Someone please explain 0x bitcoin to me

So it's basically an ecr-20 token that's mined just like bitcoin? What's the point? Why not just use Ethereum istelf (which is already mined) instead?

Attached: logo.png (324x323, 14K)

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All erc20 tokens are scams

The point is, imo, that we are re-running a simulation of bitcoin growth , using the ethereum computer. Just like how this reality is probably and ancestor simulation of human life.

This will 10x from here this summer, so easily.

it's just a scam, and it worked, people are falling for it

Ethereum is not a store of value because of its unlimited supply.
0xBTC implements Bitcoin's supply model as a Ethereum smart contract.
Considering that smart contracts can interact with each other, 0xBTC will become the ultimate store of value.

The community has been working on an exchange that uses 0xBTC as a base currency:

It's a scam, the mining does nothing for this token lol.

Mining Creates fair distribution and the coin doesn't require to be mined to survive that is a million times better than BCH or BTC can offer.

If the banks get a hold of a majority of the coins they can release the coin again with a different contract with new features. Redistributing the PoW system again.

Miners with otherwise useless rigs are shilling you this coin. Don't fall for the Jow Forums hypetrain again user.

Please do tell me how Bitcoin is better than 0xBTC I would love to hear your argument.

Attached: Explain to me.jpg (600x360, 56K)


You're reply is "It's a meme already"
We should all be aware of the lifespan of meme on the internet.

>Shhhhut the fuck up bitch vegana
t. pajeets

>deluded to pajeet
Please do tell me why BTC is better.
Besides "it's a meme"

lol Bitcoin is compromised by (((institutional))) money and malicious whales like MtGox. Those whales are holding ridiculous high percentage of the circulating supply like 0.8% ~ 1%.
With 0xBTC you can avoid ones like MtGox who can shit on your face at any time.

Attached: Iczq4PX.png (988x641, 120K)

The point is that it's an improved distribution method for ERC20s compared to all previous methods (such as airdrops).

That is literally the only advantage of it, and it comes at the cost of polluting the environment. I would only support this method if it temporary.

well after all coins have been mined you can stop mining solving the pollution problem. It doesn't require to be mined to keep its ledger.


Ultimately the following institutions are about to come down.


This coin puts all of them out of business.

I'm holding for the potential that it will flip Bcash.

The road less traveled my friends

Attached: The road less traveled.jpg (730x438, 72K)

Whole crypto is a scam user u know datby now ihope for.ur lonely soul biggest shills strongest gains 0xshitcoin tooda moon im serious love this coin ni fucking homo devs no fucking goals to reach just store of value only thing that matters inmy opinion silkroad 4.0 gonna use that coin

Please tell me of a better store of value user I would love to know about it.

Better get in or get your brain blown out too da moon

already am

0xbtc is perfect we just keep shilling this bitch to get rich fuck dem other scamcoins with stupid goals too reach

In legitimate Projects only the devs are winning scamcoins rich bastards getting richer ofthis ponzi 0xbtc is the new american dream keep this in mind

Instead of providing an functional and coherent argument of why BTC or BCH is a better store of value I think I'll just call my opponent a bitch and call his coin a scam coin.
What an intriguing argument you have I've never thought of that way.

Aside from the pollution, 0xBTC really is a perfect currency.

0xBTC pollution problem is tempory where BTC's is not.

redpill me on the pollution issue

Anything that uses electricity causes pollution because we burn coal for energy

The pollution caused by this is temporary as when the all the coins are mined it no longer needs to be mined for it to survive as it doesn't require a its own ledger.

there is no point. Its just a biz scam and a lot of dumb fucks actually fell for it. This coin will follow the path of TRTL.. The shilling will continue for a couple of weeks maybe and then the people who started it dump it and the price falls down to near zeo

Attached: 0X_MAN.png (931x525, 701K)

scamcoin to make normies fall for "muhlowpricesandgrowth"

The most bullish "scam" you will find. How are people still ignoring this?

I tried explaining this to some shiller and all he gave me was
>muh store of value, ether has infinite supply