>n-no don't do what we asked for
>then we can't burn cars n shit :(
>Oi 5 cents!
>burn it down!
>Oi no more 5 cents!
>Burn it down some more!
French truly are animals
>the protesters asked for a fuel tax increase later rather than sooner
Fake news
why didn't they sell those cars to albanian mafia or w/e instead of burning them
I simply don't understand
>I have no idea about what I'm talking about but I will share my shitty opinions anyway
t. retards
burgeouisie has no sense of business
Did you just mixed up bourgeoisie and the proletariat you fucking retard ?
Objectively this is dumb on his part because it's condescending : he is pretending this is about the fuel tax, when it's about the state of the country
Even if i was a Macronist i'd say he should announce massive social programs and so on, even if it's 100% bullshit, and make some sort of understanding speech not a fucking "ok i cancel this tax and now stop rioting or you'll go to jail" speech like what the fuck does he expect ? I thought yuppies were good at marketing
>expecting an out-of-touch politician to understand the state he's in
>>I have no idea about what I'm talking about but I will share my shitty opinions anyway
Maybe we can find a real live French person to explain some day
Good luck finding one who'll be ready to spend his time educating retarded niggers on 4channel
No offence intended
do you really think the proletariat does something like destroying private property and disliking bargains?
it's all done by rich kids, usually who can afford and go to university
>should announce massive social programs
like what
>implying it won't work
What state of the country? Fr*goids will always riot. You just have to let it burn out.
French politics 101: keep promising free stuff
I did say "even if it's 100% bullshit". In reality there is no massive reform that can fix France if it is centrist.
Why the fuck can't people see how counter-productive this constant cry for more free money is?
user it's a fucking anti-taxation revolt not pro-taxation
if it happened in the usa we'd be libertarian heroes or some shit but since we are french it somehow is a socialist revendication
Fuck off mong
the government has just terribly managed this so far
>it's just the ultra-right wing
>there is only 20 000 yellow jackets
>it's a peasant revolt !
they don't understand how people work, the more you reeeeeee the harder they push
and that fucking minister who said "i can understand, it's hard for me to pay 200euro restaurants all the time" ahahaha are they fucking doing it on purpose ?
It's not about "free money"
Fuck off.
>i can understand, it's hard for me to pay 200euro restaurants all the time
That had to be on purpose.
no no, what is needed in France right now? that part i'm curious
we want blood
>"i can understand, it's hard for me to pay 200euro restaurants all the time
what france needs is a fucking miracle at this point
>dear citizens, i promise you a miracle
stop being dramatic and pinpoint some things that should be changed:
what social programs are needed?
>"i can understand, it's hard for me to pay 200euro restaurants all the time"
sounds like something you'd hear from one of ours
thats the point you stupid idiot low iq brown piece of shit
France is probably fucked beyond repair
>aux armes
imagine if france can own gun like in the US, we`ll already be in war time right now
thank god we cant
You're a good exemple of a lowlife who's not even half as smart as he thinks
>listening to the radio yesterday morning
>frenchie journalist being interviewed
>"nah Macron won't back down, that will make him look weak like when Chirac fired Juppé in '95 in a similar situati-"
>"im sorry mcfaggot cucké flash news just came in, they're announcing the suspension of the tax"
French arrogance will meet its due end very soon
>u-ur racis
fuck yaself
We can own them we it is just not legal to carry them
Actually France is one of the country with the most guns in Europe
still waiting for an answer though
just give me 5 minutes I'm writing a wall of text
i got this
uh ooga booga woogity boogity
JVPITER derangement syndrome is real
i'm holding my breath
just one more minute pls
here you go
excellent analysis, all is clear now
i couldn't ask for more
if it was that easy you think somebody wouldn't have fixed the country already ? maybe if i wrote a book it would be enough to answer you
absolutely everything is deeply wrong in france, on a fundamental level
for hunt i guess?
Its not about gas prices
-and macron promised only delay the hikes
>Imblying protesters are from the proletariat
Actual poor people don't have extra time to waste in shitty protests
It's too late.
So what's it about. French people can only be mad about the Macro body guard thing and his behaviour.
The bodyguard thing is a pretty big deal. He should have resigned after his retarded "come at me" shit
this is drumpf's fault
Yeah but it's not like it actually ignited anything. People have no real values besides getting free shit with less taxes.
refer to this post my poolish friend
It's general statement about human nature
that's not true, many people sincerely hate niggers too
that's a real value
>you think somebody wouldn't have fixed the country already ?
that's impossible though,
nobody fixes anything for free
>Its not about gas prices
then what is it about
do niggers even know what is it about or they just love to destroy shit?
