Oh no my net worth went from 11M to 8M whatamIgonadoooooo
So sad to only live with 8M
That feel when you're in this since 2011 and these "crashes" don't affect you at all
Oh no my net worth went from 11M to 8M whatamIgonadoooooo
So sad to only live with 8M
That feel when you're in this since 2011 and these "crashes" don't affect you at all
won't be so smug when bitcoin is 3 digits ;)
It already is, the fake one, that is.
If that happens that all other shitcoins will be under $1
If you didn't cash out at long before 11M to diversify and only have a fraction of your fortune in crypto, you were kind of an idiot.
If I cashed out I wouldn't have 11M by now, would I?
When Bitcoin is $200K you will see who is the idiot.
Diversifying is a meme for idiots who don't know what they're doing.
It's what every cuck who thinks they understand anything about finance tells you
When Bitcoin was $100 everyone told me to cash out and diversify... people with degrees in this stuff
I am glad I never listened
"Diversification is protection against ignorance"
Wait until bitcoin gets to 400k.
I don't know why these faggots are panicking for the correction.
Wanting to "cash out" means not believing in Bitcoin. I believe, like Steve Wozniak and Twitter founder (forget his gay name, Dorsey?) - that Bitcoin will become the de facto world reserve currency, there's no reason to even "cash out", YOU ALREADY HAVE MONEY in the best future store of value. Why put it in something inferior?
MAYBE, just MAYBE, I would consider buying real estate but it seems just too much hassle.
Diversifying is not a meme, you just got lucky
>$3 mil
>don't affect me
Why are you lying on an anonymous subreddit?
I never said to cash out.
Fuck fiat, it'll be worthless in some years.
I want adoption to happen so i can pay food n shit with crypto.
A low amount if you can see where crypto is heading.
>hodl since 2011
>just got lucky
cope shitskin.
Coping boomer
Why wouldn't there be a better option than bitcoin as a crypto"currency"?
Yea sure you do lmao
The amount of self-delusion in this thread is spectacular. Darlings, sorry to burst your bubble, but you did actually just get lucky, and, no, any financial success that you may be experiencing is due mainly to chance rather than some supreme knowledge or security-picking skills that you think you may be endowed with. You are no special snowflakes, just a few bastards who got lucky when the vast majority did not - nothing special or particularly awe-inspiring.
Another coping nigger, who invested in BCC.
>Muh 2% daily algorithm bot, I am smart
There cannot be two competing PoW cryptos, doesn't make sense. We don't need 2 PoW cryptos and PoS doesn't work.
Another potentially illiterate dumbfag, mired in an illusion of grandeur that would make a narcissistic fag blush with embarrassment. Get real, my dear.
More LARPING than Richard Heart.
>"My dear"
Why do you speak like a literal homosexual? Are you trolling or an actual sodomite?
Oh wow, I'm conversing with a person who equates homosexual people with sodomites. To think your kind is still subsisting somewhere in the dark bowels of the intrawebz. How much lower can you go, user?
the delusion in this post is hilarious.
>he thinks world leaders would let BTC be world reserve currency
The fact that you think it's about "letting" tells me you're confused. They don't need to "let" anything.
How retarded can one be?
Some people clearly got very lucky & won't last long XD
Aryan Scandi and whiter than you can ever dream to be fucking piece of shit mutt
How fucking stupid are you, absolute brainlets
getting in at 2011 is the definition of a lucky entry
I have been holding since 2013 and that is also a somewhat lucky entry. Of course it takes a lot more than luck but luck is the single biggest factor.
And none of this shit means diversification is a meme. Diversification is literally one of the most important principles in finance. How about you clueless 12 year olds fuck off back to rebbit instead of talking shit on a Business & Finance board
>Wow that sure is a stupid venture capitalist, diversifying in 10 startups. He should just go all in in one
>That sure is a stupid retirement portfolio consisting of more than one stock
Literally fucking kill yourselves you brainless pajeets
On the other hand, overdiversification can be a meme and useless and even harmful
Your net worth is fucking zero until you cash out remember that kid. Fake internet money won't put food on your table. Show the 8M in cash or clean up your resume for the local mcdonalds broke boy
t. absolute and total brainlets
sodomite = fuck ass
pray tell mr fag, what is a fag if not something who fucks other men in the ass
Hello fellow oldfag.
Did you hear the news BCH is bitcoin now? Your stacks better reflect that if you expect to break 100m
Let you in on a secret kid, he's flat broke you're talking to nobody
Crypto doesn't care about your diversification rule from the 101 finance market
Everything follows bitcoin, up and down. Obviously going all in in one project is a good combination of luck and risk / reward. But more than 2-3 is completly useless, which wouldn't even be close to be called diversification in the stock market. Therefore it is a meme.
