I have been envolved in crypto since the early days...

I have been envolved in crypto since the early days. Back in the early days we used to talk and meet on mIRC and other various boards. I have been fortunate to be able to stay in contact with alot of these early people till this day. I have attended most blockchain and crypto events since 2015.

Attending these events has rewarded me with the ability to become well connected in the crypto space. I get to form relationships with different developers of different projects and meet hedge fund managers who attended these things. Most of the people from the early days I keep in touch with do this as well.

Since we do this were able to get inside deals with new projects that come out because we network at these events. Not only are we able to get bonus tokens or priority before the average investor but we also hear about inside information before most others months in advance.

Since I have been very fortunate from being able to discover bitcoin from my early times on Jow Forums I feel as if I should give back to the community. I have been given some inside information from many of the people in my group about a crypto that will have institutional partnerships coming in Q4 2018.

I feel as if it's my time to give back to the site that made me get to where I am today. I won't be an asshole and make you guys roll for trips I'm simply going to tell you. You can choose to believe me or not I don't care but take it as you will.

I hope this helps all of you out. Big things are coming down the pipeline for Q4 after the main net launches. Take care.

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Other urls found in this thread:


So, which one is it?

Which one you think?
It's fucking obvious.
I'll give you a hint. It's been fudded to death.



I know right, had to read it twice in case I missed it but nothing. Just another "back in my day" faggot

Attached: the_queen.jpg (651x571, 105K)

yeah what is it

Attached: LINK updated 3.jpg (3000x2000, 3.08M)

I hope this helps all of you out. Big things are coming down the pipeline for Q4 after the main net launches. Take care.

I feel as if it's my time to give back to the site that made me get to where I am today. I won't be an asshole and make you guys roll for trips I'm simply going to tell you. You can choose to believe me or not I don't care but take it as you will.

Since I have been very fortunate from being able to discover bitcoin from my early times on Jow Forums I feel as if I should give back to the community. I have been given some inside information from many of the people in my group about a crypto that will have institutional partnerships coming in Q4 2018.

Since we do this were able to get inside deals with new projects that come out because we network at these events. Not only are we able to get bonus tokens or priority before the average investor but we also hear about inside information before most others months in advance.

Attending these events has rewarded me with the ability to become well connected in the crypto space. I get to form relationships with different developers of different projects and meet hedge fund managers who attended these things. Most of the people from the early days I keep in touch with do this as well.

I have been envolved in crypto since the early days. Back in the early days we used to talk and meet on mIRC and other various boards. I have been fortunate to be able to stay in contact with alot of these early people till this day. I have attended most blockchain and crypto events since 2015.


>Q4 after the main net launches
See you september ;)

>Not only are we able to get bonus tokens or priority before the average investor...

This is why 0xBitcoin exists.

Do you even have to ask?

now with an indian accent pls

Attached: accounting niggas are in.jpg (1385x967, 453K)

confirm your op

>I won't be an asshole and make you guys roll for trips I'm simply going to tell you.
>1 post by this id
Never change, biz

Hope is all that can keep a man afloat

I choose to believe, for otherwise I would sink


its gotta be LINK or REQ ??

>1 post by this ID

ITT: Suckers.

It's BTC

i know you shit on the street and use the sun to tell time, but Q4 isn't a short hop skip and a shit away from june, pajeet. goddamn you. it's june! you want to troll me with some eoty bullshit.

nvm not req



This fucker is trying to allude to info of Assblaster (who was half right/half wrong).

OP is a LARP

Attached: saintshimayo2.png (716x562, 586K)

You said "early" too many times. You're trying to hard to sound legit, therefore, larping ass faggot.


>So, which one is it?
Bobcoin and VageneChain

> I have been envolved in crypto since the early days.

Not buying it. And it's INvlolved.

> Back in the early days we used to talk and meet on mIRC and other various boards

No you didn't mIRC is NOT a board, it's an IRC client. If you don't know that, then you didn't do it.

> Attending these events has rewarded me with the ability to become well connected in the crypto space.

"rewarded you?" no one is buying this.

> I feel as if it's my time to give back

That implies that you have something you didn't earn. And you think it makes you look "charitable." it does not, just foolish.

> I won't be an asshole and make you guys roll for trips

"trips?' did you mean tips?

And since you don't have anything to offer; of course you won't demand payment. You just want attention.

15 minutes over.

i saw this copypasta yesterday ,not sure if it was the original but the coin was this


You didn't even mention a coin. At least try to make people believe in your dumb shit. What a pathetic larp. Sage.


Attached: shitcoin.jpg (1876x315, 171K)

Gamified shill... I'm not falling for it. Sage.