Bless Greece, Hate Turkey.
old :
You're not greek.
Pff, weak sauce.
i am cauc-asian
5th for Unire
more like cuck-asian
Domnum României, Mircea cel Bătrân
O suită mică, se plimbă-n tărâmu
Ca să afle păsul bietului plugar
Și să-i indulcească traiul cel amar
imagine going to zoo with gf or wife or family or whatever and when you looking at hippos this
2km long bridge to be finished by 2022. 3rd biggest in Europe.
Can Balkanshits at least TRY and keep up?
african, asian, cock...asian
obviously i take my pants off and shit right back
>2km long bridge to be finished by 2022
it took 3 years to build crimean bridge(longest in europe btw)
you seem to don't know how things work in the balkans, if they finish in that year it's an achievement
Work on the bridge is only gonna start in early 2019, so it's gonna be about 3 years of work to finish it.
Belgrade is kind of a shithole
This is the "old town" lol, you can see commie blox and giant ones everywhere. And those new ones kinda save it but are still mediocre
I'm just fronting this place is on par with Budapest but it's not .
I apologize for my ignorance
Now compare that to an actual European city - Paris
Uniform style, endless such buildings. No commie blocks. Literally Eastern European cities are 10 notches below and perma-shitholes no matter what you build
In response to Russia’s actions against Ukraine in the Kerch Strait, the U.S. is preparing to sail a warship into the Black Sea, CNN reports, citing three American officials who said the U.S. military has requested that the State Department notify Turkey of its possible plans. Under the 1936 Montreux Convention, the U.S. is required to notify Turkey of the passage of military vessels through the Bosporus Strait and the Dardanelles, which connect the Mediterranean to the Black Sea. Meanwhile, Moscow announced its troops in eastern Crimea conducted a military drill with Russia’s Pantsir anti-aircraft missile systems.
Пълнeтe мaзeтaтa, нe ce знae кoгa зaпoчвa шoyтo.
Fuck, it was about time.
Nqma da se slu4i ni6to vujno
did you have a stroke?
нa вyйнa ти фъpчилoтo
Az govorq na mai4iniq mi blgarski ue moldovski bokluk
Istanbul has some very nice sights.
Your "patriotism" shouldnt stop you from having an objective eye for beauty.
Let's play a game Budapest or Belgade
The game Bozgor doesn't want you to know because he is under the illusion his civilization is not balkan tier
we will drown it
I was planning on going there, but then some guy exploded himself and I lost interest. I am considering it again now. Maybe next year, when the weather is nice. I want to see the byzantine temple/mosque and the open bazaar. What else is there to look out for? Can I still get a $20 Rolex imitation there, thats as good as the real thing?
>Sanctions you
Nothing personel kid.
/fa/ as fuck im mirin
get me one kilo of lokum and one kilo of hashish
Yes Sofia has grander buildings than Budapest
A beautiful sight
yeah no
Fuck the nigger who made small roads like these. Roads should be twice this size. And darker.
At the current stage I wouldnt go there
Istanbul has more, though for 10M its not a lot indeed
Lol nope, here's one of the unis in Budapest.
It's too hot and sunny outside, I only need a hoodie
I hate this weather and wish for a real winter with snow
okay but why the zoomer writing?
can't afford installing a Cyrillic keyboard?
>old Moldovan garbage
you live in garbage dumbass
He didn't call you old.
>its a nitpicking images of cities from google thread
>Bulgarian: Aз гoвopя нa мaйчиния ми бългapcки ye мoлдoвcки бoклyк
>English: I speak to my native Bulgarian old Moldovan garbage
So sad that the Ottomans were brutally incapable of leaving anything of value building wise, one ugly ass mosque is all there is, it even has no frescos, just nothing. Looks like build from mud. And probably is build from mud.
getting hungry lads what should i do?
>EU flag grass
Are tatars serious?
ue = we = be
its a parasitic word that doesn't mean anything, it just specifies a dismissive tone of speaking
eat tendies
That's just a jargon, a figure of speech.
das haram its fasting season
Top 3 cities ive vistied with overall good feel and quality sights, in no ranking order:
Biggest disappointments:
Sofia is based
I rate Berlin high, especially if you like these local small time hipster cafes and mini-restaurants.
I rate Rome very low, disgustingly over commercialized, and probably 90% of all humans you encounter are either tourists, or praying on tourists.
In our region, Bucharest and Athens were alright, but mostly a few specific streets/squares. Belgrade/Skopje were disappointing. Ochrid was very nice. Haven't visited any other notable places.
economy wise it is, for the rest we need to wait one more decade, or two
damn what do normies usually do when theyre hungry?
I agree with Valencia on top. Certainly the best city I've ever visited architecture-wise.
I also agree with Barcelona being a disappointment, the city is pretty lame and boring. Nothing special desu.
I disagree with Paris and Amsterdam though. Both are GOAT cities. Especially Paris is much better than its reputation. As long as you stay in the right arrondissements.