After your due diligence, obviously if you understand the tech and what parameters matter, then investing is everything else than luck. Hard to accept this fact.
It wasn't in 2011 and wont be in 2018 either. With your flawed logic, every early investor in coca cola, facebook, amazon, tesla. Call them whatever you want, lucky, retarded etc, because they were able to see the potential earlier than the rest of the market. The slight difference is, when tesla fails, than coca cola will still be up and running (also vice versa). In the crypto market non of this shit matters, since everything is coupled with BTC.
I fully understand that you are mad as fuck, since you have joined 2013 (doubt of trust) and you weren't able to be the upper average of investors.
In the end it matters how much risk you are willing to take and since we are in one of the highest volatile shitmarket, i guess diversification wont help you here.
PS: How has you diversification helped you in the last 2 days? Oh everything went down around 15%. Great.
>Mommy i did it again! Look!!!
>Aryan Scandi
Nice try sven
I hope you realize how dumb you sound right now
BCH is garbage I sold it as soon as it forked
the only decent coin other than bitcoin (BTC) is XMR but even this is a shitcoin you will realize sooner or later... another decent-ish one is decred, at least it has real ex-bitcoin devs and some kind of interesting features, but really Bitcoin is the only serious project out there. Ethereum is total garbage for brainlets.
First of all, I did not mean diversification inside crypto market, that one is totally useless to protect you from downside since as you said everything is tied to btc which is the only one that matters for market movement so far.
I am just telling these retards that diversification is 100% not a meme because risk management is the most important factor in trading and investing.
On the other hand diversification in crypto (eth/omg/xmr) did help me in the bullmarket because of higher gains
I am absolutely not saying it is just luck, because his or my bitcoin did not just suddenly appear in our wallets. I mean luck is the biggest factor, because not everything with potential takes off. It is in a way similar to poker
>PS: How has you diversification helped you in the last 2 days? Oh everything went down around 15%. Great
It helped me reduce my losses to under 2% by cashing out earlier ie being diversified into other things (fiat mostly)
>I fully understand that you are mad as fuck, since you have joined 2013 (doubt of trust) and you weren't able to be the upper average of investors.
A bit yes, because I bought literally days after I first heard about it, but didn't have the luck to hear about it before late 2013
You are a special kind of retard.
Then i guess we agree on every single point. Diversification in the crypto market is a meme, but you are right...you should be diversificated over all in different assets, especially when you are dealing with high risk ones like crypto. EXCEPT you are a poorfag and diversification would hurt you more than help you.
Nice thoughts user.
OP is an arrogant shithead that will probably die of cancer at some point, but people calling him "lucky" are more retarded than him. Hodling for 7 years is not exactly easy. There are many factors that will make you sell: greed and fear being the biggest. If hodling was so easy, where are all the Jow Forums millionaires? We have shitcoins that could have made people millionaires in 1-2 years if they just hodled. They didn't. The fact is that most people are fearful weak hands or greedy cunts that sell as soon as they get a "life changing" amount of money. For most this is at 1 million. For some even less than that.
OP hodled through an insane bear market without being tempted to sell and realize gains. He was rewarded for this. If you dipshits think hodling is easy, go ahead and try it with your favorite shitcoin. Come post here in 7 years.
>EXCEPT you are a poorfag and diversification would hurt you more than help you.
Well this of course is also true, you need some starting capital for it to be useful.
Interesting pic, where did you find that?
You are right, I take it back. I don't consider myself to be just "lucky" either. Holding is extremely hard mentally for some and takes balls of steal and good judgement. But luck is still a big part of it and calling diversification a meme just because of this outlier event is pretty stupid
pls kys.
Stumbling across Bitcoin by 2011 is luck. The realization that crypto will fundamentally change the way we view currency forever took foresight however. Hodling 7 years through peak uncertainty in one of the most volatile markets takes balls and forethought. Personally, I was one of the "lucky" ones who came across BTC while browsing /b/ back in 2010. I figured it was just an elaborate scam and invested nothing
You are right
>Personally, I was one of the "lucky" ones who came across BTC while browsing /b/ back in 2010
Back then I thought Jow Forums was only literally psychos, child porn, gay porn and traps
I'm really mad at myself for not being here and instead wasting time on other shit forums
>Back then I thought Jow Forums was only literally psychos, child porn, gay porn and traps
Can't forget the memes!