Why is Quintana Roo so violent when Yucatan is so peaceful?

Why is Quintana Roo so violent when Yucatan is so peaceful?

Attached: mexico-homicide-2018-states.png (2029x1326, 411K)

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I would guess there's one shithole city that's responsible for that whole number, but I don't actually know.

Where do the cartels operate?

Cancun is both a port of entry for drugs from Colombia while simultaneously receiving millions of degenerate springbreakers who love cocaine. But the main reason is that Cancun's territory became disputed in 2016 and a war between cartels broke out. In contrast, Mérida is a port of exit for drugs directly into Texas than hasn't been disputed so far, while their tourist crowd are boomers and retirees looking for ruins, not coke.

Yucatan is full of Mayan bulls, a peaceful and intellectual people

Thugs killing each other because they are fighting for territory.

Everywhere, the only question is who is dominant in which place, and for how long.

Funny, because the last serious Mayan rebellion had its roots settled in Quintana Roo.



Why not Rodrigo Duterte them into pieces?