What happened, Jow Forums?
What happened, Jow Forums?
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chan culture is cringe as fuck holy shit
You can blame Krautchan Jow Forums for the spread of That feel when and Smug Frog.
As someone who was there when Wojak birthed the meme on Krautchan by copying that face from Vichan, I am surprised how much it have mutated.
based 4channel
Wojak and its derivatives grew on me
Also yes this face originally came from the OG Vichan, it was called "Warm Face" (Ciepła Twarz), as opposed to the "Cold Face" (Chłodna Twarz, our translation of Coolface).
So you can blame both Poles and Krautchan for it.
no meme will ever beat o rly DESU
>adult men caring about the quality of inside jokes on a infamously terrible website
>durr the jokes on this piece of shit website I wasted all my formative years on were funnier ten years ago
fucking grow up and go outside, christ.