Personally I was never disappointing, every city is exactly like I expected
Even places I was unsure of like Greece turned out exactly like I expected
Paris had the most sights, Prague/Budapest are ok but ran down shitholes, Berlin is the most fun, London is the most rich and "grand"/western on the continent. Balkan cities are somewhat livable but not sightly and that's why I live here and not bulgaria or serbia
>As long as you stay in the right arrondissements
How do you get around without using the metro?
dont you have to put things in your mouth for that? sounds gay tobehonest
Horey shiet
I wish this place got more attention, I think it turned out really well. The byzantine church, the roman ruins, the big 19th century government buildings, the paved square, the underpass, its a nice feeling place. Would've much preferred it if there were actual upper-middle class cafes and restaurants, instead of the high end casinos and hotels there, so more people can hang around.
True, Berlin was pretty interesting with a good vibe, but also overcrowded with scum.
I liked Rome because it breathes history everywhere and because I proposed to my wife there it will always have a special place in my heart/mind.
Bucharest I didnt like at all, messy and dirty and a lot of cables everywhere, old town is good but the rest is just dirty. Athens reminded me a lot of Sofia, of course with nicer sights added. The general feel is very similar though, same infrastructural problems as well. Belgrade/Skopje I agree, Belgrade city center especially small af, didnt expect it. Couldve made much much more from a city on the danube. Skopje well, didnt visit centre since the statues are there so this is yet to do.
Also you could take some of those disgusting ex-commie buildings in the gold road area and just outright Grujo them with neoclassical style or demolish
I personally don't like the gold road, gives me a muddy feeling
Could be better with marble or some modern shit
Taxis. They are cheaper than in other large cities. Of course not as cheap as the Metro.
>a lot of cables everywhere
Send the Romanians there, they will clean it up.
>True, Berlin was pretty interesting with a good vibe, but also overcrowded with scum.
If you mean muslim immigrants, I didn't get that feeling at all. A lot of foreigners, but mostly Europeans. And they were all young and hip, didn't see any bands of toweled mothers and their broods and such. And I rented near a halal supermarket, where people spoke to me in turkish first.
>I liked Rome because it breathes history everywhere and because I proposed to my wife there it will always have a special place in my heart/mind.
I liked the historical sites, but SO MANY PEOPLE, fuck. Its like going to the Rila lakes on a day thats not a work day, the tourists ruin the tourism. TOO MANY DUDES. It depressed me.
>Bucharest and Athens
They were like Sofia, in that they had a few nice small places, that were very pleasant, and a lot of depressing shit in between. In Bucharest did you visit the мaнджa cтpийт exiting the park? Lived that area. There was a 4 story high souvenir shop as well, that sort of sinks into the street level, and was all windows, very fancy.
I guess its all kind of personal taste, I was only in the city centre of Paris and mainly by foot, even missed centre pompadou (I think thats the name?) cause its a bit outside.Honestly, I wouldnt say that im a blatant racist but these niggers everywhere and the dirt really killed it for me. Also gypsies everywhere, everywhere.
Of course it has nice architecture but if you dont feel safe or amongst your own then to me its not enjoyable experience. Amsterdam has different problems, to me its just small and provincial, honestly is. Totally overrated imo.
Berlin isnt all typical for a German city, make no mistake about it. Its really metropolitan, thats what makes it special. Other German cities are boring to death.
>If you mean muslim immigrants, I didn't get that feeling at all.
The taxi drivers in Berlins are German. I haven't seen that in other German cities.
>мaнджa cтpийт
The fuck is that
I know this guy really visited Berlin
And this guy was really in Paris. I don't understsand how people can be "disappointied" by Paris but impressed by a shithole like Valencia. Paris has the best architecture in the world. Unironically. And the only downside is that it's unsafe as fuck, and very anarchic. You must be on your guard all the time there
i don't know how to explain it without losing the message
he'd know though
I would pay 1M euros for a 50m2 apartment in Paris
It's a good deal and not a ripoff for living in the most aesthetic city on earth. If you tried to convince me an apartment in Zurich or Geneva is worth as much I'd laugh in your face (But shqips fall for the scam)
But it doesnt matter what you understand or not because it all depends on taste. Ive visited the world when you still went to highschool so theres that.
you are breathing so you are already putting oxygen in your mouth
>мaнджa cтpийт
tfw bulgars are literal tatars
If you like Valencina more than Paris you have no taste
Lel I got that too
when will you die, iki?
Have your NPC taste then
it literally means "food street"
мaнджa is persian for cooked food, cтpийт is how you spell the the english word "street" with cyrillic
it means the wide walking only street-square hybrid where there are upper middle class restaurants and cafes and hip shops, where young people and tourists hang out, you know how these places cluster up with similar businesses and restaurant next to restaurant
you probably have a slang phrase for it, and probably know what i mean, i can't be arsed to explain
>manja street
That is a street in the local student's town in Sofia where you can get cheap fastfood.
>мaнджa is persian
so the italian verb for "eat" is actually persian?
I mean, thats the original мaнджa cтpийт, but now people just call all clustering of restaurants that.
Post cute cities:
Would you like it if it had no sea?
Nope, you are right and I am wrong, its from Italian. Must've been thinking about something else. A lot of those "turkish" words we have are from Persian, since thats what Ottoman aristocracy spoke.
The only nice city in Switzerland that the swiss go WE WUZ EUROPEON ignore that geneva is 80% commie blocks
Also >200pixels
Shiptar spotted
I dont know, it would be another city then
Would you like Paris if it had no architecture?
It would be a city in Africa with all the shitskins there.
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