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Eosuckers didn't even understand how it worked


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It's actually a fascinating game theory problem.

The best outcome would be for everyone to vote, but you risk losing your coins by exposing your public key when you vote.
As a result everybody behaves selfishly and prefers to wait for other people to vote

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> your public key
oops, meant private key obv

Explain for a brainlet

thats not fascinating, its babyishly straightforward. eos is fucked lol

mainnet will take literally months to activate and exchanges will be forced to vote with their wallets

this is just like that time satoshi made everyone vote for bitcoin
and look how well it still did

Reddit and Biz gave some guy named Dan $4 billion dollars in Ethereum that he sells off on Buttfenex, driving the price down on all crypto.

He wants those same people to launch his mainnet which requires 15% of the ERC20 token holders to agree. The risk is if they vote on the main net that doesn't end up succeeding, those ERC20 tokens will be forked and worthless, except to the second group of scammers who will then sell those tokens on the real main net.

The end result is both EOS and ETH will see declines in price for the foreseeable future..

Thank you even more

In the end, EOS is the devil himself

Wait, what? if you vote for a losing net you lose your tokens?

That can't be right, even for a scammy shitcoin like EOS. It's just too shitty!

No matter who you vote for, you won't lose your tokens.
The risk is that there are 10's of shitty 'voting' wallets being produced by potential block producers. All it will take is for one of these seemingly helpful 'voting methods' to be a scam - that's the big risk at the moment

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>The ICO will fail it's a scam
>It's just a useless ERC-20 token
>It's vaporware, they'll never release a working product
>US citizens won't get their tokens because muh SEC
>Dan is gong to exit scam
>The mainnet will never launch
>The mainnet will never be activated
----- YOU ARE HERE ----
>No one will use it
>EOS will never flip ETH
>EOS will never flip BTC
>EOS will never become the backbone of the modern internet

Sure is plebbit in here

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Dan with the top tier bants

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He should know anyone dumb enough to buy EOS can't use a command line

That's weird, I used the command line tool just fine

You and the rest of that 1.73%. Good job.

here, we get a fascinating insight into the mind of an eos holder. as you can see, to them the simple act of launching a mainnet is equivalent in magnitude to becoming the backbone of the internet. the eoser believes these events follow naturally, and thanks to this faith he doesn't need to stop and ask himself why this would happen in the first place

Well, the alternative is to face reality and endless depression. Who would want that?

So this is the wisdom of the crowd.
Crypto is finished! 95% of the space is delusional greedy fucking retards

I'm starting to believe in authoritarian style governments again

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I’m starting to think all this anti-EOS shit is a subtle form of shilling since the smugness of people shutting on EOS is insufferable. However I’m not falling for it, I’m putting all my money in BTC and at this point I hope EOS AND ETH fucking die. Most useless shit ever:

>muh smart contracts
>muh dapps

Ethereum unironically killed crypto by fucking causing this ICO bubble. Instead we could just have slow and steady BTC gainz.

>slow and steady BTC gainz

what the fuck is this faggot shit? there were no slow and steady fucking gainz, and why would you want the money in 10 years and not 6 months ago?

what a retard

I'm so glad most people finally realize this is a scam. You should be fucking ashamed of yourselves for making a scammer a billionare

If Vitalik needs 20MM for eth development why exactly does fuckface Dan need billions huh?

you're the problem

welcome back my fren

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I am literally the cause of Bit Coins volatility.

i am coming to an inescapable conclusion that EOS is a money-master backed plant to usurp btc and eth and give control of what they hope will be number 1 coin to the banks. It has been widely touted, is backed by insiders (bank and old money), has the developer frontman to add kudos, has a strange and binding constitution embedded in the chain and attempts to lock out large scale miners (not necessarily a bad thing) and a natural bias towards large holders. if any coin was developed by the banks to usurp control from the king coins this is it.

Sell it al for ARK, quickly!