Is it over?

So that's it then, crypto is really dead?

Am I actually going to be confined to pic related for the next FORTY (40) years - shuffling around spreadsheets, clicking mindlessly on the computer, going to boring meetings and dealing with shitty office politics - JUST so I can relax for my final 10 years?

Is this my fate? Should I kill myself now?

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there is still one way to get rich OP
You know what Im talking about

? please dont play with me im getting desperate

inb4 kneepads and suck 1m cocks

Yes, make sure you e-mail the PowerPoint file to John by Tuesday afternoon! Thank you :-)

user you better have those fucking TPS reports on my desk by Monday morning.

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im gonna wait a while

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Unless you want to grow your own food, build your own house, sew your own clothes, etc

You fucking entitled piece of shit. People have to work to produce the things you use in your everyday life. You seriously expect to be able to enjoy the fruits of other people's labour, without having to work a little yourself? Grow up you baby. There's no such thing as a free lunch

its depressing but that's life for like 95% of people, you grind for 40 years and then once you're old and fragile you get to relax for maybe a decade, but by then your body is showing signs of failure and deterioration and you're lucky if you don't have any major health problems especially given the quality of food we ingest and how sedentary most people live.

Even if you do everything right, you start a successful business for example, even then your fate is likely the same and you'll live a similar life. Maybe you get to start retirement at 50 or 55 instead, but still your best years will be long behind you.

Life is suffering, no way around that. All you can do is find ways to survive the pain and above all else keep distracted and stay busy. Being idle and letting your mind wander too often is the path to suicide.

How do you piss in regular bottle? Do you guys just have tiny dicks or? Last time I tried I unironically got piss all over my floor. Use Nestea bottles instead.

>Even if you do everything right, you start a successful business for example

this is the sad part, I know business owners that have 20 mil turnover and good margin and they are basically wageslaves for the banks and still working in their 60s. There is no escape

Yup, my grandfather was an entrepreneur all his life, car dealerships, manufacturing companies, retail stores, even a small hotel, he owned all kinds of business and made a modest fortune.

But he was working nonstop, he'd be driving from location to location, flying from city to city, going to meetings all over, super high stress. He finally sold off his last business around the time he was 60, and at 64 he learned he had lung cancer, was dead at 65. Left most of the money to his golddigger 41 year old wife.

That's real life.

99% of us are effectively slaves. We spend our youth and best years to gain money, then once old spend all of our money trying to gain back our youth...

Honestly, life as a human right now on this planet is a fucking hellish nightmare, yet nobody complains except sarcastically.

Maybe we are truly woke to realise this though, which makes it feel worse in all honesty

>Pajeets taking up corporate jobs
>Chinese taking up STEM jobs
>Muhammad taking up entry level jobs
>Jamals taking up easy jobs

What I am suppose to do? Call centers are not jobs they are forced labor, I would gladly contribute to society if the jobs available to me actually contributed to society.

All because of Jews

You dont put your dick in the bottle bro. You just aim into it and control the flow.

you've got a negative attitude

get a budget

cut out unnecessary spending

become detached from the social pressure to consume and desire the material

save all your money


become wealthy

show others the path

Well, OP, you can become a celebrity or something. Can you act? Or maybe write? Write a TV show pilot, try to sell it.

Fuck homie, I'll drink to that...

dont worry user office jobs will soon be made obsolete by automation.

it's adorable anons think they'll have the luxury of working a cubicle job for 40 years
people who say all humans will be obsolete within 5-10 years are larpers or wishful thinkers, but nonetheless, jobs will keep trending towards less security and less meritocracy, as the nature of work becomes more and more artificial
if you don't make friends you will NOT make it to retirement through wagecucking

>if you don't make friends you will NOT make it to retirement through wagecucking
so what will happen

So my options are:

a.) win the lottery
b.) become super genius and be irreplaceable
c.) start a Niche business

What would you recommend? If more than one option in what order?

