>pronounced as "shugar"
Why does english do this?
>pronounced as "shugar"
Why does english do this?
Saged for low-quality thread attempt
but you just bumped his thread
It would be easier to learn if English was written by something like cyrillic, so you wouldn't have to memorise both the pronouncation and writing.
But then it would look more like Chav slang or Ebonics lol.
Brazilians really don't have any ground to complain
Portoguese pronounciation was already fucked up enough and you guys managed to make it worse
Russian orthography isn't phonetical too. We have digraphs and etc, for example cч in "cчacтьe" (hapiness), or тc in "coвeтcкий" (soviet).
Are rules in Scots so complicated too? Or they are more simple, at least a bit? I know that Scots can have diacritics.
Baй ин тхe фyк вyлд ю вaнт Eнгдиш вpиттeн ин Cиpилик?
This is why Croatian rules supreme.
When you learn the alphabet, you basically know how to pronounce every single Croatian word.