any country that if it got invaded/attacked the whole world would be pissed off at the people who did it and would help defend them?

Attached: monkey gang.webm (262x348, 492K)

I couldn't even imagine the international outrage if China attacked Japan.

mostly coming from weebs

Attached: average pol user.jpg (504x492, 60K)

Probably Norway, can't think of anyone hating them

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Czech Republic

It would need to be a country powerful enough to draw allies in, but weak enough for those allies to think they could take advantage of the situation. so poor nobody countries like CR/Eastern europe are out. Big fat guys like Russia/England/America are out. Norway maybe because they have Oil and the niggers, I mean british would likley try to get rights to it. Other than that maybe Switzerland or Germany


Israel, Japan, Australia, Canada, Switzerland.
Not Norway, I just don't see it.


Attached: Jew rave.webm (640x360, 2.92M)