800 ARK feels good to have made it
800 ARK feels good to have made it
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you need another 200 to make it
hope i will be there before the main v2
Anything below 1k is arklet status though
What number do you guys think you need to make it for real ? it's so cheap right now . Been eyeing Ark for awhile.
with 800 you get 6.5 per month
when ark reaches EOS mc it will be 100$ per ARK and this is the minimum it will reach
I've seen alot of Bullish posts on here but then i se the Delusional Arkies memes too.
The wallet looks slick. Is it doing anything that other cryptos aren't in your opinion ?
Are they working with any other cryptos ?
depends on which level of delusion are you
If you think ARK can reach EOS' marketcap, which I think it can easily do, you'd need 10k+ to be ok.
If you think ARK can reach ETH's marketcap, around 1k should probably be enough.
soon you will be able to buy ark directly from the wallet ARK will be the main network to launch your own tokens and all the ARK launched tokens will be swap-able directly from the ARK wallet
just realized EOS is at 10 billion marketcap instead of 4. Guess my numbers don't make sense now.
>Is it doing anything that other cryptos aren't in your opinion
You either didn't do enough research on ARK or not enough research on other projects.
Here's what ARK does best:
- decentralization: it's the most decentralized top 100 platform
check this for reference to see the absolute state of crypto and understand why ARK's 51 non-cartelized delegates are a big deal
-scalability with sidechains: no more cryptokitties bullshit clogging the network; each dapps has its own sidechain that it can configure any way it wants
-interoperability: each dapp can communicate with other dapps in the ARK ecosystem and outside the ARK ecosystem (the potential here is mind blowing)
-PushButton deployable chains (BIG ONE): this is the main bottleneck for crypto adoption right now. With ARK, deploying your own blockchain will be as easy as setting up a wordpress site for your business. Not only you can do that, but you have your own sidechain that you can choose to keep private or connected with the outside world. See the potential in this?
-18 programming languages: this is great for developers
TL/DR: ARK will probably be the gateway for blockchain to go mainstream because they eliminated all the bottlenecks in the adoption process. Other shit like smartbridges, NFC, IPFS and so on are just bonuses.
It will be just a matter of time until businesses adopt ARK or some turbo autist makes a very successful dApp on ARK that will rival Facebook or Microsoft. When that happens you'll want to own a part of the infrastructure.
10k ark and hate life . what the fuck you cunts on about?
those 800 costed me like 700$ if you bought at like 5-8$ ofc you will hate your life know
Just researched some more. going to buy 800 and then 200 after two paychecks :) Downloaded the wallet
>just realized EOS is at 10 billion marketcap instead of 4. Guess my numbers don't make sense now.
What? Your numbers only make sense at the 10 billion Mc. Ark would be $100 at EOS MC
Almost all in on SKY but Synth the lead dev on Sky seems to really like the project.
they don't make sense meaning that 10k will probably be overkill. Most people would be ok with 5-7k to live the neet life.
Oh alright I misunderstood
If ark stayed at 10% staking returns then 5k would definitely be enough at $100 but the problem is dilution. Once it gets more popular we definitely aren't going to see the types of staking returns we see now, even bizs returns are at about 8% already
Is this true? How low could staking rewards fall theoretically?
You're using that meme wrong.
yeah, spent some time thinking about this. I've reached the following conclusion:
Ark rewards early adopters, the earlier you are the higher the rewards are. At some point it will plateau around 4% (6-7% realistically since not everyone will stake). The best strategy is to buy early and postpone selling your staking rewards as much as you can. Someone that bought in 2017 and hodled for 5-6 years could potentially have 40-50% more ARK at the end of this period if he didn't sell his staking rewards. At the end of this period you could start living from ARK's gibs and now you'd get 4% (or 6-7%) but from a significantly larger base amount.
People who are selling their staking rewards (and are not whales) are retarded since they are gimping their future earnings. Best thing you can do is postpone selling as much as possible.
I'm not really sure, I do know that other delegates can still offer those 10% returns but they're risky because they could drop out of the top 52 and stop staking so they can't pay out. Biz pays a little less because of so many people voting but it means you'll never have to worry about them dropping out of the top 52
check pic related from my post above.
>V2 will be released at the absolute worst time imaginable
Classic Ark
ARK and ChainLink are both shitcoins for idiots who don't understand what are cryptocurrencies and what is good about them.
Read the original bitcoin whitepaper you drooling mongoloids.
nah this is the test net release i imagine the real one will come 1-2 months after
12k ark here and firmly in denial. if i ignore the problem i'll be rich in 2-3 years, r-right?
You need 1k
1 month after
you can't know for sure
I have a little over 800 ark and over 14k Link...will I make it?
Yes. You'll make it.
You won't.
Get more ark. Keep link just in case
*sigh* I'll go get the marker
I am trying but I can't sell my other shitcoins just yet.
Core is a dinosaur that will never be able to scale or provide dApps. There's too much politics around core for it to successfully maneuver in this fast paced environment. Just look at the lightning network
i bought at 70c in june
gib milkies
>Deluded Arkie
Shiiit only got 430 arks, bought a while ago and forgot, look like this is taking off soon. How long to I have to buy another 1k arks at cheap prices.