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There is the option of doing both and if you make it from crypto you can ultimately late as a normie.

Granted We are all in the red, but my backup plan is a cruisy consultant job 65kaud with all expenses paid on business trips. Give it 8 years and we will be earning TOIL like a speed demon.

This. People used to do susistance farming for thousands of years. They'd work from sun rise to sun set and become cripple from all of the manual labor without power tools. Then with factories and mines they were thrown in toxic conditions. Now we're at a point where you can sit in a comfy chair in an air conditioned room, only requiring brain power and a computer. This is bad how? Just don't sit all the time, talk to others, and exercise. It's easier than ever. Invest in steady returns combined with some risk in stocks, and you can retire at 45-50 if you want.

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The more self-aware you become, the harder this sort of thinking is to deal with, it can lead to very dark thoughts.

I'm in my mid 30s now and have spent far too much time dwelling on the depressing nature of life. The best thing I've found is to just find distractions. Keep busy. You have to get lost in working on projects, or setting difficult goals that might take months/years to reach, and then work at them, even if they're ultimately meaningless goals.

Keep your mind busy, stay active, be distracted. It's the only way to keep your sanity as you move through life knowing what you know.

Also, ironic thing is that people without jobs tend to complain and be bored with nothing to do. Yeah there's hobbies, but most aren't that creative to fill all gaps in their schedule. Society needs people doing jobs to keep it running. With IT we're getting to a point where the machinations of society can be more automated. Perhaps we'll get to a point where we can have automated home farms and can just sit on our ass with minimal work. It's a process, no?

Nah, it's not dead. Wasn't dead in February either.

just a get a trade job
trades are nice because they're real projects that mean something to people and have beginnings and endings
one of my favorite jobs was working at an auto repair shop for 3 years. broken car comes in fixed car goes out. satisfying.
I have friends who exclusively do brick and mortar work and they love it.

Nice boomer cope
I will /make it/ and retire in the next 2 years at 27 years old

>whites provide capital and make money off their wagie slaves.

These are the prices institutional investors are getting in at. We are about to go super nova folks

its much harder to slack off in jobs like that and it also becomes more difficult as you get older and your body isnt young and spry.

comfy office jobs are good.

cheers for the advice user
ive noticed myself going down that path and ignorance truly is bliss sometimes

need to distract myself from those thoughts because whats the point in thinking like that, nothing good comes from it either

Who here is going to unironically kill themselves after running out of money to be a NEET?

I am not even joking about it. I would rather die than wage slave for 40 years.

self employment will set you free.

people don't take you for granted, you only have to work as much as you want to work, shorter contracts always pay better than longer ones and you don't have to put up with the same people's shit every day. you even get to write off anything you buy as tax deductible.

i live comfortably and out of choice probably only work twenty weeks a year tops.

if you want more money, you work more, if you want more free time you work less.

9-5 all year round with three weeks holiday sounds like some unholy nightmare to me. no idea how anyone does it.

just fucking LOL at these 20 year old boomers who think cryptos over
babys first crash

in the next few 3 years theres going to be another set of crypto millionaires

>Am I actually going to be confined to pic related
Only if you allow yourself to be. It's not the only option, why do you think it is?

This is why i went all in on REQ soley based on the partnership PwC

I work in an office like that, it's not as depressingly lit or formatted though.

I enjoy it for the most part.

My coworkers are nice people and enjoyable to talk to even if they're complete normies.

The work I do isn't mindless and I really get to flex my Jow Forumsness knowledge.

The only part worth complaining about my life is how I can't into a gf.

>I would rather die than wage slave for 40 years.

Aw, poor baby might have to leave his bwanket and bah bah and do something with his life.

Get a fucking job, loser. Jobs can actually be fun and interesting, but you wouldn't know, because you're a loser who's bought into the autism here that a job is a bad thing. Seriously, life isn't worth living if you can't stay at home and sponge off your parents? Give me your dad's address, I want to come over and put a foot up his ass for raising a complete fucking faggot. Then then kick your ass all the way to the nearest company hiring.

what do you do?