>that fucking minister who said "i can understand, it's hard for me to pay 200euro restaurants all the time"
Anti Macron protest. The gas tax was just the straw that broke the camel's back
yeah that's exactly what i'm saying that's impossible
seriously what the fuck is that question "tell me in 2000 words how to fix an entire country" even if i tried making a list of reforms it would never be satisfying
it's about the fact that everything is consistantly getting worse and the future is terrible
there is also, as i say, nothing we can do, so we riot
it's called "the absurd"
So any Frenchmen avalible, I am a stupid American and dont understand why the tax is being hated so much.
He didn't do what they asked for. The tax increase is still going to happen, just a bit later than it would've. And what they really want is for him to resign anyway.
i really miss a lot not knowing french
we have ZERO news about life in France. i know nothing about their daily struggles compared to, for example, Spain
>it's called "the absurd"
i thought it's called :noel:
also i recall asking you to stop being dramatic and pointing AT LEAST something that, not by logic causation but by mismanagement and evil intent, was broken in France
Imagine if gas cost like three times as much as you're currently paying, and huge cost was mostly tax. Gas would become a huge expense in your budget, entirely due to the policies of government. Would you consider petitioning the government to lower taxes?
for example, in my country
this specific person called Zacarías Irún embezzled a fuckton of things in Ciudad del Este and, after much throwing eggs and toilet paper at his house, the Congress emitted an order to audit the city's council (or intendency, however it's translated)
now... your turn:
>pointing AT LEAST something that, not by logic causation but by mismanagement and evil intent, was broken in France
the french people
ah good
replace them with german immigrants "refugeeing themselves" from syrians. that might fix it
see? why despair
Just like build the barricades already
>Implying this tax is the main reason why people are chimping out
I call dibs for nice and savoy when the whole thing fall down.
because i don't even know what you're asking for, you just want an example of a scandal ? why ? people quoted the benalla case earlier i guess that's always something, basically macron made his friend into a high ranking officer who proceeded to overstep his function
very classic case of corruption, there are probably thousands of these
if the famous phrase "let them have cake" was followed with an order "handle each and every person in the Kingdom cake from my personal pantry", how many years more would had Marie Antoniette lived?
ah ok. so you want corruption to be sanitized
what would make your objective closer to be achieved: destroying the Arc of Triumph or staking the Judiciary seat and not letting them out until they issue police order to put the officer in jail?
Marie Antoinette did nothing wrong and was by the standards of her time an unusually generous person, and nobody cared
so is right, the wrong thing is french people themselves
yeah because putting benalla in jail sure is going to fix all of everyone's problems
yeah no sorry but saying fuck you to the government with violent action until we get something big is actually a much better solution
like it or not, yes if we keep fucking up everything hard enough and long enough, then eventually something is bound to happen, the goal is to get a new status quo
since we don't like the current one which consists of telling us we'll keep getting fucked, and not to complain about it
if it is shooting in the crowd then so be it, this will start even more unrest
if it is macron resigning we get spare ourselves like 4 years of that cunt
if it is nothing and they are passive, they will keep losing in popularity and a populist is bound to get elected
if it is the protestors who get really violent, things could be even more interesting
who the fuck knows
and no it's not about corruption it's about getting rid of a ruling elite, corruption and every other problem directly comes from that
Let's be honest guys. Jvpiter is finished. This crisis was an opportunity for him to appear close to the "people". But he fucking blew it. He couldn't even outwit some fucking peasants. He made it worse. He has lost the plot. He's done ;_;
The taxes rise was the drop of water that broke the camel. The movement is now an insurrection against the government and the system, we are not far away from a revolutionary climate. All that, will depend of how it will turn saturday.
Saw it, made me explode with laughter this fuck is cornered, he's terrified feel good man
Ohhh French revolutionaries I'm so scared what are they gonna do change the calendar so France can have more than 365 state holidays a year
French people are really arrogant and feel that they are entitled to free shit
but we want to stop paying free shit actually you dumb fuck
we want less taxes not more
So this is the power of JVPITERIAN presidency
STFU Shitalia, you are an inferior version of France.
>30something% approval
he wishes
it's more like 20 to 25% now
I think the graph ends at october or something