Why are we so based? Anyone who complains about seal clubbing can fuck off

Why are we so based? Anyone who complains about seal clubbing can fuck off

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All I get from this is remembering strange youtube comments in every dead animal video. Like I was just browsing cute bunny videos until I got recommended a "crow eats bunny alive" and all I see are comments being glad the animal is suffering.
I saw this again when I was watching a documentary about chimps and read a couple of comments talking about how they were happy to see chimps tortured. Very odd...

>Innocent, useless seals

There’s a specific phenomen on YouTube where people describe the graphic hatred of monkeys under any monkey video. Look up “monkey hate” and there’s like a playlist full of videos with thousands of views.

i never understood this, why is seal clubbing a thing?
why seals?
why a club?

surely if you wanted to act like a nigger there is other animals you could do it too or other weapons you could use


Yeah I remember that, their was a comment describing how he'll like cutting off their balls or something. Though looks like their's bunny hate too.

Don’t really get the bunny hate, but they do have some uncomfortable looking mouths

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I assume it’s because seals are one of the largest and most readily available marine mammal in the north, and clubs can keep the pelt intact with damaging it.

Without damaging it*