Would I pass as a local in your country?
Would I pass as a local in your country?
Elijah King
Colton Martinez
Roman profile
Justin Myers
Sebastian Williams
Jose Lopez
Matthew Brown
OP won't recover from this
Easton Evans
Ayden Wright
Kayden Gomez
That's literally the point you mong, do I really have to do (((this))) to dumb it down for you?
Luke Mitchell
Maybe in Israel
Charles Thompson
Good post.
Ayden Torres
Maybe in Jewish Autonomous Oblast'
Zachary Harris
Cool it you spastic
Gavin Nelson
Mon dieu...
Isaiah Moore
Hurr duddderrrr everyone but me is a mong
Thomas Reyes
Your dumb ass couldn't diagnose a Jewish nose if Goebbels himself tutored you
Robert Perez
literally google Josephus
Dominic Butler
Luis Baker
No, you're too abstract and minimalist
Noah Adams
Wyatt Evans
I know who Josephus is you faceblind muttoid