Please congratulate Spain for it's 40'st anniversary of its constitution.
Please congratulate Spain for it's 40'st anniversary of its constitution
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As if you guys would need that.
Only shit you think about is welfare checks, football and siesta
This. You can't chimp out and vandalize a city if you are busy sleeping in the middle of the day, right?
That's a nice drawing. Congratulations Spain on still remaining to stay together after 40 years!
greatest ally
I was just looking at some cities and town in Spain though Google Maps, it's fucking beautiful. No wonder it's second most visited country in the world.
I only say one sentence.
>Goodbye, Franco
vy'apavé nde arambotýre manolo tavyrón kuéra
congratulations Spain
¿Qué te pasa en la boca, indio?
Congrats,our retarded big brother
fuck democrashit hail Franco
Spain died with Franco. S on the cucks who live in the country today
> that flag
t. Highest budget for welfare in the EU, burns Paris for winning world cup and work so little hours that in USA you all would be part timer fags
Happy Birthday Spain!
It's the fault of Franco he nominated the cuck king John Charles I as his successor, who undid everything he did and reinstalled liberal-democracy.
Instead of like, you know, the Carlist candidate? Half of his army fought for.
>cuck king John Charles I
He's usually the bull. He has had dozens of lovers.
>his country is only 40 years old
congratulations for not having a civil war in 40 years
Where is that?
My ancestors ;)
We are a millenary nation, that's just our democratic constitution aniversary.
teach me some spanish history. is it true the reconquesta is bullshit and was basically done by mercenaries, some who were muslim?
¿Casta? Casta es tu amado líder Pablo y su palacete pagado con dinero sucio. Comunista de mierda.
it's a white country that's all you need to know about Spain, Nigel
tell me about Vox
>We are a millenary nation, that's just our democratic constitution aniversary.
In the beginning there were many mercenaries fighting for the highest bidder. Christian kingdoms fighting against Christian kingdoms, Muslim taifas fighting against other Muslim taifas, Christian kingdoms fighting in brotherhood with the Muslim tarifas against other Christian kingdoms, and Muslim taifas fighting in brotherhood with Christian kingdoms against other Christian kingdoms.
But during the last period of the reconquest it was really a war of the Christian kingdoms united against the Moors to re-establish the ancient Visigothic Christian kingdom and liberate Christians who lived in Muslim territory from the Islamic yoke.
congrats Spain
>Islamic yoke
But I heard you guys thrived under Islamic rule and they gave you culture and taught you how to bathe
They want to make Spain have sane economic and domestic policies but they are deemed as ebil and epic fascists
At the moment it is a young political party very focused in the person of its leader. A very badass Basque unionist.
>basque unionist
It's founded by Punished Venom José Antonio Ortega who was captured by ETA for 532 days
Lel sure. You just have to compare the current Islamic countries with the current European countries to convince yourself that Spain chose the correct civilization.
I have heard many times the myth that the Catholic kings closed the Arabic public baths, and that is terrible because of the hygiene and blah blah blah. All lies, the Catholic kings closed the Arab baths because they were centers of homosexuality.
>the Catholic kings closed the Arab baths because they were centers of homosexuality
As a gay, and Catalan independentist, I would prefer to live under the Islamic rule.
Ya, pero eso es porque eres maricón. Además ni siquiera crees en España, así que tu opinión no cuenta.
Spain as a nation is around 1400 years old
>Catholic kings closed the Arab baths because they were centers of homosexuality.
That's very believable. Muslims always had a reputation for their homosexuality. The most common insult for the Muslims during the crusades was apparently "sodomite" and these days some of the biggest browsers of homosexual pornography are muslim countries.
also, dirty europeans who didn't wash is a false myth, the europeans very clean, they often bult baths next to bakeries and used the heat from the ovens to heat the baths
t. casta
Its pretty, too bad those buildings are full of communists and autistic youtubers.
your flag reminds of the sopranos where AJ took his mutt girlfriend and her son to the puerto rican pride parade while he was listening to puerto rican rap and had puerto rican flags all over his car, then he got dumped by his girlfriend and he was left there alone with the stupid ass flags, hahahaha
Nah, it's Cantabria. There are no autists nor degenerates in Based Cantabria
There are commie Basque niggers though
t. Satander
i'm voting for VOX, inmigrants OUT OF SPAIN NOW
the fuck you wanna know? they are Catholic conservative antifeminist anti-migrant but pro migrant from our former empire centralist, the leader Abascal was president of the youth of the PP in Basque Country and has been living of the politics since forever and didn't join the conscription, he and his father has been threatened with death by ETA, that failed to kill his father 3 times, and he edc a Smith & Wesson
spanish subhumans
It is time to forget the past, Johannes Von Dicksonwerfsxcnson. You are acting like Koreans with the Japanese.
Why that hate?
Asian latinos worst latinos
Their flag is a rip-off Cuba.
Ironically Scatalans also ripped off Cuban flag, which was already ripped-off by Puerto Ricans. Why?
Independence for Catalonia you imperialists
Catalunya será la tomba del feixisme.
vest a fer punyetes
>mfw un porc castellà intenta parlar en català a prop de mi
>pro migrant from our former empire
You mean Hispanoamerica?
jo sóc valencià, idiota, el teu català és una còpia barata del valencià, ara ves a la merda
And Philippines Ecuatial Guinea and Western Sahara
>jo sóc català del sud
El valencià es un dialecte del català, ho sento noi.
Ves a menjar paella i deixa parlar a la gent que parla idiomes de veritat.
So they’re basically against moors, gypsies and chinks but ok with Hispanics? That’s pretty interesting
>El valencià es un dialecte del català
fake news
>Ves a menjar paella i deixa parlar a la gent que parla idiomes de veritat.
parla per tu jordi. Paella jo menjaré demà
when is he coming back?
Me lo guardo, gracias.
*spits on him*
Today, he just woke up from his siesta, don't worry.
I wish Jow Forums could understand Catalan because these posts are a little nice summary of our beloved kingdom.
You mean the Based and Redpilled Kingdom of Valencia or the Cringe and Bluepilled Catalan Counties
Fascists are literally leftists
Todos podemos entender catalán no te preocupes.
Y estoy seguro que podeis entender gallego, lo mismo que cualquiera puede entender italiano, portugués y francés. Los catalanes lo teneis mas fácil para entender Francés y los Gallegos portugués, si no tienes 2 de CI y hablas castellano cualquier lengua romance debe de ser sencilla.
Fuck romanian tho.
Y el vasco, literalmente ayy lmaos.
Valencia tornarà a ser un vasall més del comtat de Barcelona.
El dia de la corda s'apropa porc unionista.
I mean non-Romance speakers on Jow Forums. I'm not even a Catalan speaker.
Are you surprised. Franco was the ultimate jew.
He jewed the republicans, he jewed the Falangists by ruining Falange, he jewed Carlists by not picking the Carlist candidate to the throne.
This guy was such a huge troll lmao.
i hate south americans, i don't know why he likes them
Well he cared mostly to Spanish people and not really about some ultimate ideologies, if anything he did pretty well in holding the country together against all odds and even reestablished the spanish monarchy
user.... user.. no me dirás que no hablas ningún idioma cooficial en alguna de las comunidades autonomas Españolas no?