Attached: ira.jpg (460x329, 43K)

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whatever happened to the IRA anyway?

They call themselves Sinn Fein now

Nothing, they stopped because as left wing nationalists they get what they always wanted, a Indian homosexual Prime Minister.

They got the Good Friday Agreement so they're not needed anymore. All you hear nowadays is the occasional person getting arrested for making a bomb in their shed and stories of drug dealers getting attacked by people claiming to be in the IRA

Reminder that the irish PM is a gay indian. What did the IRA fight for again?

Attached: leo-varadkar-meets-theresa-may-4-390x285.jpg (390x285, 28K)

No more popular support, they surrendered.

I hate it, Ireland betrayed its socialist and Catholic foundation. With gay shit and abortion laws.
Northern Ireland is much better in that regard. + hatred of immigrants.

Independance, which they got.

>Northern Ireland is much better in that regard. + hatred of immigrants.

lol. The "Catholics" of Northern Ireland are even further left than the Republic. The Loyalists are anti-immigration ethno-nationalists. It's the Loyalists who oppose abortion. Sinn Fein are pro-choice and pro-refugee.

There's no any new sign related to Brexit?