Any major projects/redevelopments going on your city? Here in San Diego, we're redeveloping navy property, pic related.
Any major projects/redevelopments going on your city? Here in San Diego, we're redeveloping navy property, pic related
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Amerimutt-tier suburb alongside commieblocks. Chances it gets built are not very high because our banks are wary of taking any risk at the moment, but it's supposed to happen
This one is like 10 miles away in another city but at least it's under construction and should be finished by 2019
Looks nice.
Is it a mall?
It's gonna be used for multiple things, including shopping, hotel and entertainment.
he lives in mexico...
A conservative Brazilian I met yesterday said Cuba doesn’t have internet
Are you a tourist?
are you being ironic?
Cubans are cool and we share a lot of history so your comment doesn't offend me
they are redeveloping the area around the bus station in my town into a transport hub with a park on the roof
however here is an article about one of our recent redevelopments...
They razed one of the two main inner city arteries that connect south of the city with the north and started rebuilding it.
The rebuild was so shittily planned that the six-to-eight lane road was turned to a two lane road with road jams so fucking humongous at peak hours it takes you an hour to travel one kilometre.
And the time the city plans to finish construction work is between 2020-2021.
>my face when I took the bikepill a year ago
>my fucking face when I see all these goofy cager amoebas stuck in their shitty useless glass&metal clad cuckmobiles getting red from anger every single day for the next three years while I zip around them waiting only at redlight.
Cuba doesnt have internet
Yeah Brooklyn and Hudson Naval Yards. Also this area by a rail interchange near Long Island City. We also have the East Side Access going on and Penn Station will be moved.
i'm developing a novel way of hanging
might try it out one of these days
Tijuana, the whole city is getting rebuilt at this point.
Roads are slowly getting changed from concrete blocks to asphalt as well.
Cuba has public Internet that you buy a card to use, it's really expensive and has a time limit though.
amlo cancelled the airport
And he's building a fucking train in a very remote area of the country.
How is that not a bigger waste?
Looks nice, I've noticed that the UK is really good when it comes to redevelopment/urban renewal..
Wow, how did they fuck up so bad?
A lot seems to be going on in New York at the moment, wish it was like that in all major American cities.
Really? What are you building?
jajajaj se cagaron en tu aeropuerto
I guess the most notable stuff is the new Town center that's almost finished, the huge 5 tower offices/apartments/shopping mall currently being built, and the renewing of roads.
Hopefully SITT gets to grow properly top, it's essentially a proper fucking public transport system that's being blocked by current bus and taxi drivers.
They are currently building pic related, together with several other projects, like the Omni tower
Our university hospital is going to be replaced, it's a billion euro project and it will be ten floors high.. The current hospital just takes too much space and the staff have to walk a lot. Pic related, it looks like cancer to me.
The former police building + court house is moldy and will be demolished at some point. The state owns the buildings and has been slow to move, but I believe it's finally happening, fingers crossed. They're probably going to build apartment "towers" in its place. Which means what here, 12 stories tall? A joke.
There are plans to completely revamp the rail station area, but that's been going nowhere for the last 10 years.
In the next few years they're going to replace three supermarket buildings very near the same area. Who knows how that will go.
Ice hockey arena right next door is also old but it's getting minor repairs, I think it should be moved way out. Every time there's a game on the parking lot is full.
Also, this year they've expanded and are going to expand bicycle lanes to better integrate the university area with the city center. Btw, the university hospital isn't actually very close to the university.
Oulu in general is a cancer blob.
Nice, Tijuana doesn't really have a good reputation so this is good.
Former distillery turned into office/shopping/entertainment centre
We have been trying to slowly clean up our image by pushing more ideas like food tourism instead of bar tourism.
Currently I'd say we're one of the best places to visit in Mexico to fin food that isn't strictly Mexican food.
and this one
We had a national housing expo next to my local Uni's main campus where architects could make pretty much whatever they wanted. The houses range from very nice to ridiculous.
there are several large scale projects currently under construction in budapest
the biggest is called Liget, and comprises of the complete refurbishment of the City Park, the renovation of its historic buildings (such as the Vajdahunyad castle and the Olof Palme house), and the construction of a handful of new museums, designed by Hungarian and international archictect studios
A high stick that will be higher than the current highest stick
New underground train station finished in 2016 - now they want to bore tunnels across the city to make a quasi-underground
post pics faggot
There are several ones, this one takes place where Expo 2015 was set, it also includes self driving buses.
the next one is called the Bay Project, the development of a completely new residential and business district in the south of Budapest at the bay of Lágymányos. this project will also see the construction of Budapest's first high-rise building, the 120 meters tall MOL HQ
We also have plans for a new bath house. Pic related was the suggestion but it was stopped because it was ridiculously expensive (100m Euro for a 150k town)
also, new construction near the fair
Frankfurt has the best skyline in imo.