No. Singularity is near. Give it a decade

You all act like an office is some torture. It's actually nice, for the most part - you make friends there, you talk to people all day, you get free food and coffee, you can sit in your cube and listen to music or podcasts on earphones, and it's clean, safe, and nobody will fuck with you.

I know, the horror.

Most of the assbergers and autists here don't even have their shit together enough to fill out an application and get an entry level retail job, and you expect them to set up and run a business? Let's start with baby steps, and get them off the couch, into clothes that were washed within the last 6 weeks, have them take a shower, and leave the house. And that's asking a lot.

i'm a hospital security guard... sometimes i long for such a work environment. No drugged up morons pissing and shitting themselves while behaving like monkeys, no running from one point to the other, no stress, no verbal agression or physical violence, no psychos, no traffic accidents or reanimations, none of it...

Just a relaxed comfy cubicle and some papers to shuffle around. Consider yourselves lucky morons.

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It's not all rainbows and balloons, but it's not as bad as people make it out to be. Plus, free office supplies. I've never bought copier paper, I have reams of it here. Same for pens, paper, everything.
Depends on the office, too. Some do suck. But most of the ones I've worked in were pretty chill, but I work in a field where there's not much stress, and the deadlines aren't insane.

A couple of years in an office, learning how business really works, especially finance, would be a near miracle for most of /biz, who think investing is run on magic and memes.

The only real soul-killing office work would be like the DMV, or working a call center, but I'd work there, instead of slinging fries, any day, as a stepping stone to something better.

Let's be real - most of the "wagecuck" posters here are spoiled little children or hopelessly autistic morons who can't survive on their own, even with mommy and daddy paying the bills. This is Jow Forums, after all.

This is a fucking blatant lie. Working hours today is a lot more compared to the vast majority of history. The only time working hours was more was during the industrial revolution, you lying piece of shit.

Yeah you work more hours today if you compare it to people who worked seasonally during farm times and then freezed their asses off the rest of the time.

These people were living off subsistence farming, if you think it's less work you fucking do it.

>This is Jow Forums, after all.
only an interloper would characterize channel 4 in such a manner, rebecca. i see through you. stupid slave!

t. Boomer

I don't disagree with you. However, you should also know that creating something of great value or taking an enormous risk in investments require a lot of work/talent or being willing to accept the consequences of your decisions and being held accountable for the choices you've made. That's not something to be ridiculed and reduced to being entitled.

>Afternoon naps was mandated by the church
>Going to work before 10 and having breakfast was seen as being an overeager worker

It was a couple of hundred years after the 95 thesis was nailed to the door of the church, that the protestants started saying that "God can be served through work" that people started working more. The vast majority of people did not work in slavelike conditions. Festivals and holidays were much more common. Its a myth that peasants working on for feudal lords lived in extremely shit conditions.

We only work less compared to the industrial revolution, arguably Chinese workers still work those hours and in even worse conditions than medieval peasants.

AC is more comfortable working conditions I will give you that but pretending that you were "freezing your ass off" while not working is extremely disingenuous.

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unions and pensions take care of that

What I came too as well.
What is the point realising every dark thing in the world, how it really functions, how blindness and endless repetitive useless shit really happens daily. Woke people are depressed as fuck. I think we're smokers were woke as fuck but use weed to calm themselves down and play good goy.

>Should I kill myself now?

No. Get a trade instead and never have to work around women again.

Out of 5 of my jobs, retail is sole crushing, telemarketing is soul crushing, hospitality everyone hates each other. I'm not smart enough to hang with beta autists doing architecture or computer sciences. If your not smart enough. Your thrown into the den of aggressive stupid assholes that make up the working class blue collars.

there are plenty of white chads scoring top marks in stem fields where i am


its over

it's not fair bros

grow mushrooms


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