biz is too stupid to understand

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Mimble Wimble
Mimble Wimble
Mimble Wimble
Mimble Wimble
Mimble Wimble
Mimble Wimble
Mimble Wimble
Mimble Wimble

Update Sunday, June 10th, 2018

Bit late on this one as I was too deep into nasty web UI-type code on Friday, but here’s a quick update on last week and plans for this week.

As mentioned last week, I’ve factored out communication from the wallet code as well as created separate listeners for what I’m calling the “owner” and “foreign” api interfaces, which are intended to provide rest apis for the wallet owner and external senders respectively. @igno.peverell has jumped into the wallet fray by factoring out the Keychain into a trait 1 and is now working on an LMDB version of the wallet backend, which should hopefully be faster and more flexible than the current file-based implementation.

Up this week, first I’m going to spend a bit of time integrating Tromp’s latest ‘meaner’ miner into grin-miner, to try and get the core Grin mining experience up to the speed of the GrinGoldMiner. Then, continuing work on a bare-bones web wallet that uses the wallet owner interface. There’s a bit of work already done but it’s nowhere near ready to show. I’ll be creating a new repository soon to keep it all in, but shan’t be providing instructions to build and run it until it’s in a ready-ish state. So there.

And just as an aside, if there are any web frontend experts looking to get involved in Grin’s development (I’m using Angular for the time being), now would be a great time to jump in!

Will provide a lengthier update and hopefully a thing or two to demonstrate at the end of the week!

Stop larping you stupid fuck, you never got in

What coin is this?


Why the fuck i would buy this , as regulations are coming soon.

This is really fucking risk. You can get 100% rekt if you buy in. Or get these 5x gains.


Emotiq is compliant, that’s why pajeets like you will never get in. Stay poor pajeet!!!!!!!

Mimble my wimble biz cucks

Attached: A2E80D37-134C-40EB-8504-5F0609F9E015.jpg (850x323, 45K)

this EMOTIQ fucker better give me the 7x gainz it promises after those market cucks kill my shitcoins

how can i buy some emotiq

Unless you're an accredited investor with a spare $100k, you can't.

i have a few to spare, just not the accreditation. wat do?

Comfy thread.

Got 100k invested.

Ready to dump on you bag holders.

Find someone to pool with

Find someone who is an accredited investor or a pool

They're not accepting pools! If you find one let me know so i can snitch on you bizztard.

So what's the purpose of this coin?

I have accreditation, I just wanted to come on here and see you pajeet's suffer for a while!!! STAY POOR!!!

delete this wtf

Like we really need anymore pajeet scam coins

Attached: 55443D7B-1BE0-47E7-95F2-43583E270941.jpg (251x242, 22K)

Who the fuck cares? Nobody can do sth against it.

>Or sorry i had two ether adress with my finds

Obviously you don't have 100k to participate. More for me

Detected the real pajeet

Well hopefully they do airdrops like Dfinity.

to make the rich richer. poor pajeets wont have a chance because 100k is the minimum. they have to hope for lord joel to drop some air hahaha.

shake your bootty


I might throw in 150k. Not sure about it yet, but it will be a well timed launch EoY.

Hard to lose money on that, except your an exit scam

>shills new vaporware to gamble on during a a crash
Weeewww this market is brilliant

Your chances are slimmer than ever to make it off ico and new coins

Yea you can hit the home run, score a cool 4 or 5x

But likely as we have seen happen constantly here it'll rise a little. You'll get greedy and want more, it'll dump and you are left holding bags

Pajeet pajeet....just give up and accept defeat
You already rekt biz with that stinky chain Link

Pajeet pajeet....you always shill,
Just go on and pay your bill
I advise you buy zill.... (for real)

>I advise you buy zill.... (for real)
Obviously you would, when you feel the danger from emotiq killing your shitcoin the second it is launching on the market.

90% of the ICOs are shit and obviously are only here for money grabbing reasons. But since you cannot participate anyway, because you don't have enough money, why bother replying in this thread, poorfag.

Loading up the gun, doubling down and spending 100k + on the newly released ponzi token

You better hope this one makes it. Gotta make up for those losses right?
Unless of course you get dumped with moree bags ;^)

Yes please delete. Don't need these pajeets in on our moon coin ;)

when is this shitcoin live

Ok I'll be real with you bizz.
I got in round 1 with 700 ETH. I also did ZIL and Harmony.

These Omniledger projects will all do great! I'm talking about 15x - 20x gains by EOY
Zil is already there, Harmony started getting hyped around 1 month ago and now bizz is finding out about Emotiq!
Unlike ZIL, Emotiq won't even have an ICO they're way oversubscribed and I'm lucky AF to have discovered it before the masses found out..

I am here since 2013. I guess i could burn some money and wouldn't even feel it.


>newly released ponzi token
It has to be a ponzi scheme since i cannot buy it! Obvious coping mechanism.

Zilliqa + emotiq + harmony = holy trinity of moon!