Crypto is D E A D

crypto is D E A D
normies literally do not give a fuck anymore.
why would they? most of them got burned in december/jan.

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their attention span is too short. it's over for them. thankfully their memories are also very short and there is a media/information overload currently so there is a good chance there will be a fresh batch again in 3-4 years (possibly different timeframe). I remember NPR doing a bitcoin story when it was $100. Anyone around during the first hype cycle around mt gox time should remember that the hysteria was very similar both times. notice it didn't matter that bitcoin previously crashed over 85% and was up 4000% when normies fomoed this time. why would it be any different after they forget again ?

It's too late to turn back now, I've already staked my future on crypto.

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>he thinks normies cared about BTC
People who bought in December where slightly autistic redditors, normies have yet to know how you buy a Bitcoin.
Next December we will see those slightly autistic redditors moving to their first alt coin, probable ETH maybe some will try some others. Normies will start learning how to buy crypto next year. Trust me, I'm an insider.

>Trust me, I'm an insider.
Thanks just bought 100k

I agree that normie normies don't give a fuck about crypto. But I also argue that they will NEVER care about crypto.

Yeah because you idiots shill shitcoins and then they all get burned. What do you expect to happen? Of course you will scare them away once your shitcoin comes crashing down. It's over now. gg

Normies always cared about BTC. I have facebook and am friends with over 1000 of them. Literally had one the other day LAUGHING at people that invested in BTC.

You're retarded.

I guarantee it's because they're a wagecuck and subconsciously hate themselves for not being smart enough to buy bitcoin and be young and rich. Also, you are a normie if you have facebook.

I'm talking normie normies, I don't think you know the difference in degrees of normalfagotry. Normie is a spectrum.

My boomer dad in South Africa asked me to help set up a luno account in September 2017, he is contracter. You are deluding yourself if you think normies don't know

I'm talking normies that are 23-29. They literally don't give any fucks about crypto anymore. No one talks about it online anymore. Plus google and facebook banning ads, crypto is gonna crash

This is probably true, which is why you should invest in a utility that will impact financial transactions around the world very soon. That would be ChainLink. Glad I am 100% in it and none of this other vaporware.

Why wouldn’t they when the price is going up? Government money is done with or without crypto, they will want to secure their savings.


>Normies will start learning how to buy crypto next year. Trust me, I'm an insider,
Everything you said up to this point was sensible. If the mt gox crash is any indication, it will probably be a few years before we get back to 20k.

This. Every one of my coworkers say crypto is a scam.

No normal person over 25 knows anything about crypto. They’ve heard of BTC and that’s it. The idea that “normies” have already gotten in and been burned is ridiculous. You guys need to go out and meet regular people.

Now, “normies” will probably never care about/invest in crypto unless it has a real use or at least an indicia of legitimacy from Wall Street/institutions at least speculating. There’s a decent chance neither of those things happen. But the idea “normie” money is tapped out is insane. Too many gen Y fags with no perpsepctive here.

>You guys need to go out and meet regular people.

I honestly think the problem is these fags don't actually know any normies IRL. How could they know how they think?

You dumb af
It’s confirmation bias because they thought shit like “this thing is a scam” but when it moons again they will fomo in at the top

Normies didn't give a shit about crypto last year and still don't understand crypto.

December FOMO cycle will repeat itself.