Kill / Marry / Fuck

Kill / Marry / Fuck

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D) report OP's shitty thread

Kill mid, fuck right, marry left

Here at Jow Forums, we only fuck vacuum cleaners and Asians.


correct answer

you forgot dolphins

>tfw you realise the crash made us more fucked up than /b/

>marry a literal whore
its like you like being poor

Only correct answer

But you get to fuck the married one for life right?

kil left, kill mid, kill right, fuck them all

thats not how it works for you cucks

the state of this board

I think I got five different STDs, just by looking at this pic. Fucking disgusting.

Also this.

What are you talking about. These sluts are the best. Why would you wanna hang out with some boring virgin nerd chick when you could be fucking these thots at the club.

There was a imgur thread with a bunch of pics of them.. anyone got it?

>ever marrying a bar slut

Sorry user, best I can do is fuck left, kill center and right.

>he involves women in his life in any way

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why would I marry some club slut?
kill, kill, kill

Fuck all of them, marry mid, then kill myself

Fucking incels dont understand how these games work.

Fuck all three then kill them

Found it.

Can I fuck right and then kill her?

Otherwise Fuck Marry Kill

none of them because they are all caked in 500 pounds of makeup and still look disgustnig


I want them all to piss in my mouth

I've almost only had bad experienses with women. Most of them are just not capable of highly intellectual conversations. Fucking uninteresting, boring, useless, worthless cunts. Especially novadays. Men can be as bad too, but women are by their function lazy, unintelligent, backstabbing cunts. It's in their monkey genes, instincts and hormones. Only good for sex.


just gotta find a shy introvert. usually online. library. animal shops.

You thought you were right. But fucking right has the highest risk of an STD.

"Shy introverts" are usually the biggest sluts of them all.

>imblyin i don hav std alreddy

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this. its a known fact in phsychology that those who are "shy" tend to be fairly confident about themselves wheras those who are loud and slutty are trying to compensate for the fact that they are really *shy* on the inside

kill kill kill

The obvious answer

Fuck left. That bod is amazing.

Marry middle. Seems the least degenerate and has good genes.

Kill right.

fuck hand
marry nobody
kill self