Could my uncle pass as local in your cunt?

Could my uncle pass as local in your cunt?

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he looks like a german so not really

nort italian ancestry

looks like kramer so yes

who dat?

saints dat


he doesent look like an amerindian tho

Yes, and there are lots of people here who don't look like Amerindians.

Not here

he looks like a light dinarian from the balkans

his mom was from veneto

l8ke 0.01%

ah, he could definitely pass as an italian

not ere in norteast



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yup looks br

yep, totally
t. argentinian on holidays

Tyrolean here, was gonna say yes he could

no, but he could pass for italian

I would assume he was from the continent. Face is too symmetrical to be Irish.
Symetrical faces are low-test JSYK

ow are brazilians treated in ireland?

They clean our floors


He looks like my building's janitor

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Decently, I think. There is no negative stereotypes associated with them, as far as I know. We have quite a few brazillians here. My biased opinion of the Brazillias I have interacted with, is that they are friendly, and exciting, but also kind of shallow.


we are italians,