Whats the ultimate legal punishment i as a white man can do that can make as many chinks as suffer as much possible.
I hate Chinks
even me? :(
you people are autistic, you smell like shit all the time. You are generally the biggest posers around; you try to cling to white pop culture to prove youre in with the west or something. Yet, you guys NEVER SPEAK FUCKING ENGLISH. seriously, every single chink on campus always insists on speaking 100% chinese unless they have to speak with the teacher. I mean, how come the indians speak english around each other but not you guys?? You guys are very isolated and show open hostility towards all white people, but then complain about white people being racist. You guys are generally retarded in a common sense way; all you can do is study textbooks and pass exams. Yet when it comes to something practical, it goes right over your head.
And thats just chinks in america
In your on country, you killed off all your female babies creating a total sausage fest. All of your public bathrooms have no soap, allowing disease to spread. Which is funny because it seems all major influenza originates from china. You make all your kids study for school 10 hours a day in elementary school, yet chinks are still retarded. Your tax is very fucked; you have mega billionaires in places like Hong Kong, yet your gdp is $12000. You always bitch about Japan invading your country, even to this day. Even though Mao Zedong has killed more people and destroyed more infrastructure than any jap soldier.
You treat handicap people like theyre animals.
All your men are twig boys
You claim that americans are fat, but you fuckers are legit malnutrition, as your only diet is ramen noodles.
and most of all.
i hate you
Do you love Chino chan?
>You treat handicap people like theyre animals.
absolutely b*sed.
imagine being american and showing sympathy to fuck up handicap people lmao HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH
Can you not use my flag you faggot
autistic fat wh*Toid
just kill yourself cumskin, the yerrowu man will cry and pine over the loss of yet another ""freedom n democracy"" bringer.
btw you americans are best wise not to step up to China, they'll wreck havok to your boys in korea and japan and all you pussies will be able to do is make trump tweet bad things about China.
Put on a bomb vest and blow yourself up somewhere crowded.
Hello, Takahashi
oh yeah
china also kills and tortures dogs. And i mean torture. they throw LIVE dogs into boiling water.
You fuckers keep on killing sharks for shark fin soup, that we had to ban you fucking dumb mongoloid from extincting that species
oh yeah
how about how china has the worst pollution in the world and you literal subhumans have to create "oxygen bars"?
but american obsesity. That is Faaar worst than pollution. Yeah, being well fed is actually health detriment. Living in smog 24/7? Now THATS the way of life.
Based and repilled.
>Yeah, being well fed is actually health detriment.
This is how I know you're a fatty
Also, you're making the rest of the world hamplanets by exporting McDonald's and similar crap everywhere you dumb wh*Toid
Buy as much iphones as possible
Imagine polluting and consuming 4x as much resources as anyone else on earth just to keep niggers fat and give jews a platform of power to preach worldwide degeneracy.
America should not be allowed to exist if humanity is to advance in the next millenia
>you smell like shit all the time
if i remember right Asian especially east Asian have the least body smell so what are you talking about?
>a jap who claims to be white
Please turn off your US Proxy
lol sperg
> as a """white""" """man"""
Your crooked teeth and slant eyes are showing through the proxy tojo san.
SWCC it is
Oh nvm your actually a clapburger lol.
Worst way to make us suffer then would be to diversify your country with muslims, blacks and lgbt, and also to teach about gay parents to grade schoolers (Like your doing now) because like you said we are very racist and would hate if you did that
you're* oops correction spelt it wrong, dont want to be confused for a clapburger lol
>Abolished State Of Japan (51st state) citizen..