Come on Sweden.
Do it.
Come on Sweden
Other urls found in this thread:
need backup
2017 was a disappointment
I suggest a swarm of suicide drones.
Thermite is the answer.
I live 5 minutes from it.
Should I?
Dress as a berserker, run screaming towards it and throw a burning spear at it.
do it pussy
they have jammers around the goat
i skip this board for 1 fucking week and already don't know wtf is going on
Do it faget.
Awesome if true.
>helicopter kidnapping
What the fuck..?
Why burn it down? Why ruin people's celebrations?
Burning it down is part of the local traditional aspect of the celebration.
>haha le ebin goat
This, the fact that its been destroyed more times than it has survived, tells that it is part of the tradition.
This desu.
>Awesome if true.
It's true. Cellphones get's fucked if you get too close as well.
It's an ancient Jow Forums tradition you newfag
Soon. Very soon.
>tfw be living in Gävle
>live across street from the damn thing
>the smoke always drift towards this street
>it has set of my fire alarm twice in the past