Yeah that looks horrible, glad you're replacing it.
I love stuff like this
.What type of food do you have? Could you post pics of your new town center?
then there's the Puskás Stadium, a football stadium capable of seating 67,000+ people. it will be finished next year
good investment
why a bath house?
No. We're going through gentrification first. Hopefully more people will start moving in
Yes. Theyre building several towers that will become the tallest in Canada.
"Gates of the city" - a new skyscraper complex
new football stadium in zurich
Wow, Budapest is booming.
What city?
Nice, Lodz has been doing amazing these past few years.
America light
Oulu continues. I forgot, they're planning to build a pool here too, close to the market place/theater/library.
The 25 meter long open pool will have 27 degrees C water year round. Genius or insane? Oulu is located at 65 degrees northern latitude.
built around new hockey arena, includes the tallest building in canada outside of toronto
It's considered basic communal infrastructure. The current one is old
I almost forgot our most important project, the extensive overhaul of the historic buildings of the Castle District, including the Royal Palace itself, and several buildings damaged during WWII then destroyed by the communists in the 1950s
Why are all german skyscrapers located in Frankfurt?
I noticed a lot of very tall buildings outside of Toronto. They didn't really make any sense and have mistaken for the actual skyline from a distance before. Why are they so spaced out, often in the middle of some field next to the highway?
two of the newly reconstructed buildings are almost finished
>pic related, the royal stable hall
Obv not germ but my guess is they want Frankfurt to steal London's financial firms
Nothing really major in my city except more housing developments. Having an airport right downtown makes for fucked up height limits of buildings.
future Katendrecht (U/C)
It has uses for the entire country, you fucking retard.
London is the capital of the world.
Frankfurt is a regional city.
How can they even compete?
I know that feel. That's why all we have are highrises, we can't compete with Miami because our airport is right around the corner
then there is this project, refurbishment of an old train dedicated area
Wasn't the train to connect the two oceans?
you're right. London has 3x the population of Frankfurt, but London is also a fucking hideous mess. They don't deserve it. Frankfurt looks much nicer with a separation of cultural sections and business sections. Moscow does this as well.
you're going to rebuild the whole royal palace?
Next year this will be completed and a phase 2 is going to announced soon
looks really out of place. Gives me American university vibes.
Benis :DDD
>those ugly apartments in the background
Are there plans to rebuild those streets because...
If the new one on the left will be done by the same company as the existing ones it's going to be a really nice cluster.
As of some days ago
>all new buildings look the same no
matter where in the world they are being built
are you sure you didn't just see grain elevators?
jajjaj el FIFI ardido
A 3 billion mall in the outskirts, it will be the biggest shopping centre in continental Europe (Westfield London will keep the first position)
are the buildings filled with plants or why are they green?
Yes. They were all modern highrises. We drove from Niagara Falls to Toronto.
just restore it to its original glory
southern ontario is china, not canada
to comply with the Milan 2030 agenda that aims to make urban areas a lot more green, by that time every public transport will be electric and combustion engines banned. Also 3.7 million trees will be planted
the award winning Bosco Verticale opened the trend of trees on skyscrapers
no, but maybe the residents will save up and revamp the buildings
I imagine the demand would be higher given their view and proximity.
most of the people living there bought those flats 40-50 years ago, or they were given to them by the commies for being good bois, and now they're old and even though they're not exactly wealthy they wouldn't ever consider selling their homes and moving into somewhere cheaper, despite the fact that the streets surrounding the Castle District are actually one of the most sought-after areas in the city and so they would get mad dosh
Fucking boomer trash. Same anywhere you go.
...and at least two(2) people can be fitted there
My town is a village but this thing from Hadid will be built soon
What is it? Museum?