How do you shave your balls?
How do you shave your balls?
Ryan Peterson
Connor Turner
Dear god no. I did it “once” and I was itching for days.
William Myers
Disposable razor works fine.
Luke Watson
I cut my ballsack open once while doing that. Never again.
Kevin Reyes
You don't. You're not a true man if you don't have a manly bush.
Leo Gutierrez
only if you ask me to~
Aaron White
It's only the first few times you shave your balls (and the skin above your penis) that it starts to itch. After a few times your body gets used to it.
t. hasn't shaven for 2 years now
Jose Gonzalez
With a depilatory cream, just like the rest of your genitals. You have to trim them first though.
Adrian Jackson
Just google it. Even YouTube has detailed guides
Robert Cook
>he grows hair on his balls