clerical fascism with american characteristics edition
*wanks to cousins arse*
what is the fascination with poo about
might watch this now
Hey silly boys
wouldn't mind some 'za right now!
free Tekashi69
awful fucking thread
is this the world we really want?
flat tummies
short hair
no longer need a belt on my 42" jeans
not a fan of snakes, me
it's Bhang!!!!!!!!! you usually mix it with milk and it's legal over here because of religious reasons. we drink it during Holi (best Hindu festival)
want to live in new york for a bit
Dynamite Kid died
Lipstick makes women uglier. Prove me wrong.
been waiting for this for ages
live by the dynamite...
Ovbiously it was Chesterton
Christ and here I was thinking I was fat for no longer fitting into my 30" jeans
wish i was a pirate during the republic era when they were still noble outlaws instead of brutal thieves
cant believe my adulthood acne and suffering was fixed with one simple prescription ffs
shit lipstick does, same as shit makeup
>wish i was a pirate during the republic era when they were still noble outlaws instead of brutal thieves
fan of scurvy are ya
but death is a small price for heaven
spagbol gang me
have you seen 2.0 yet brother?
Cop killer
I'm not fan of anything clerical, but I wouldn't mind a state religion like Malta or Philippines (or Novorussia), as long as other minotiries weren't persecuted.
REMINDER, be on the lookout for this certain poster with a USA flag. Do not engage and do not respond
>thinks saying nigger randomly is funny
>will speak in British slang normally spoken by 12 year olds
>wishes he was born in London’s most slummy parts
>talks about footy but can’t run for more than 3 minutes without being winded
>voted for Trump and says he would vote for Farage
>is a white nationalist, despite himself not being white
>has never stepped foot in the UK
>yet uses the £ instead of $
>pretends to have been big fans of the Smiths his whole life, but can’t name more than 3 songs
>talks about Top Gear but can’t drive a stick to save his life
>vehemently backs Brexit even though it has zero effect on his life
>if he ever visited the UK, he’d visit Greggs just so he could brag about going to one here in /brit/ in some twisted way to get attention from British people
Humor: stopped maturing slightly before puberty
Creativity: non-existent
Education: some junior college
Mental functions: weak
Hobbies: shouting and hoping a British person gives him attention
Love life: right hand
that's like 3 different spastic yanks, you're all fucking weirdos
Because we have big Orthodox minority, and lesser Sunni (Tartar) and Jewish minority. Also a lot of Pagans (mostly nationalists). And athiests, old apparatchiks from communist times and their families.
We'd end Orthodox if it wasn't for Mieszko I.
Doing a spot of matched betting lads
free money innit, why don't all NEETs do it?
What does INT think of Yorkshire?
This post screams schizophrenia and autism. Fuck off
fuck every single yank without exception
In other words he’s an Anglo sycophant like every other yank in this general
why has this general become a haven for North America's mentally ill?
eating a bar of mackies scottish chocolate
good stuff
who are the good indian directors?
Since I started lifting I've gained 22kg but my waist has only increased by 2.5". Chest has increased by 6.5".
americanised poltards welcome them
hate niggers
hate brit slang
hate london
hate soccer
voted trump
am white
no other country is worth visiting
no idea who the smiths are
top gear was good
anything that fucks with the EU is good
would visit greggs
all me
best chocolate i had was some finnish supermarket stuff
worst was a sample of some £60 bar in shoreditch london
They gravitate here because it's the most active English speaking general and they're all just here for attention.
is /ausnz/ broken you fat maori?
it's spelled football.
what a shit goal
not arsed 2bh
i've lost 10-15 stone twice, I can do it again
don't recall asking for your life story
that does it
/brit/ is a welsh speaking general now
Rwyf wrth fy modd cwrw
Because English is the only language we know. Retards from my country some to /brit/ seeking attention. When they shout POO NIGGER in the German or French general, they’re just ignored
dont care
fuck off
haha Sara I know you want to "eat the rich" but you didn't need to eat all of them!
moonfaced piefaced slag
Slavs are cute
I only post tits
t. tyson fury
GOMAD for chad?
wyt ti'n ddod o'r dde?
virgin of the thread
I actually can't name any. I've only ever watched mainstream Bollywood shite and MOST of that is garbage. Satyajit Ray's name comes up whenever you discuss great Indian filmmakers but he's from before my time and I never really bothered watching his stuff 2bh. I really like a lot of Aamir Khan's films but he's not a director
had salmiakki chocolate once
love it
would rather have the yanks than the welsh desu
This is not on
Quit that
Would rather have yanks than british flags in this general
I’m trying to do you guys a favor and recommend ignoring him or them. They were in /cum/, but they migrated here because being 1 of many Americans in /cum/ wasn’t given them enough attention. They weren’t unique or special enough
So they migrated here to be the “annoying yank”. They have a twisted mind. Even when they’re universally hated, they love the attention
Ignore them and don’t engage
virgin weirdo
ddim yn hoffi yr bost hon
terrible at least have a real shave
>/éire/ sometimes falls off the board for hours at a time without anyone noticing
good yanks:
jeffrey the ethiopian
the majesty poster
the dan has awoken poster
bad yanks: the rest of ye
Testing testing 123
i hate this windows thinkpad piece of shit get me a macbook PLEASE
you ever feel sick of your meal halfway through dinner?
i keep losing my appetite despite the good food
Google has notified me of a Captain Marvel trailer 5 times today
I'm not interested in watching it though
zip it dave
Asian century incoming
you have diabetes
funny how quickly everyone has come to realise that brexit will literally not be happening
people's vote is literally just a 2nd referendum and we all know the outcome will be to reject Brexit
Same, haven't watch a single super hero film since the original avengers, fuck off.
boy, you're gonna carry that weight a long time
I dunno this winter is surprisingly warm.