What I don't like about Ark is that their "smartbridges" depend on centralized ACES nodes.
Also ACES nodes are technically exchanges and if you run one, you then have to pay taxes for every coin exchange that users make with you as an intermediary
What you on about, explain yourself
How do you think smartbridges work?
I actually want people to tell me I'm wrong.
You're wrong. Aces is a community project and nothing about ark depends on it
I don't know enough to answer
How would smartbridge connect different blockchains without ACES?
Its true you mongrel, aces is centralised. Updates & improvements to the multisig mechanics coming in V2 and the addition & integration of ArkVM will provide a decentralised solution to the problem.
As will another delegate named project ran by biz delegate.
SB is just a 64 byte text field attached to the header of a block transaction. Code snippets combined with encoded listners allow complex contract execution to occur.
Its all on whatisarkcom under users > developers. Images need fixing on the tutorials page tho ignore those.
Part of ACES is planned to be integrated into ARK to enable decentralization.
Encoded listners look for trigger words in the text field of the block headers.
Wasted. Phore is the best buy
That's good to know actually.
Do you happen know which part is planned to be integrated?
Because the way I see it someone has to provide liquidity somehow. How would that be decentralized?
The only way I see it if Ark main net would become decentralized ACES/marketplace/exchange.
people have been saying this shit will moon for a year now. truth is you're desperate fucks who've been holding onto one of the worst performing alts of the past 6 months. your in denial if you think ark v2 will give you anything other than a 10% pump followed by a subsequent harder dump, just like everything else they've released. face it arktards, even though it appears like a solid project, this one just ain't a money maker.
Feck off you bangaldesian phore. Quints are reserved for good coins only.
How many delegates are there?
I saw a prediction $14 in 2018..any truth to that
51 voting is weighted unlike other Dpos systems
Yeh that one infographic was a fair, conservative prediction, even pajeet walletinvestor claims over $9
In reality Ark will be anywhere in the region of $30 -$300 depending on level of adoption and Market sentiment.
But ACES node is an encoded listener.
He told 2018.
With bitcoin shitting itself and overall bear market sentiment I don't think it will even come close to $9.
Also adoption will be poor since v2 launch is only the first step. And I think Blockport need to be success successful.
Well that's cool. I'll have about 9000 if it drops down to 26k sats so I guess I'll probably make it if I wait long enough.
Im wagecucking atm dont have time to run through it all with you. Search ryano ark aces on reddit & medium, mainly medium thats the technical stuff.
ArkVM & deployed chains arent too far away. Vm is a port of ETHs 70% complete and the ark deployer works now theyve been using it at hackathons & conferences. Just needs the GUI completing. Once V2 is fully functional it won't take long at all for Ark to move forward. I last checked walletinvestor in Jan and thats what i remember not been back since, its not a good indicator hence the pajeet title.
1300 Arkie here. Hope I make it
What info graphic are you two talking about?
VM is in PoC stage still, the 70% is a meme.
Deployer is really good, I've used it extensively for testing things.
I'm actually the one working on porting deployer to AWS/GCloud, we already have an Azure deployer.
doing god's work, Moon
What makes this dPOS blockchain not shit? I can't see dPOS projects surviving in the long term
And you can see a future for PoW and PoS, where huge cartels have formed already and can manipulate the price as they see fit?? dPoS is the lesser of three evils in this regard.
Checked. Btw where do all these arkies come from. 1k is minimum to make it btw. 22k arkslaver here. Daily payout 5.9 ark.
I disagree, because at the very least in pow or pos it's a lot harder for cartels to form and have any influence on the what transactions are validated, whereas in dpos cartels are being formed even before mainnet are released and they can manipulate the price but also the blockchain itself.
not everyone lives on a richfag country
i don't know how the ark dpos works the post
Tjats because ark and sky work together. Ark wants its push deployable side chains to have the option to run on skywire to be truly decentralized and independent from the jews.
No I don't, hence my post Please enlighten me
I cant say much. But this will be solved after v2. Cant say more sorry or ill fuck up someones shit. Said too much already.
Fearfully checked for e.x.o.
hey you're not moon or chang...
> Regular POS: Bad Share Holders can still mess with the system *some* of the time.
DPOS: Bad Shareholders have very little influence over operation of the network assuming the majority are not deceived.
> DPOS: Can be attacked by deception of majority, but easily fixed with a quick hard-fork to new delegates.
POS: Can be attacked by deception of majority (leased forging) or by one large actor.
> Assuming large actors are benevolent I guess the systems are equal... but DPOS provides an easier way to reach consensus on change where as large owners effectively control regular POS.
> POS: Controlled by large minority share holders
DPOS: Controlled by majority of shareholders, large minorities have influence but are not sufficient to control.
> POS: effectively turns into DPOS in practice, DPOS just streamlines the system
Arkumulated more During the dip. My stack will be 4K when I get my next payout.
Im gonna buy another k as well. This bitch IS going to moon. Cant believe were actually getting V2.
b ark
Picture lacks all supporting info because there is nothing of value in either coins shown
This is like $1500USD user. Even at 100x this is modest at best.
Lookie here ya'll, I found a pure bred idiot. Going out window licking later?
Quality sniff
yeah best price you'll see before v2, 100 end of year.