Rate my eye and post yours

Attached: D6A111C1-E7C3-40E9-A35E-E2C897203D51.jpg (1175x818, 124K)

>100% european and have these eyes

Attached: eye.png (295x272, 150K)

Look nice
Are you a girl?

Attached: IMAG0866_1.jpg (676x91, 15K)

no and i look like a spic when i don't shave (part italian)

Looks pretty cool

shitty brown eyes aren't special. I'd rather have black ones like niggers do because at least shit isn't black.

Attached: 27F849DB-F501-4F1B-AA3A-FD37C7AB7378.jpg (706x501, 225K)

>shit isn't black

You've never drank two weeks in a row, havya

Attached: Eyeseeyou.jpg (394x291, 21K)

how is scientology treating ya m8?